Ok, let's see your proof for your position. The truth is you don't have any - all you do is say 'they're contrails, honest they are'.
So what? Here are what contrails are, and they match every attribute of purported "chemtrails":
Here is how the chemtrails hoax got started:
Your position is based on two basic tenets: 1) there are more aircraft than ever before and 2) contrails can likely be formed more often because of efficient new engines which have cooler exhaust and can therefore create contrails at a lower altitude
Not entirely, lee. My position is also based on 15 years experience documenting this hoax. I tracked it since it's inception. You probably had no idea how it started, but think about why you weren't told by those promoting the hoax- they don't want you to know or never bothered to find out for themselves.
There are many many other facts which document our positions, the majority of which can be found at
These are open for discussion here or there at any time. If yu want to debate the issue, make an affirmative statement and we'll have at it.
(and it is worth noting here that the altitude difference is over around 300 feet - which is a gnat's whisker, ie. nothing in the context of aircraft flying betwen 30 and 40 thousand feet).
Ok, that looks like an affirmative, declarative statement to me.
Back it up with some facts, figures, and evidence.
Your 'debunking', seen from your pre-supposed positions of advocacy for this version of events, tellingly and totally ignores the relatively new phenomenon of aircraft trails persisting and spreading and creating cloud cover on a regular basis. A very regular basis where I live. It was not always thus.
This is gettting better. Define your claim better, show us at least some shred of proof for this "relatively new phenomenon", when did you first notice it(date), what is the location(lat, long), how do you define persisting(what do you consider as being too long to be an ordinary contrail), spreading(how large is too large for an ordinary contrail to spread)?
The conditions for this to occur at altitudes between 30 and 40 thousand feet are very rare indeed, you choose to ignore this evidence and dismiss it as 'bunk'.
Again, indeed, define "rare indeed" in your case, have you researched the frequency of formation and persistence for ordinary contrails? What were your findings?
There is no doubt in the mind of any observer who has watched these trails spread and cover the sky that this is what is happening. You ask people to believe that this is because of more planes and better new engines - worse, you appear to believe it yourselves.
Ah, but there is considerable doubt in my own mind, and I base it on actual IDENTIFICATION of the unique aircraft making persistent, spreading contrails over my own area. Because I measured, I KNOW! Have you ever actually identified my any means whatsoever even one aircraft you have seen making these purported "chemtrails"?
If the engines are better, more efficient than previously (and I quote an aeronautics engineer) then the emissions from these engines will only contain less particles of unburned hydrocarbons, soot, nitrogen, carbon monoxide etc.
Ah, to some extent this may be true, though the relative proportions might change. But you forgot that higher efficiency means the combustion is closer to an ideal stoichiometric equation, more efficiency means more water produced. And you forgot that the engines are getting larger, more fuel burned, more water produced as well. There is more....
For clouds to form - AND THEY ARE FORMING EN MASSE FROM AIRCRAFT EMISSIONS - one needs condensation nuclei around which the moisture present coalesces. If the engines are more efficient than before, and the nuclei are only less - then how is it that this wasn't happening all the time in such volume when those older, 'less efficient' engines were all there was and they had more nuclei in their emissions
See above answer. More fuel, more water, more nuceli. Remember, it is more about the water than anything else, the ice crystals nuceate and grow. Bergeron wasn't just a Vonnegut character.
The atmospheric conditions of the earth have not altered since the introduction of these new engines, so why is it, counter to the information, that we should actually be seeing more of this? - and drastically more - when the opposite should be true.
How do you know that other atmospheric properties have not changed? Some say they have, who don't for a minute believe in checmtrails. Ordinary aerosols in the atmosphere change over time, water vapor changes, temperatures change. Aviation routes change. Are you just being subjective, is this a personal observation, or do you have documentation that nothing in the atmosphere has changed?
Show me YOUR PROOF - you can't and you won't
Stand by. All your claims will be discussed and I will stick to it till each and every one is covered.
Bring on your responses and requests for moe documentation from me if needed.
I strongly suggest you study this to catch up on whatever it is that your anonymous "aeronautics engineer"
told you.
What was his name, by the way, if you please?
You might also at least consider following some of my suggestions here: