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claim: this 1656 (?) "coin" shows a UFO
This is actually a Jeton.
There are several theories as to what the picture on this jeton signifies:
the jeton reads "Opportunus Adest" which google translates as "There oppurtunity", which some ufo believers translate as "It is here at an oppurtune time". Still others translate this as "He is here at an oppurtune time".
The other side of a jeton with the same "ufo" picture reads something like " cam [h] ira computorum niustrie" (?)
Niustr means "unjust". and computorum means "accounts".
Another jeton from 1648 with a similar "ufo flower" reads " Obruitur pluribus, Resistit Paucis" , which Google translates as " Resists briefly, overwhelmed several".
this book explains it as

note: argent means silver.
Here are some other 'coins' of france with similar picture styles. (personally i think it's a "crown flower shield sent from Heaven" : )
In the first coin pic the man holds a shield.
and flower motifs:
This is actually a Jeton.
External Quote:Jetonsweretokenorcoin-like medals produced across Europe from the 13th through the 17th centuries. They were produced as counters for use in calculation on a lined board similar to anabacus. They also found use as a money substitute in games, similar to modern casino chips orpoker chips. Thousands of different jetons exist, mostly of religious and educational designs, as well as portraits, these most resembling coinage. (The spelling "jeton" is from the French; the English spell it "jetton".)
External Quote:In the 16th century, jetons were mostly used to propagate political messages and to glorify the deeds of the ruler. There was such a great need to make propaganda through jetons that they continued to be struck long after jetons ceased to be used as counters. In France and in the Netherlands this new image of the jeton began about the end of the 16th century. The jeton became a small commemorative medal only suitable as a collectors item. The development in Germany was slightly different. In the course of the 17th century the counters became smaller and smaller, for little by little they were only used as chips for card-playing. Real jetons are metallic thin flat discs and are struck like coins. The differences from coins are: the metal is generally copper or brass and seldom silver. Gold jetons are very rare. The measure is always between ca. 20 mm and ca. 28 mm. Smaller or larger pieces cannot be used as reckoning counters. The relief is always low for easy pushing and making piles. (In France the jetons were mostly laid down overlapping, as shown in the figure). Jetons are not coins, so they never have an indication of value.
There are several theories as to what the picture on this jeton signifies:
- a stylized flower
- a shield sent from Heaven to protect the country
- Ezekiel's wheel (basically God's throne on 'wheels')
- an UFO (unidentified flying object)
the jeton reads "Opportunus Adest" which google translates as "There oppurtunity", which some ufo believers translate as "It is here at an oppurtune time". Still others translate this as "He is here at an oppurtune time".
The other side of a jeton with the same "ufo" picture reads something like " cam [h] ira computorum niustrie" (?)
Niustr means "unjust". and computorum means "accounts".
Another jeton from 1648 with a similar "ufo flower" reads " Obruitur pluribus, Resistit Paucis" , which Google translates as " Resists briefly, overwhelmed several".
this book explains it as
it seems the source is (?)External Quote:
The Coin of Burgundy, 1648, was found twice this year , one by Mr. Bijon , High Street , and the other by a resident of the suburb of Lyon. This token carries the legend of : Resistit paucis , obruitur pluribus . Burgundy has resisted so far, she succumbs now .
This token opposition testifies to the province government of then. The foolish war , called the Fronde was beginning to Paris , the country was in turmoil, and Burgundy was not far form themselves into independent state , has what can conjectuer by the shield of this token that is not torn as formerly from France and Burgundy. The lilies are gone and the old coat of arms left alone . Conde , winner of Recroy and appoint, at the beginning of triennalite , governor of Burgundy, avail Vincennes has been locked by order of the Court. The exaltation of Burgundy slingers was such that said Mr. Rossignol in Beaune , following a banquet , slingers mingled their blood Burgundy wine and swore , by dipping the tips of their swords , to die to defend the hero of Recroy .
You see, gentlemen, that our fathers did not show themselves indifferent to diverces scenes of civil and political life of their era . Octagon token with the motto colligit and elaborat .
Original french:
Le Comice de Bourgogne, 1648, a ete trouve deux fois cette annee, l'un par M. Bijon, Grande-Rue, et l'autre par un habitant du faubourg de Lyon. Ce jeton porte le legend de : Resistit paucis, obruitur pluribus. La Bourgogne a resiste jusqu'ici, elle succombe maintenant.
Ce jeton temoigne de l'opposition de la province Gouvernement d'alors. La sotte guerre, dite de la Fronde, commencait a Paris, le pays etait dans l'agitation, et la Bourgogne n'etait pas eloignee de se constituer en etat independant, a ce que l'on peut conjectuer par l'ecusson de ce jeton qui n'est plus ecartele comme autrefois de France et Bourgogne. Les fleurs de lis ont disparu et le vieux blason reste seul. Conde, le vainqueur de Recroy et nomme, au commencement de la triennalite, gouverneur de Bourgogne, avail ete enferme a Vincennes par ordre de la Cour. L'exaltation des frondeurs bourguignons fut telle, qu'au dire M. Rossignol, dans Beaune, a la suite d'un banquet, les frondeurs melerent de leur sang au vin de Bourgogne et jurerent, en y trempant la pointe de leurs epees, de mourir pour defendre le heros de Recroy.
Vous voyez, Messieurs, que nos peres ne se montraient pas indifferents aux scenes diverces de la civile ou politique de leur epoque. Jeton octogone avec cette devise : colligit et elaborat.

note: argent means silver.
Here are some other 'coins' of france with similar picture styles. (personally i think it's a "crown flower shield sent from Heaven" : )
In the first coin pic the man holds a shield.
External Quote:Commemorating the defeat of the Burgundian forces aligned with the Fronde in opposition to the absolute power of the monarch. The oath of fidelity quotes the words of the first president and the bishop of Autun at the time of the opening of the Chamber in 1651.
and flower motifs:
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