You don't have a commercial licence or Sim time. The hijackers did.
The point is that I doubt that I would find a high speed spiral descent even in that light plane as 'easy' as parking a compact nose on.
But it is actually very easy. Trivially easy almost.
Close this thread down then. You've debunked it.
I specifically remember the "theory" that Iran had loaded up the flight with corpses. It was disgusting.
The Pentagon wasn't built during the Cold War. It was built during WWII
Actually it has been done before- though not IN the US- but By the US
Yes, an urgent wartime effort; on the 77th meridian, under strict instruction to restrict the building's height to 77 feet, they began it's construction, on September 11th of that year, to be precise.I stand corrected, I was thinking 1951 instead of 1941, my mistake.. thanks Redwood
As to whether this is relevant to the general difficulty of the 9/11 flights will depend on a number of other factors.
So your answer to my question is that they would find these high speed spiral descents relatively easy ?
The "manoeuvre";
OMG that had me laughing quite out loud I am afraid.Zero. Thats the point. It would have been easier to crash where they were than to avoid them.
The argument about AAL77's choice of which side to hit seems equally pedantic. The first thing we can all agree on is that he was far too high. The idea that he should have aimed for the "generals".. well, how do you know he wasn't? Maybe he thought that was where they were? What ever, that is pointless conjecture. The point is his target was the Pentagon. It was a symbolic hit, not a military strike. It didn't matter where he hit it, so long as he hit it.
The argument by some truthers that at the first sight of the Pentagon, Hanjour should have pushed over into a dive is most ignorant assumption that could be envisioned.
The turn wasn't flawless, neither was the final run-in. The radar trace shows numerous small magnetic heading alterations in the final few minutes and then what I term a last second desperate lunge, probably to correct for drift from the northwesterly wind blowing at the time.
That is indicative of a pilot hand flying, but inaccurately. The speed is all over the shop as we say. This rules out an automated guidance system which compensates for drift and controls speed very accurately.
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External Quote:
BERNARD: Hello, my name is Marcel Bernard and I'm the chief flight instructor here at Freeway. Hani Hanjour, well basically what happened with him is... he showed at the airport and wanted to get checked out in the aircraft you see, he was already certified, he didn't come to us for flight training. Yeah, he already had a pilot's license. He already earned a - it was private, instrument, commercial at a school in Arizona - I don't remember the name of the school. He already had certificates in hand and we sometimes occasionally have pilots who come to us that don't want flight training, but just want to rent our aircraft.
INTERVIEWER: Which is the case of Hani Hanjour?
BERNARD: This was the case of Hani, he wanted to get "checked-out" as we call it to rent our aircraft. And our insurance requires that he flies with one of our instructors to be found competent to rent. And that was the process that he was going through. And consensus was, he was very quiet, average, or below average piloting skills, English was very poor, so, that's about the best description I can get, give you for his demeanor. At that time very uneventful from my perspective.
Having years of hands-on experience with automated guidance systems, and an intimate familiarity with the lay of the land of the final approach into the Pentagon, I can say with confidence that automated guidance is the ONLY viable explanation.
Sorry, but let me STOP YOU RIGHT THERE.
I happen to have looked into this particular aspect of 9/11. I can discuss at great lengths, and also, as an experienced pilot ON the B757/B767.
Do you wish to continue?
By all means. Is there anything that you dispute regarding my account of the final approach of AA77 into my place of employment?
Every person who has learned to fly understands the concept of the "overhead approach". Usually it is meant for the locating and ascertaining of an uncontrolled airport or other place to land (when uncertain of its specific location). Once flown over, then a controlled turn around combined with a descent will set up the airplane for an approach to the airport (or landing spot). In the case of 9/11 at the Pentagon, of course "landing" was not the intent...but the same principles are involved.
The "Military Overhead Break" is similar, for reference:
Perhaps a better image taken off of the Internet:
What was "different" on 9/11 RE: the Pentagon and AAL77 was merely the amount of turn, being about 330° rather than a "conventional" 180° and a "racetrack oval" with another 180° turn.
EDIT: On a personal would think that any website on the Internet who self-claim as "pilots" would be able to understand this very basic principle!
So we are to believe a crazed suicidal terrorist who wasn't interested in learning to land nor take off, and was flying one of the only aircraft aloft on the east coast was trying to avoid congestion? The description of the maneuver in the training manual you cribbed the image from is signally different from the maneuver executed by AA77 on final approach.External Quote:The 360-degree overhead patternis used to safely accommodate a maximum number of aircraft with minimum congestion.
So we are to believe a crazed suicidal terrorist who wasn't interested in learning to land nor take off, and was flying one of the only aircraft aloft on the east coast was trying to avoid congestion?
Your "place of employment"?
OK...let me begin. On September 11, 2001 I was employed with a major airline (COA) and on that day, was scheduled for a trip the next day. So, it was one of my "days off".
I was at home, on September 11, 2001...that morning, and had workmen in my backyard, building my deck...(who I told to GO HOME, as the tragedy unfolded, on the news).
My home (then) was near the corner of Fillmore Street and Pershing Drive, in Arlington Virginia. (Please feel free to GoogleMap that location....look for 'Lyon Park' as an anchor point...THAT was actually my voting site, during elections....want to know more???)
I was home, that day. As I mentioned, my next trip (on 12 September, 2001) was to Sao Paulo (KEWR - SBGR)...a layover IN Sao Paulo (a city I've been to MANY times), then over to Rio (SBGL).....I was looking forward to my layover in Rio Di Janeiro....I still have never visited there!
BACK to my experience. I felt it when the upper floors of the Pentagon fell...Only after the fact did I realize what I felt, in my house, was related to the collapse of the Pentagon's upper floors.
ALSO>...I lived there, I drove by the area for MONTHS!!!
I could go on and on and on.......wanna talk about the airplanes of 9/11?? I can chat there, too. Another thread, please just search...
I think your perception of how aviation actually works is distorted by....maybe a variety of sites...and also maybe some horrible versions that tend to embed in the public "phsyche" due to HollyWood movies.
IF (And, I do not pretend to know your financial situation)....but IF you took just a few flying lessons?? Would help a LOT in understanding.
EDIT: JUST one link...(there are SO many more options!!):
I don't need to google the location. I know the area well. On 9/11 I was starting the process of joining a contract in direct support of the office of Lieutenant General Timothy Joseph Maude.
Unfortunately my online research was lawyered off the internet: The data is still there. I just haven't found an easy was of reproducing the interface. Of particular interest is the entity call "aircraft blotter". Not only did I have all the major details of the flights and aircraft involved in 9/11 smartly cataloged and referenced, I had losts of other goodies such as N987SA and N900SA, to name but a few. But I digress.
The manager rated his flying ability as average to below average. One of his instructors said he had no flying ability (paraphrased, perhaps). Which is noteworthy.I can say with confidence that automated guidance is the ONLY viable explanation.
There was no such occurrence as a "high speed spiral descent". AAL 77 made a fairly commonplace right-hand descending turn. Whomever was actually flying (the clues have pointed to at least two pilots in each of the four airplanes that day), the turn was 'sloppy" by the standards of a professional aviator, but certainly not "complex" (as suggested by the word "spiral"), nor particularly "high-speed". It was a bit above the usual regulatory minimum in U.S. airspace of 250 knots below 10,000 feet (**), but the airplane's aerodynamics don't care about "regulations".
(**)This dictate is a convenience for ATC (Air Traffic Control). There is the added 'bonus' of bird strike/windshield safety, but the forward windows are actually quite strong.
Here is a segment from a Dutch television program called "Zembla" that was first broadcast in 2006. It uses clips from that execrable film called "Loose Change" (a source of many 9/11 misconceptions) and examines the veracity of that film's claims. This portion is in a simulator with a fairly low-time Private Pilot to re-create the American flight 77 Pentagon attack. The video opens with a bit of soundtrack from "Loose Change" which is factually incorrect. The narrator (Dylan Avery): "...executes a 330 degree turn at 530 miles per hour..." (my emphasis). The speed claim by the filmmakers is false.
(The simulator portion comes towards the end of this clip, but the preliminary is worth a IS in Dutch, with English subtitles).
Here is the NTSB re-creation that was animated using the FDR (Flight Data Recorder) info:
I could not find a shorter version (except for ones that include false text added), but skip to 1:18:00. It can be seen that in the descending turn the airspeed varies between 265 and 303 knots (305 MPH to 349 MPH). This is all well within the airplane's normal abilities. I personally have flown above 250 knots below 10,000 feet in a B767 when overwater and outside the 12-mile limit. It is commonplace in some parts of the World, especially in Micronesia.
It's a shame that the audio recordings preserving the immediate recollections of the air traffic controller on duty during the attacks was intentionally destroyed.External Quote: "The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane. You don't fly a 757 in that manner. It's unsafe." Danielle O'Brien, Air traffic controller at Dulles International Airport
External Quote:
At least six air traffic controllers who dealt with two of the hijacked airliners on Sept. 11, 2001, made a tape recording a few hours later describing the events, but the tape was destroyed by a supervisor without anyone making a transcript or even listening to it, the Transportation Department said Thursday.
The taping began before noon on Sept. 11 at the New York Air Route Traffic Control Center, in Ronkonkoma, N.Y., where about 16 people met in a basement conference room known as the Bat Cave and passed around a microphone, each recalling his or her version of the events of a few hours earlier. The recording included statements of 5 or 10 minutes each by controllers who had spoken by radio to people on the planes or who had tracked the aircraft on radar, the report said.
Officials at the center never told higher-ups of the tape's existence, according to a report made public on Thursday by the inspector general of the Transportation Department.
A quality-assurance manager at the center destroyed the tape several months after it was made, crushing the cassette in his hand, cutting the tape into little pieces and dropping them in different trash cans around the building, according to the report. The tape had been made under an agreement with the union that it would be destroyed after it was superseded by written statements from the controllers, the report said.
But at least 530 records in the Wayback Machine. Must've been popularUnfortunately my online research was lawyered off the internet:
Having years of hands-on experience with automated guidance systems, and an intimate familiarity with the lay of the land of the final approach into the Pentagon, I can say with confidence that automated guidance is the ONLY viable explanation. The plane followed the absolutely lowest available terrain, basically threading a needle between the Navy Annex and I395. It continued at full thrust close enough from the ground to clip several lamp posts, and hit the first floor of the building on a trajectory parallel to the ground.
Here are some statements regarding the piloting ability of the accused suicidal flying ace:
Having years of hands-on experience with automated guidance systems, and an intimate familiarity with the lay of the land of the final approach into the Pentagon, I can say with confidence that automated guidance is the ONLY viable explanation. The plane followed the absolutely lowest available terrain, basically threading a needle between the Navy Annex and I395. It continued at full thrust close enough from the ground to clip several lamp posts, and hit the first floor of the building on a trajectory parallel to the ground.
Here are some statements regarding the piloting ability of the accused suicidal flying ace:
The third iteration of Loose Change is by far the best.