UFO Filmed By Airliner Pilot Over Colombia


New Member

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CHMQDqxFRY

Does anyone have an idea what this could be?

An Airbus A320 pilot, on a routine flight over Medellin, Colombia, looked out the cockpit window and spotted something he had never seen before in the clouds – a UFO. And now, many experts have agreed that the mysterious object filmed by an eyewitness is "real".

The pilot quickly grabbed his phone and began filming the mysterious object, first pointing the camera at his altimeter, which shows he was flying at about 30,000 feet, and then pointing it out the window towards the clouds.

The pilot zoomed in and immediately saw a strange geometric metal object flying in a straight line in the opposite direction.

The Proof Is Out There on the History channel further examined the footage, after which it became definitely clear that the UFO looks like a polyhedron. Various video experts were then interviewed.

One researcher has suggested that the object's diameter is between 10 and 15 feet, but its structure is unlike any flying object on Earth.

The aviation expert added that the object was moving too slowly to be a plane or a rocket, which implies that it does not look like a drone at all.
Against this backdrop, it has been suggested that it could be a solar orb, but this is highly unlikely as they do not "survive" at such a high altitude.
"I don't have a good explanation," the specialist said. Against this background, the interviewed experts classified the material as one of the "real UFOs".

Commentators also agreed with the findings and suggested that the pilot was able to quickly zoom in on the object because he had already seen it, followed it, grabbed his phone, and knew where to shoot:
"Pilots are required to have excellent vision to fly. Some commercial pilots once were military fighter pilots and they needed to have ABOVE average vision. All pilots are supposed to scan the sky visually to avoid collisions. The object traveled slower than them so it stuck out visually. It isn't surprising that he could spot it and then zoom in on it," wrote one commentator.

Many believe that a UFO is a weather balloon sent to the planet to collect samples or conduct surveillance. It is also interesting to note that Navy FA-18 fighter pilots saw similar UFOs at 35,000 feet off the East Coast a few years ago.

The Department of Defense is still investigating what those objects were. Meanwhile, Medellin is no stranger to sightings. This South American city has witnessed so many events that it has been nicknamed the New Roswell.

Probably a balloon, according to the pilot who took the video.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2DUSwVoLjQ

Video shows similar examples, zoomed in to show they are balloons.
experts have agreed that the mysterious object filmed by an eyewitness is "real"

Can I add my expertise? I also think the object is real. I don't want to speak for Mike, but he probably does too.

The quoted text is almost entrely meaningless - I have an issue with almost every single sentence. The paucity of the informaton content is palpable - most isn't information that can be debunked, because it says absolutely nothing.

Merely as a side issue - how is this "History"? I don't see any reference to Hitler in it all. Yes, that was a joke. You have the right not to laugh.
If I remember correctly, this was filmed above the town of Medellin in Columbia, the day after the Medellin Solar Balloon Festival. Quite a coincidence.
How likely is it for the integrated image filters (digital zoom) to turn a small round object into a small straight-edged object?
How likely is it for the integrated image filters (digital zoom) to turn a small round object into a small straight-edged object?
Here are some plastic balloons made by some Medellin folks for flying at an event in Bogota I have attended over the years. These were supplied with hot air rather than solar, but are built by some of the same folks. Thinking in terms of round, or small, might be in error! :)

bogota balloons.jpg

As a side note, I've seen tissue paper hot air balloons from Mexico reported as UFOs in the past, they can be VERY elaborate:
Here are some plastic balloons made by some Medellin folks for flying at an event in Bogota I have attended over the years. These were supplied with hot air rather than solar, but are built by some of the same folks. Thinking in terms of round, or small, might be in error! :)
Not only that, but many ufonauts think balloons cannot reach that high, which is another mistake. They have already in their mind excluded balloons, because they think they look like their 5 year old son's birthday balloon only.
It's interesting looking up the first of their "experts", the woman who most explicitly brought the idea of an "alien probe" into the discussion, Amy Eskridge, "President of the Institute For Exotic Science".

Unfortunately it appears that the institute's website is defunct; its twitter inactive for over two years; and Amy kind of disappeared online (no Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter activity), with similar stories for her previous operations (Arkham Storage, HoloChron Engineering, UNISPARC, and Black Label Data. among others).

It also appears that the "Institute for Exotic Science" wasn't much more than a father and daughter thing run from the family home that didn't really go anywhere (though to be fair, Amy does have a degree in chemistry and maybe some postgrad degrees and the dad, Richard, did work as an engineer for NASA in the Propulsion Research Center at Marshall Space Flight Center).
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Full quote: "One theory is that if we were visited by another civilisation they might send a probe ahead of when they actually come."

Non-specific theories and "mights" =/= "concluded in this specific case".
Non-specific theories and "mights" =/= "concluded in this specific case"
Yes. It's archive footage, edited in by the producers of the segment. The reasoning in the segment is "process of elimination": different hypotheses are introduced, and then all but the "alien visit" hypothesis promoted by Eskridge are discarded, leaving the "genuine UFO" aka alien probe/spaceship hypothesis as the only conclusion ("verdict").

There is not (and has never been) a positive identification of a non-terrestrial aerial vehicle that has stood up to scrutiny; every single alien UFO claim follows this process of elimination, (except uncorroborated witness sightings).
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"Genuine unidentified object" =/= "aliens"

"Humans might not be the only pilots up in the sky" =/= "concluded"
"Genuine unidentified object" =/= "aliens"

"Humans might not be the only pilots up in the sky" =/= "concluded"
"process of elimination", Rory, there's no other hypothesis left standing.

The "might" on the pilots opens the possibility that it's an unmanned probe, since the UFO seems small for a full spacecraft.
He also concluded that "it's possibly a balloon" - and his process of elimination led him to going with "unidentified", not "aliens" (obviously kinda clumsy to "eliminate" something it might be - but that's TV for ya).

Anyways, I'll just stick with the words. But others are of course welcome to interpret as they choose. :)
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- He also concluded that "it's possibly a balloon" and his process of elimination led him to going with "unidentified", not "aliens"
And then immediately shot down that possibility, calling it instead a "genuine ufo." But sure, we can pretend he wasn't implying aliens when he said that if you prefer, even though the entire segment was implying it.
Weird how they concluded aliens without talking to the pilot.
I agree. And isn't it weird to conclude that what a navy pilot saw was a balloon without talking to the navy pilot? And to reach that conclusion in spite of the fact that the navy pilot insists that what he saw was not a balloon?

If the OP airliner pilot had said "it's definitely an alien" would that have made any difference in your opinion of what it was? I have not noticed any witness's account on this site carrying any weight unless that account supports the hypothesis of "not alien" after which it becomes noteworthy evidence (as in this case).
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And then immediately shot down that possibility

Nah, he "shot down" drone or plane, but for balloon he said "it's extremely rare for a solar balloon to reach this altitude". And "extremely rare" = "not impossible" = "sometimes they reach this altitude" = "possible".

This echoes their earlier look at balloons where he says "regular helium balloons rarely make it to this altitude" (ie, "sometimes they do") and "but solar balloons are different...they've gone as high as 46,000 feet" - implying that a solar balloon is an even more likely candidate than helium (though he later casts some doubt on that by saying "they lose shape when they reach the cooler air up high" ("up high" is not defined)).

I understand where you're coming from - and thanks for clarifying that it was the presenter you were referring to - but I genuinely don't see "a conclusion that it's aliens". I see the conclusion that it's not a drone or a plane; the possibility that it's a balloon; the conclusion that it's a "real object" (ie, not a CGI hoax); and the decision to go with the most likely candidate being "a genuine unidentified flying object" (ie, it's real and we don't know what it is).

I'm pretty sure if he had concluded it was definitely "aliens" (ie, not a UFO) he'd have been doing more than quietly presenting it and moving on to the next story: he'd have been jumping up and down in his seat. :)
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The words "genuine UFO" are a kind of shibboleth

When someone sceptical calls you on it of course just means something we couldn't identify that is flying.
To your target audience it means alien spaceship.
This confusion about what UFO means when used by different people makes me appreciate the Pentagon's switch to UAP. There is still some chance that UAP can mean the same thing to everybody -- unidentified -- since UFO means Aliens" or similar to so many people now.
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This confusion about what UFO means when used by different people makes me appreciate the Pentagon's switch to UAP. There is still some chance that UAP can mean the same thing to everybody -- unidentified -- since UFO means Aliens" or similar to so many people now.
UAP is going the same way from what I can tell.
So @UAPF has recently published a video about this case, with a new interpretaion of the object from Peter Osbourne by "zooming" and "enhanching" and using upscaling to add detail where there was none previously.

Source: https://youtu.be/c3aKQZ3_Q8c?t=626

Its funny how he says at 11m16s "I shouldn't be able to see this, this is wrong" ... but somehow manages to convince himself & Jimmy @UAPF that it is actually right and a normal thing to do when investigating UFO videos. #facepalm
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So @UAPF has recently ublished a video about this case, with a new interpretaion of the object from Peter Osbourne by "zooming" and "enhanching" and using upscaling to add detail where there was none previously.
AI, right?
So adding large quantities of information to the image that it's inferred from other previous vaguely similar looking things?

That's about as useful for getting to the truth as cops bringing baggies of white powder, shell casings, and splashes of random blood and hair to crime scene investigations!