NEXRAD Hoax goes commercial:

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Senior Member.
The NEXRAD HAARP/hoax is pretty old. It dates to the late 1990's being attributable to a Roy Hoagland. It got debunked back then but has be resurected by youtuber Dutchsinse who is now selling merchandise.

Youtuber dutchsinse has built quite a following on youtube pushing a good deal of bunk ranging from claiming that pop-up thunderstorms associated with the North American Monsoon in the desert SW and Mexico and smoke from fires in various places are "volcanic plumes" to claiming that non-precipitation returns in radar mosaics are "weather manipulation by HAARP and NEXRAD".

Though he claims to be seeking the truth and simply trying to help people with no profit motive he is fairly active in censoring negative feedback as seen in the following plume video where he deleted all comments and blocked commenting. In that particular case, I and several others were banned from his channel for providing burn reports documenting the fires that he was calling "steaming plumes".

Well now on the sidebar to his channel, he has the Dutchsinse E-store:

In this page of his store t-shirts, mugs, and such are offered with a picture of an alleged "HAARP" ring. That was a clip from an a video of his titled:

"8/26/2011 -- INTENSE HAARP RING in Hurricane Irene = weather modification"

He claims that a ring shaped "flash" centered in central North Carolina was HAARP manipulating the hurricane. He showed the anomaly from "multiple" sources as if each independently varified that some "high frequency". It was explained to him that the RDU radar went through test mode after being down and fed bad data into the mosaic so all sites that were re-distributing NWS radar data as their own product would show an anamoly around the RDU radar. He again deleted all comments to avoid any examination of his claims. Nevermind that his claims were invalid. He will sell them anyway. There is money in bunk.

(aside: Anybody know where the Letxa pages on the NEXRAD hoax went?)
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He's probably making more net income than he would working a minimum wage job minus taxes. As of 9/26/2012 at 7:45 am PST he's raked in $3,395 since the first donation was made on 6/16/2012 to that specific "fundraiser". A disturbing number of people have made $100 donations to that charlatan. So he's taking in about $1,000 per month from that source alone, and in addition he has at least one paypal account for donations plus the merchandise.

He says "If you like my content, and want to help, this ongoing Fundraiser will be up as long as it takes !"

Does that mean he's going to start a new $5,000 fundraiser every time the previous one reaches the goal?

He also says, "All my video and print work is free for sharing, and reproduction." Yeah, right. Tell that to the critics whom he's made copyright claims against.
Apparently his "fundraiser" reached its goal.

A big thank you to all who supported this FundRazr.
The campaign has now finished.

He also ran a previous fundraiser, collecting over $3,000 under the guise of sponsoring his "documentary".]Help Sponsor Dutchsinse[/URL]

In the latest update for his "documentary" he whines about how there's not much left of the video after taking out all of the copyrighted material, because of his run-in with Lockheed. So what was that $3,000 dollars for? I mean, if all that's left of the "documentary" is dutch going blah, blah, blah with an occasional shot of him looking self-important... what was the money for, a legal defense fund? LOL

So this latest fundraiser was his second in a row and he actually started it a few days before the previous one ended. Assuming he made his goal of $5,000, that makes a total of $8,000 so far this year from two fundraisers alone, then there's the merchandise and paypal donations. Not a bad gig if you can live with yourself over taking ignorant sheep on a fearmongering ride.

On a side note... like some temperamental toddler throwing a tantrum he's changed the titles of his vids by adding caveats like "totally normal", "nothing new", "don't worry". I'm sure his ignorant sheep are just lapping up his brand of sarcasm.
Long gap in new vids for him. But he is monitoring his more reliable subscribers:

Someone brought up "" and cajunmiracle indicated that she'd check it out.

dutch replied:

they are fake and ran by a fake meteorologist who was literally banned from the NWS for theft.
they have no sensors placed around the country ... its all a lie ! ask them what kind of sensors and where they are.. and if you can tune in .. or if they will make it available ..
for them to say sensors are picking up "haarp" when they don't provide any data.. its suspect!

I think he knows that people like Bethanyhome7 and cajunmiracle are worth a good deal of money to him. Haarpstatus is competition for him and his is quick to steer his loyals away from it.
Browsing the comments for his latest videos he pushes everything he has ever erroneously claimed as fact, including "steam plumes" in Arkanas/Missouri as discussed here:

He was looking at smoke from daily prescribed burns on visible satellite imagery and claiming that it was evidence of massive movement of magma under the "North American Craton". The burns were primarily on public land and were being conducted as planned ahead of the coming growing season. He was provided burn reports from the agencies doing the burning including the date, location, and acres burned. Several of his subscribers that actually live in that area confirmed fires. He deleted all comments and moved on without ever ground truthing his claims for himself despite the fact that he lived near one of the national forests in which the burns were being conducted. The fact that he still claims those steam plumes as evidence of his "theories" should tell people all they need to know about his credibility and motives.

He is also directly accusing NOAA of participating in weather manipulation by using NEXRAD. That's a tall claim and possibly dangerous to meteorologists giving the mental state of some of his followers.
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Browsing the comments for his latest videos he pushes everything he has ever erroneously claimed as fact, including "steam plumes" in Arkanas/Missouri as discussed here:

He was looking at smoke from daily prescribed burns on visible satellite imagery and claiming that it was evidence of massive movement of magma under the "North American Craton". The burns were primarily on public land and were being conducted as planned ahead of the coming growing season. He was provided burn reports from the agencies doing the burning including the date, location, and acres burned. Several of his subscribers that actually live in that area confirmed fires. He deleted all comments and moved on without ever ground truthing his claims for himself despite the fact that he lived near one of the national forests in which the burns were being conducted. The fact that he still claims those steam plumes as evidence of his "theories" should tell people all they need to know about his credibility and motives.

He is also directly accusing NOAA of participating in weather manipulation by using NEXRAD. That's a tall claim and possibly dangerous to meteorologists giving the mental state of some of his followers.

I think I debunked the plumes myself:

Most "plume" events can be discounted by bringing up the active fire trackers and Aqua MODIS to see the smoke trails...
Again, I fully admit in my articles, videos, and past two years of arguing with Dutch that at this point there still is no credible evidence that NEXRAD IS modifying the weather.
My video points out the obvious, they want to modify the weather, and, that coincidentally two hurricanes, two different years, two MIMIC microwave anomalies, and two NEXRAD flashes at the same NEXRAD station seems too coincidental.
The DHS/ESRL video has a slide discussing hurricane mitigation, with a picture of HAARP in the background. The USAF Weather Symposium docs from 1997 discuss weather modification in detail with a full page on HAARP, meaning the speaker had that slide up and spoke on how HAARP relates to the slide show's topic. Why then is it so hard to believe that if HAARP (a radar) can modify the weather, that a NEXRAD can't?

To me it seems highly unlikely that a 750,000 watt NEXRAD could modify the weather like the 5 gigawatt HAARP, but after reading that the MIRAGE microwave only uses 45kW and a rocket to make an artifical ionospheric mirror as HAARP does, the likelihood increases exponentially.

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Mad? Nope. I do however feel that those who take advantage of others ignorance and fears are despicable parasites.

Why then is it so hard to believe that if HAARP (a radar) can modify the weather, that a NEXRAD can't?

Because HAARP is NOT a radar. The frequency range that HAARP transmits at, between 2 - 10 MHz, was chosen because those frequencies are absorbed by oxygen atoms specifically. The absorbed energy is just enough to free an electron from a small percentage of oxygen atoms thereby slightly increasing the ionization potential of a tiny portion of the ionosphere. Radar works by using frequencies that are reflected by solid objects in general.

You obviously have limited knowledge of absorption bands. Regardless, slightly increasing the percent ionization in the ionosphere will have zero effect on the weather. Does the info on MIRAGE say anything about the potential for weather modification? No.

On another thread, I also pointed out the disclaimer on the MIMIC page that explains what those anomalies are on the MIMIC animations. Continuing to use those anomalies as evidence is totally dishonest.
Mad? Nope. I do however feel that those who take advantage of others ignorance and fears are despicable parasites.

Because HAARP is NOT a radar. The frequency range that HAARP transmits at, between 2 - 10 MHz, was chosen because those frequencies are absorbed by oxygen atoms specifically. The absorbed energy is just enough to free an electron from a small percentage of oxygen atoms thereby slightly increasing the ionization potential of a tiny portion of the ionosphere. Radar works by using frequencies that are reflected by solid objects in general.

You obviously have limited knowledge of absorption bands. Regardless, slightly increasing the percent ionization in the ionosphere will have zero effect on the weather. Does the info on MIRAGE say anything about the potential for weather modification? No.

On another thread, I also pointed out the disclaimer on the MIMIC page that explains what those anomalies are on the MIMIC animations. Continuing to use those anomalies as evidence is totally dishonest.

HAARP is a radar in addition to a heater... do your homework.

I do have limited knowledge.

Creating an Air Plasma through heating increases pressure.... (With an increase in pressure comes an increase in heat) and pressure displaces the otherwise normal atmosphere, akin to placing a rock in a stream.... the water must now flow around it.
So yes, it does say it modifies the weather.

I read the disclaimer on MIMIC. As I stated earlier, I included these due to the sheer coincidnece of it all, two NEXRAD flashes, two MIMIC anomalies (EXACTLY what I called them, anomalies)

You can convict a man of murder with enough coincidental evidence.

Saturn V Rocket (1975)
Due to a malfunction, the Saturn V Rocket burned unusually high in the
atmosphere, above 300 km. This burn produced "a large ionospheric hole"
(Mendillo, M. Et al., Science 187,343, 1975). The disturbance reduced the
total electron content more than 60% over an area 1,000 km in radius, and
lasted for several hours. It prevented all telecommunications over a large
area of the Atlantic Ocean. The phenomenon was apparently caused by a
reaction between the exhaust gases and ionospheric oxygen ions. The
reaction emitted a 6300 A airglow. Between 1975 and 1981 NASA and the US
Military began to design ways to test this new phenomena through deliberate
experimentation with the ionosphere.


btw, HAARP is a rectenna:


Climatological and heating effects of the microwave power trans*mission system in the lower atmosphere.
Between 60 and 500 km, the atmosphere is subject to modification from rocket thruster effluents and from oblation materials generated upon vehicle reentry. The major effects appear to occur in the ionospheric F2 region, resulting primarily in enhanced airglow. While not posing any threat to safety at ground level, it may affect planetside optical sensing devices. Beyond 500 km, the effects are related to heavy ion concentration due to rocket effluents, and to electric and magnetic fields generated by the orbiting SPS. These potential problems are not well understood and require further study. Because of deficiencies in our understanding of the physical and chemical processes above 40 or 50 km, especially with regard to water budget, there is a large uncertainty connected with any prediction. However, climatic effects that may arise from SPS-related perturbations in stratospheric and meso*spheric composition are not expected to be highly significant (U.S. DOE, 1978a).
Proceedings of the 3rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference

Just like MIRAGE, rocket effluents... they cause airglow, and other TLE's.

Orbit Maneuvering System (1981)

Part of the plan to build the SPS space platforms was the demand for
reusable space shuttles, since they could not afford to keep discarding
rockets. The NASA Spacelab 3 Mission of the Space Shuttle made, in 1981, "a
series of passes over a network of five ground based observatories" in
order to study what happened to the ionosphere when the Shuttle injected
gases into it from the Orbit Maneuvering System (OMS). They discovered that
they could "induce ionospheric holes", and began to experiment with holes
made in the day time, or at night over Millstone, Connecticut, and Arecibo,
Puerto Rico
. They experimented with the effects of "artificially induced
ionospheric depletions on very low frequency wave lengths, on equatorial
plasma instabilities, and on low frequency radio astronomical observations
over Roberval, Quebec, Kwajelein, in the Marshall Islands and Hobart,
Tasmania. (Advanced Space Research, Vol.8, No. 1, 1988)

Innovative Shuttle Experiments (1985)
An innovative use of the Space Shuttle to preform space physics experiments
in earth orbit was launched, using the OMS injections of gases to "cause a
sudden depletion in the local plasma concentration, the creation of a
so-called ionospheric hole". This artificially induced plasma depletion can
then be used to investigate other space phenomena, such as the growth of
the plasma instabilities or the modification of radio propagation paths.
The 47 second OMS burn of July 29,1985, produced the largest and most
long-lived ionospheric hole to date, dumping some 830 kg of exhaust into
the ionosphere at sunset. A 6 second, 68 km OMS release above Connecticut
in August 1985, produced an airglow which covered over 400,000 square km.

During the 1980′s rocket launches globally numbered about 500 to 600 a
year, peaking at 1500 in 1989. There were many more during the Gulf War.
The Shuttle is the largest of the solid fuel rockets, with twin 45 metre
boosters. All solid fuel rockets release large amounts of hydrochloric acid
in their exhaust, each Shuttle flight injecting about 75 tonnes of ozone
destroying chlorine into the stratosphere. Those launched since 1992 inject
even more ozone destroying chlorine, about 187 tonnes, into the
stratosphere (which contains the ozone layer).

"An example of acid rain that is principally due to hydrochloric acid occurs in Cape Canaveral, Florida when a space shuttle is launched. The space shuttle has two solid rocket boosters that operate for the first two minutes of flight to provide the additional thrust needed for the shuttle to escape the gravitational pull of the earth. The incredible amount of energy comes from the oxidation of aluminum to alumina by ammonium perchlorate. This reaction produces about 60 tons of HCl close enough to the ground to cause severe environmental damage in areas within 20 miles of the launch site."
"Every launch the shuttle uses 1.1 million pounds of solid fuel propellant costing 1.72 million dollars. This solid propellant is 70% ammonium perchlorate (oxidizer), 16% aluminum powder, 12% polybutadiene acrylic acid acrylo nitrite as a complex polymeric binder, 2% epoxy curing agent and 0.17% iron oxide powder as a catalyst."

So you see, you shoot a rocket in the sky, microwave the chaff, and modify the weather.... are we all on the same page yet?
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"""and two NEXRAD flashes at the same NEXRAD station seems too coincidental."""

What do you think those "flashes" are?

Dutch seems to think that it is some kind of infusion of energy into the storm without understanding how weather radar gathers data about the atmosphere and how those data are displayed in a mosaic by NWS and various private vendors. What was clear with Irene and Sandy both was that the RDU station was offline for several hours and not contributing data into the radar mosaics being compiled by the various vendors. That type of flash happens fairly frequently if you watch the radar enough. When the radar was rebooted it ran in "clear air mode" for a single frame. That flash was just bright colors on a computer screen representing the same intensity of echoes but colored using a different dbz scale and color pallet. I don't know why radar at the RDU office does this seemingly more frequently than other radars in the network.

Regarding the MIMIC and NEXRAD anomalies offered as proof of the storm being "manipulated". The idea almost strikes me as funny, as if people are visualizing the scenario as if Dr. Evil is pointing his "Lazers" at the circulation center itself. Such speculation completely ignores that hurricanes are steered by the flow of winds of the larger weather systems in which they are embedded. To steer this storm the high pressure to the north and east of the storm would have had to have been manufactured or strengthened. And the kink in the jetstream that spawned cyclogenesis that eventually absorbed Sandy off the mid-atlantic coast would have had to have been created or enhanced. A single blip from a NEXRAD in Raleigh isn't exactly going to achieve this.
The disturbance reduced the
total electron content more than 60% over an area 1,000 km in radius,

That doesn't affect the weather. I don't think you appreciate how little mass there is in the ionosphere.
"An example of acid rain that is principally due to hydrochloric acid occurs in Cape Canaveral, Florida when a space shuttle is launched. The space shuttle has two solid rocket boosters that operate for the first two minutes of flight to provide the additional thrust needed for the shuttle to escape the gravitational pull of the earth. The incredible amount of energy comes from the oxidation of aluminum to alumina by ammonium perchlorate. This reaction produces about 60 tons of HCl close enough to the ground to cause severe environmental damage in areas within 20 miles of the launch site."
"Every launch the shuttle uses 1.1 million pounds of solid fuel propellant costing 1.72 million dollars. This solid propellant is 70% ammonium perchlorate (oxidizer), 16% aluminum powder, 12% polybutadiene acrylic acid acrylo nitrite as a complex polymeric binder, 2% epoxy curing agent and 0.17% iron oxide powder as a catalyst."

So you see, you shoot a rocket in the sky, microwave the chaff, and modify the weather.... are we all on the same page yet?

Your conclusion does not follow. You posted information on the chemistry of the pollution from rockets and from that you conclude that radars are heating chaff and that heating chaff is engineering weather? That just does not follow from the information that you posted.

One, pollution from rockets is distinct from chaff.
Two, if the weather radars are really heating the lower atmosphere instead of bouncing radio waves off of particles and drawing pictures of the "echo" on a map then that should be easily detected by some means other than looking at the radar images themselves. But look for that you need to actually understand how satellite and radar data about the weather are gathered first.
Three, if the radars are heaters then the amount of energy that they require to have an effect is enormous. There should be a huge power station just for the radar or massive transmission lines. Or maybe they have there own double secret cold fusion reactor on-site.
"""and two NEXRAD flashes at the same NEXRAD station seems too coincidental."""

What do you think those "flashes" are?

Dutch seems to think that it is some kind of infusion of energy into the storm without understanding how weather radar gathers data about the atmosphere and how those data are displayed in a mosaic by NWS and various private vendors. What was clear with Irene and Sandy both was that the RDU station was offline for several hours and not contributing data into the radar mosaics being compiled by the various vendors. That type of flash happens fairly frequently if you watch the radar enough. When the radar was rebooted it ran in "clear air mode" for a single frame. That flash was just bright colors on a computer screen representing the same intensity of echoes but colored using a different dbz scale and color pallet. I don't know why radar at the RDU office does this seemingly more frequently than other radars in the network.

Regarding the MIMIC and NEXRAD anomalies offered as proof of the storm being "manipulated". The idea almost strikes me as funny, as if people are visualizing the scenario as if Dr. Evil is pointing his "Lazers" at the circulation center itself. Such speculation completely ignores that hurricanes are steered by the flow of winds of the larger weather systems in which they are embedded. To steer this storm the high pressure to the north and east of the storm would have had to have been manufactured or strengthened. And the kink in the jetstream that spawned cyclogenesis that eventually absorbed Sandy off the mid-atlantic coast would have had to have been created or enhanced. A single blip from a NEXRAD in Raleigh isn't exactly going to achieve this.

"RDU station was offline for several hours and not contributing data into the radar mosaics being compiled by the various vendors" ran in "clear air mode"
Is it possible that it magically went offline two hurricanes in a row? Is it possible both hit downtown new york, one during the Occupy Wall Street height, and one during an election? Is it possible while supposedly offline twice it magically ran clear air when turned on? I have my own damn article explaining radar anomalies, so don't play me for a fool: My article is about how all these coincidences add up to foul play imo. Lowest barometric pressure.... the scientists are probably slapping backs over that one. Ideally they want a hurricane to still make landfall, without the damaging winds, as the water they bring is essential so I doubt that steering them like a gocart is the plan.... for now.

"Dr. Evil is pointing his "Lazers" at the circulation center itself."

"have had to have been manufactured or strengthened"

"Such speculation completely ignores that hurricanes are steered by the flow of winds of the larger weather systems in which they are embedded. To steer this storm the high pressure to the north and east of the storm would have had to have been manufactured or strengthened. And the kink in the jetstream that spawned cyclogenesis that eventually absorbed Sandy off the mid-atlantic coast would have had to have been created or enhanced. A single blip from a NEXRAD in Raleigh isn't exactly going to achieve this."

But this can....

[h=1]Aquiess Global Rain Project[/h]
In 1990's, MIT's Atmospheric Laboratory conducted field trials in non-conventional weather modification technologies.
Through further studies, atmospheric researchers developed a theory that identified macro‐scale weather chaos as 'the key' to influencing weather. During late 1990′s an independent research team in Australia stumbled on an 'atmospheric mechanism' whilst exploring origins of this theory (link). Experimental trials revealed that "small amounts of electromagnetic energy, applied intelligently," could force change into weather, based on atmospheric sine wave patterns. This research culminated in the development of an atmospheric resonance technology, represented by Aquiess International (aquiess).
Electromagnetic wave forms are utilized to deliver signals toward a target weather system, that may be as remote as beyond the visible horizon. Proprietary technologies which draw upon data from locally applied hardware and software as well as disparate sensors, are deployed to modify the patterns forming 'oceanic corridors' that deliver rain. Scientific analysis ofaquiess' results, shows what is described as 'resonance technology', has both a vast reach and incremental scalability.
The core technology and primary IP are protected by treaties and strict security protocols which surround the project. Source: Aquiess: Technology
aquiess' gentle soaking rain and micro-weather modification can assist in a range of applications:

  • drought mitigation
  • flood reduction
  • frost avoidance
  • hail mitigation
  • heat wave mitigation
  • precipitation
  • wind reduction
aquiess weather modification is based on frequencies that are discoverable, code and algorithms, which can enable (an apparent) direct connectivity between programming operations and atmospheric systems. One commonly accepted analogy to this is the setting up of harmonic waves by soldiers marching on a bridge. If enough soldiers march in-time on a bridge, the bridge will oscillate and could inadvertently destroyed. If a device was produced to remotely 'deploy' the same harmonic frequency upon that bridge, it could be physically destroyed without the soldiers.
Using this 'resonance mechanism' we have been able to demonstrate modification of atmospheric streams of gentle soaking rain. Souce: Aquiess: Theory

[h=1] Image source: Aquiess RAINAID – African Drought Relief using Electromagnetic Cloud Shifting(.COM)[/h]

[h=1]Image source: Aquiess RAINAID – Weaving Global Moisture[/h] [h=1]Images reference:[/h]
[h=1]"… in the US they are trying to modify the ionosphere to get weather changes" Aquiess CEO David Miles[/h] Does he mean HAARP or MIRAGE?

Source of this cut/paste

Sand blown up from the Sahara is the main creator of our east coast hurricanes, and when companies like Aquiess are moving atmospheric rivers, and you debunkers are so hard-on for thinking you know wtf is going on... it kinda makes me wonder... what is your motivation?

Considering what we can see + what we know is possible + the intent of the DHS to modify hurricanes + intended target of the hurricane + amount of dollars to be saved if they act

Mine is seeking the truth. I may get the facts wrong from time to time, but you guys say nothing when I link facts and focus on things you think you can argue about while ignoring the blatantly obvious GLOBAL attempts to modify the weather.
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Your conclusion does not follow. You posted information on the chemistry of the pollution from rockets and from that you conclude that radars are heating chaff and that heating chaff is engineering weather? That just does not follow from the information that you posted.

One, pollution from rockets is distinct from chaff.
Two, if the weather radars are really heating the lower atmosphere instead of bouncing radio waves off of particles and drawing pictures of the "echo" on a map then that should be easily detected by some means other than looking at the radar images themselves. But look for that you need to actually understand how satellite and radar data about the weather are gathered first.
Three, if the radars are heaters then the amount of energy that they require to have an effect is enormous. There should be a huge power station just for the radar or massive transmission lines. Or maybe they have there own double secret cold fusion reactor on-site.

[] I will repost it in a more clear format than a few posts ago:

The Microwave Ionosphere Reconfiguration Ground-based Emitter (MIRAGE)
Air Force Aims for Weather Control by MURDOC on FEBRUARY 8, 2006

The work involves using plasma, an ionized gas, to reconfigure the ionosphere. MIRAGE would employ a microwave transmitter on the ground and a small rocket that shoots chaff into the air to produce about a liter of plasma at 60–100 km. (36– 60 mi.) in altitude, changing the number of electrons in a select area of the ionosphere to create a virtual barrier. Ionosphere reconfiguration offers two major applications of interest to the military: bouncing radars off the ionosphere, also known as over-the-horizon radar, and the ability to jam signals from the Global Positioning Satellite system, according to John Kline, the lead investigator for MIRAGE.
This work is only the latest effort in Kline's more extensive investigations of atmospheric plasma. Before MIRAGE, Kline had another contract for a project called Plasma Point Defense, which explored the possibility of using a plasma weapon on board a U.S. Navy surface vessel to protect against threats ranging from surface-to-surface missiles to mortars and rocket-propelled grenades.

It would stand to reason that if all you need is some rocket exhaust and a high powered microwave to modify the weather, then it may be possible that a combination of rockets and/or persistent contrails (laden with metals, usually derivatives of jet fuel additives) and radars like OTH-B. the US Navy ROTHR, SuperDARN, hell even NEXRAD dual polarization doppler radars may be able to modify the weather in the troposphere? If a 45kW microwave can do it, why can't these million watters?
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All these guys are scammers too:


In an attempt to verify this technology, I called the owner of Earthwise Technologies Inc and spoke for about an hour. He said that in Mexico their ionizers reduced pollution/respiratory related hospital visits by 80% in the three years they ran the program, and that rain was steadily made, however due to local political infighting and worries over insurance, a local judge killed their funding, and the company abandoned the tech.

Well based on that preposterous 80% claim, I'd say yes. That's also a scam.

Their web site: is down but used to redirect to which is also down. Before that it used to sell infrared heaters.

Please stop posting pages of unverifiable claims. Post some actual evidence.
The Microwave Ionosphere Reconfiguration Ground-based Emitter (MIRAGE)
Air Force Aims for Weather Control by MURDOC on FEBRUARY 8, 2006

Do you not understand the difference between ionospheric weather with regards communications passing through and/or bouncing off of that layer and the sensible weather in the troposphere?

Your material here talks about chaff deployed in the ionosphere intended to modify the electron composition at an altitudes of 57 to 96 kilometers.

Earlier you posted
An example of acid rain that is principally due to hydrochloric acid occurs in Cape Canaveral, Florida when a space shuttle is launched. The space shuttle has two solid rocket boosters that operate for the first two minutes of flight to provide the additional thrust needed for the shuttle to escape the gravitational pull of the earth. The incredible amount of energy comes from the oxidation of aluminum to alumina by ammonium perchlorate. This reaction produces about 60 tons of HCl close enough to the ground to cause severe environmental damage in areas within 20 miles of the launch site."
"Every launch the shuttle uses 1.1 million pounds of solid fuel propellant costing 1.72 million dollars. This solid propellant is 70% ammonium perchlorate (oxidizer), 16% aluminum powder, 12% polybutadiene acrylic acid acrylo nitrite as a complex polymeric binder, 2% epoxy curing agent and 0.17% iron oxide powder as a catalyst."
So you see, you shoot a rocket in the sky, microwave the chaff, and modify the weather.... are we all on the same page yet?

That discussed the fate of pollution from rocket boosters in the lower atmosphere.

I've edited your post down to a link to the original. Please stop huge cut and pasting. If you do cut and paste then be selective, use
External Quote:
tags around what you paste, include a link to the original, and explain the relevance (outside the EX tags).

Posts not conforming to this will be deleted. Repeated posts like the one I edited will lead to a short term ban.
Well based on that preposterous 80% claim, I'd say yes. That's also a scam.

Their web site: is down but used to redirect to which is also down. Before that it used to sell infrared heaters.

Please stop posting pages of unverifiable claims. Post some actual evidence.

Typical debunker fashion.... ignore all the other links, focus on one.

Learn to
And yes, those happen to be home air ionizers... how odd, they still make ionizers, just for your home.

External Quote:
Ionogenics (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)

Website removed from the internet circa 2004?

The brainchild of a fractious group of Russian emigré's, the poles and wires are in fact a network of conductors meant to ionize the air. If the technique is done properly, the thinking goes, the natural current between the earth and the ionosphere is amplified, leading — through a mechanism that is not fully understood — to rainfall. There are now 17 such installations in six states in Mexico, and in January, federal government agencies decided to back construction and operation of 19 more by 2006, potentially altering the weather in much of parched north and central Mexico. Meanwhile, by May, ELAT's competitor Earthwise Technologies Inc., of Mexico City and Dallas, could win the right to establish ionization stations in southwest Texas's water-starved Webb County, which would make it the first such installation in the United States. Source: Electric Rainmaking Technology Gets Mexico's Blessing

Images from AMS: Artificial Atmospheric Ionization

External Quote:
A Potential Window for Weather Modification

Phillip Kauffman and Arquimedes Ruiz-Columbié
Ionogenics Active Influence & Scientific Mngt
8 Coachmen Lane 8696 Hanger Rd.
Belford, MA 01730 San Angelo, TX 76904

Galactic cosmic rays have been positively correlated to the Earth's low cloud cover. It is now evident that cosmic ray ionization is linked to lowering nucleation barriers and promoting early charged particle growth into the Aitken range. There is a substantially high probability that some of the charged particles grow to the 100 nm range and beyond to become CCN. There is also evidence that electrically charged aerosol are more efficiently scavenged by cloud droplets, some of which evaporate producing evaporation aerosol, which are very effective ice formation nuclei.

The assumption is made that artificially generated, corona effect ionization should act in much the same way as cosmic ray ionization, with some differences that might make unipolar corona effect ionization a more powerful catalyzer of cloud microphysical processes and, consequently, climate. There is much further work required to understand the cause and effect relationship between artificial ionization and weather, including electrical, chemical and physical measurements at the nanoparticle level and beyond, as well as mathematical modeling to describe the observed, measured or hypothesized atmospheric phenomena at different levels of artificial ionization, and, hopefully equal levels of cosmic ray ionization.
And what of Weathertec, and ATLANT? Then Aquiess.... The are companies that are conspiracies right? Companies?
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just wanted to take this break to say I ain't got it all figured out, but the evidence in the crazy department is overwhelming
Is it possible that it magically went offline two hurricanes in a row?

Yes. It happens all the time, more often than just when there is a storm near. Why do you think that energy beamed into the storm would happen to appear exactly as the enhanced reflectivity of clear air mode?

Is it possible both hit downtown new york

The circulation center that was Sandy didn't hit New York. New York was affect by a big Nor'Easter made worse by Sandy being absorbed into the system. Irene's track was not all that odd. Several have taken a similar track over the decades.

offline twice it magically ran clear air when turned on?

It is common for the radar to run in test mode then clear air mode when being booted up.

"Dr. Evil is pointing his "Lazers" at the circulation center itself."

You're link skips to speculation that they could use a solar powered microwave to heat the downdraft in a thunderstorm and disrupt the circulation by heating water in the downdraft. If you look at the 11:17 mark he talks about using existing ground based radar to locate the target for the satellite. He is talking about beaming enough energy from space to physcially heat the water in a thunderstorm. Where are the satellites with solar panels big enough to generate that much energy? Deploying that amount of energy would be hard enough to hide. Scale that up to heating entire tropical cyclones and mid-latitude cyclones. Such would be easy to spot. Heating water in a convective system takes almost infinitely more energy than heating the sparse ionosphere.

Furthermore, the wavelength emmitted by NEXRAD doesn't heat water and the NEXRAD receiver is blind to the wavelenghts that heat water and even if the NEXRAD weren't blind to those wavelengths the signal would have to come from the direction that the dish is facing in order for the radar display the signal (such as when the rising and setting sun or radio towers in the line of sight of the radar cause the radar to draw a line out to the edge of the sweep radius).

[Aquiess Global Rain Project

Looks like a scam. Have any validation of their claims?
Typical debunker fashion.... ignore all the other links, focus on one.

One thing at a time seems to be an excellent way of getting through things.

I'm feeling though that the debunking is not going to take. When I explained the DHS thing you just flipped it around, and said it was suspicious, but now for a different reason.

How about this one, the "cloud ionizer umbrella" at Denver is just a lightning protector.


Will you update your web site to reflect why you have learned about the DHS/HAARP mention, and these umbrellas?
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I'm a little bemused as to why you take the claims of failed rainmaking companies as any kind of evidence. Rainmaking is one of the oldest scams in the books - a bit like the "free energy" companies that keep popping up. But with rainmaking the scam is that you offer a full refund if it does not work. Then you wave your magic ionizer/orgone generator, and keep the money when it happens to rain. You lose nothing.
External Quote:
In the US, rainmaking was attempted by traveling showmen. It was practiced in the old west but may have reached a peak during the dust bowl drought of the American West and Midwest in the 1930s. The practice was depicted in the 1956 film The Rainmaker. Attempts to bring rain directly have waned with development of the science of meteorology, the advent of laws against fraud and increased communication technology, with some exceptions such as cloud seeding and rain dances or other forms of prayer, which are still practiced today.
Looks like snake oil across the board. Might as well get a dowser to go find you a well.

Well...let's not bring dowsing into this. Lol. I's been proven to be pretty much bunk...but... I'll just leave it at that. I've seen them work and in rural OH they are pretty highly least the old timers are.

Unfortunately, many (all?) of the tests were done with artificial water sources.

Maybe it's just like a ouija board?
One thing at a time seems to be an excellent way of getting through things.

I'm feeling though that the debunking is not going to take. When I explained the DHS thing you just flipped it around, and said it was suspicious, but now for a different reason.

How about this one, the "cloud ionizer umbrella" at Denver is just a lightning protector.


Will you update your web site to reflect why you have learned about the DHS/HAARP mention, and these umbrellas?

I certainly will, good find. This makes more sense, now explain why that looks EXACTLY like this:
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I'm a little bemused as to why you take the claims of failed rainmaking companies as any kind of evidence. Rainmaking is one of the oldest scams in the books - a bit like the "free energy" companies that keep popping up. But with rainmaking the scam is that you offer a full refund if it does not work. Then you wave your magic ionizer/orgone generator, and keep the money when it happens to rain. You lose nothing.
External Quote:
In the US, rainmaking was attempted by traveling showmen. It was practiced in the old west but may have reached a peak during the dust bowl drought of the American West and Midwest in the 1930s. The practice was depicted in the 1956 film The Rainmaker. Attempts to bring rain directly have waned with development of the science of meteorology, the advent of laws against fraud and increased communication technology, with some exceptions such as cloud seeding and rain dances or other forms of prayer, which are still practiced today.

I never said these companies claims were true, I know the history, and I can't predict the future

The pathological history of weather and climate modification: Three cycles of promise and hype

External Quote:
The chequered history of weather and climate modification exhibits a modicum of promise and an excess of hype. This paper examines two completed historical cycles: the first, dating from 1839, involved western proprietary rainmaking or "pluviculture"; the second, from 1946 to 1978 involved "cloud seeding," commercial rainmaking, and the attempted weaponization of the clouds. Recently, discussion of weather and climate modification has returned to the science-policy agenda, framed as seemingly inevitable responses to killer storms and global warming. The long history of deceptive and delusional attempts to "control" nature, however, raised serious questions about the rationality of these options.
I certainly will, good find. This makes more sense, now explain why that looks EXACTLY like this:
View attachment 1047

I suspect it is because it was created by a Daily Mail illustrator, and not Meteo

The actual Meteo things look very different (and somewhat cheaper)


However, it might be that Meteo actually used one of those DAS systems as a prototype, as in theory (and this is not saying the theory is correct) you should be able to "run it in reverse" and charge the air.

Also quite likely is that they used it to show to early investors, as it looks impressive.
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I suspect it is because it was created by a Daily Mail illustrator, and not Meteo

The actual Meteo things look very different (and somewhat cheaper)


However, it might be that Meteo actually used one of those DAS systems as a prototype, as in theory (and this is not saying the theory is correct) you should be able to "run it in reverse" and charge the air.

Also quite likely is that they used it to show to early investors, as it looks impressive.

I think you are 100% correct on that.
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And one should note that the lightning protection system itself is of somewhat dubious utility:

External Quote:
In its November 2001 issue, Power Quality published an article by Donald Zipse, "Prevent Lightning Strikes
with Charge Transfer Systems" (referred to as Zipse's article in this letter), which describes a system which
the author claims can prevent lightning strikes. Since the time Benjamin Franklin demonstrated the effectiveness
of lightning rods in preventing or greatly reducing the damage from direct lightning strikes,
there have been many "magical" lightning protection systems marketed which fail to live up to the fantastic
claims of their salesmen. These systems are usually marketed by charismatic salesmen who "verify" their
claims with testimonials from satisfied customers, but who have no hard scientific or empirical evidence
of the effectiveness of their systems. Such salesmen were vividly portrayed as early as 1856 in Herman
Melville's short story, The Lightning Rod Man, and the reputation of these salesmen and their systems often
puts lightning protection in the same category as snake oil in the public's mind.

In recent years there have been two highly marketed "magical" systems — the Charge Transfer System
(CTS) described in Zipse's article, and Early Streamer Emission (ESE) air terminals. CTS's claim to prevent
lightning strikes to a protected area, while ESE systems claim that a single air terminal (another name for
a lightning rod) will collect all lightning within an exceptionally large radius (typically 100 meters). When
subjected to hard scrutiny, both systems have failed to live up to their claims.
I would not be entirely surprised then to find some connection between the two companies.
And one should note that the lightning protection system itself is of somewhat dubious utility:

External Quote:
In its November 2001 issue, Power Quality published an article by Donald Zipse, "Prevent Lightning Strikes
with Charge Transfer Systems" (referred to as Zipse's article in this letter), which describes a system which
the author claims can prevent lightning strikes. Since the time Benjamin Franklin demonstrated the effectiveness
of lightning rods in preventing or greatly reducing the damage from direct lightning strikes,
there have been many "magical" lightning protection systems marketed which fail to live up to the fantastic
claims of their salesmen. These systems are usually marketed by charismatic salesmen who "verify" their
claims with testimonials from satisfied customers, but who have no hard scientific or empirical evidence
of the effectiveness of their systems. Such salesmen were vividly portrayed as early as 1856 in Herman
Melville's short story, The Lightning Rod Man, and the reputation of these salesmen and their systems often
puts lightning protection in the same category as snake oil in the public's mind.

In recent years there have been two highly marketed "magical" systems — the Charge Transfer System
(CTS) described in Zipse's article, and Early Streamer Emission (ESE) air terminals. CTS's claim to prevent
lightning strikes to a protected area, while ESE systems claim that a single air terminal (another name for
a lightning rod) will collect all lightning within an exceptionally large radius (typically 100 meters). When
subjected to hard scrutiny, both systems have failed to live up to their claims.
I would not be entirely surprised then to find some connection between the two companies.

classic, bullshit based on bullshit
rezenater said:
Sand blown up from the Sahara is the main creator of our east coast hurricanes
What a bunch of stupid ignorant malarkey.

Huh? Completely wrong. Sahara dust diminishes hurricane activity, it could never create a hurricane!
Think just a second and anybody with common sense knows what creates hurricanes.
Hint- it is the same thing that intensifies hurricanes.......

Cite your justification of that claim.

I've seldom heard such a preposterous just blew it!

Mine is so commonly known that all you have to do is google sahara dust hurricanes to see a plethora of information.

If you are so ignorant about hurricanes, seems like you should learn the basics before starting to concoct these conspiracy theories.

But that's what you people do, isn't it? And that is also why the tens of thousands of scientists like Solrey will never accept any of your stuff.

Your target isn't people who already have some knowledge, your prey are those who know nothing and get impressed with some spooky tale some pretty pictures, some misattributed photos, some scam artist companies, and copies of other conspiracy theorists. Your stock in trade is a revolving door of nonsense, sold to the nonsensical while those with even a smidgen of knowledge reject it all as the bunk that it is.

Your whole website is bullshit based on bullshit produced by a bullshitter.
What a bunch of stupid ignorant malarkey.

Huh? Completely wrong. Sahara dust diminishes hurricane activity, it could never create a hurricane!
Think just a second and anybody with common sense knows what creates hurricanes.
Hint- it is the same thing that intensifies hurricanes.......

Cite your justification of that claim.

I've seldom heard such a preposterous just blew it!

Mine is so commonly known that all you have to do is google sahara dust hurricanes to see a plethora of information.

If you are so ignorant about hurricanes, seems like you should learn the basics before starting to concoct these conspiracy theories.

But that's what you people do, isn't it? And that is also why the tens of thousands of scientists like Solrey will never accept any of your stuff.

Your target isn't people who already have some knowledge, your prey are those who know nothing and get impressed with some spooky tale some pretty pictures, some misattributed photos, some scam artist companies, and copies of other conspiracy theorists. Your stock in trade is a revolving door of nonsense, sold to the nonsensical while those with even a smidgen of knowledge reject it all as the bunk that it is.

Your whole website is bullshit based on bullshit produced by a bullshitter.

2nd Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions
12th Conference on Atmospheric ChemistryJ16.6
Impact of Saharan dust as nucleating aerosols on Hurricane Helene's early development
Henian Zhang, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA; and I. N. Sokolik and J. A. Curry
During the summer and early fall, tropical cyclones forming in the east Atlantic Ocean are often observed to interact with a hot, dry and dusty air mass known as the Saharan Air Layer (SAL). The abundant mineral dust particles in the SAL originated from the Sahara Desert have been found to be effective cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nuclei (IN), which can potentially affect the cloud microphysics, precipitation and development of tropical cyclones. In this study, we examine the impact of Saharan dust on Hurricane Helene (2006) by performing a series of numerical experiments using the Weather Research Forecast model (WRF) version 3.1 in conjunction with multi-satellite, multi-sensor data. Remote sensing observations from CALIPSO, OMI, CloudSat, MODIS and TRMM were utilized to examine the distributions and properties of dust particles, hydrometeors and precipitation, as well as to constrain and validate the WRF model. Three groups of modeling experiments were conducted that varied either CCN concentrations, IN concentrations or both. It has been found that dust as nucleating aerosols can influence tropical cyclone development by inducing changes in storm intensity, track, thermodynamic structure, hydrometeor properties and precipitation.
Joint Session 16, Modeling Studies on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions
Tuesday, 19 January 2010, 3:30 PM-5:30 PM, B315

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AMS Home Page

now have a can of stfu... did you google your response before calling me ignorant?
HAARP is a radar in addition to a heater... do your homework.

I do have limited knowledge.

Don't just say "do your homework", show some proof. I've been doing my homework since I began studying radar and atmospheric sciences over 30 years ago and continue to do so.

Your knowledge is obviously limited so I suggest you go spend a few years learning some basic physics then get back to us, mmmkay?

You provided a link to and quotes from a paper that you called "innovative shuttle experiments (1985)":

Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Perturbation Associated with the Spacelab-2 Plasma Depletion Experiment at Millstone Hill

However the illustration you included is not in the paper, yet you don't indicate as such. The illustration looks like it was created by you. Quite deceptive don't you think?

What does the conclusion of that paper say? (emphasis is mine)

External Quote:
The auroral-latitude geomagnetic disturbance, associated with the southward turning of the IMF, and which began in near time-coincidence with the Spacelab-2 experiment, presents a serious complication in the interpretation of the Spacelab-2 active ionospheric experiment. As intended, the Shuttle-burn experiment produced a long-lived depletion of the bottomside F-layer ionization which persisted for > 5 hours, until sunrise. Four complete cycles of ionospheric density oscillations with ~40-min period were observed following with the Shuttle-produced depletion. It cannot be determined conclusively whether the ionospheric oscillations were related to the active experiment or were the result of a propagating ionospheric disturbance (TID) launched by the nearly simultaneous onset of enhanced auroral activity. The most reasonable conclusion is that the ionospheric oscillations were a result of the coincident geomagnetic disturbance. In that case, the strong ionospheric perturbations associated with the substorm effectively masked any further ionospheric variations directly attributable to the active experiment.
You, sir, are a freakin' liar. I have no use for troglodytes such as yourself.

Your whole website is bullshit based on bullshit produced by a bullshitter.

My sentiments exactly.
furthermore they do conclude that in most cases the dust should diminish these storms, however they call the dust a CCN.... a cloud seed.

External Quote:
While some storms appear to be weakened by the
presence of dry SAL air, cases can be found in
which storms readily intensify despite the
presence of dry air in their immediate
surroundings. The question to be addressed in
future research is why some storms are able to
intensify while others are not.
Don't just say "do your homework", show some proof. I've been doing my homework since I began studying radar and atmospheric sciences over 30 years ago and continue to do so.

Your knowledge is obviously limited so I suggest you go spend a few years learning some basic physics then get back to us, mmmkay?

You provided a link to and quotes from a paper that you called "innovative shuttle experiments (1985)":

Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Perturbation Associated with the Spacelab-2 Plasma Depletion Experiment at Millstone Hill

However the illustration you included is not in the paper, yet you don't indicate as such. The illustration looks like it was created by you. Quite deceptive don't you think?

What does the conclusion of that paper say? (emphasis is mine)

External Quote:
The auroral-latitude geomagnetic disturbance, associated with the southward turning of the IMF, and which began in near time-coincidence with the Spacelab-2 experiment, presents a serious complication in the interpretation of the Spacelab-2 active ionospheric experiment. As intended, the Shuttle-burn experiment produced a long-lived depletion of the bottomside F-layer ionization which persisted for > 5 hours, until sunrise. Four complete cycles of ionospheric density oscillations with ~40-min period were observed following with the Shuttle-produced depletion. It cannot be determined conclusively whether the ionospheric oscillations were related to the active experiment or were the result of a propagating ionospheric disturbance (TID) launched by the nearly simultaneous onset of enhanced auroral activity. The most reasonable conclusion is that the ionospheric oscillations were a result of the coincident geomagnetic disturbance. In that case, the strong ionospheric perturbations associated with the substorm effectively masked any further ionospheric variations directly attributable to the active experiment.
You, sir, are a freakin' liar. I have no use for troglodytes such as yourself.

My sentiments exactly.

HAARP is a series of instruments at Gakona AK.
What you are probably referring to is the HAARP IRI.
The IRI is a transmitter:

External Quote:
(IRI) Ionospheric Research Instrument
2.8 to 10 MHz at 3.6 MW

Basically, the IRI is what is known as a phased array transmitter. It is designed to transmit a narrow beam of high power radio signals in the 2.8 to 10 MHz frequency range. Its antenna is built on a gravel pad having dimensions of 1000' x 1200' (about 33 acres). There are 180 towers, 72' in height mounted on thermopiles spaced 80' apart in a 12 x 15 rectangular grid. Each tower supports near its top, two pairs of crossed dipole antennas, one for the low band (2.8 to 8.3 MHz), the other for the high band (7 to 10 MHz). The antenna system is surrounded by an exclusion fence to prevent possible damage to the antenna towers or harm to large animals. An elevated ground screen, attached to the towers at the 15' level, acts as a reflector for the antenna array while allowing vehicular access underneath to 30 environmentally-controlled transmitter shelters spaced throughout the array. Each shelter contains 6 pairs of 10 kW transmitters, for a total of 6 x 30 x 2 x 10 kW = 3600 kW available for transmission. The transmitters can be switched to drive either the low or high band antennas. Electric prime power is provided from an on-site power plant housing five, 2500 kW generators, each driven by a 3600 hp diesel engine. Four generators are required for operation of the IRI and the fifth is held as a spare. From a control room within the Operations Center, the transmission from each of the 180 crossed-dipole antennas is adjusted in a precise manner under computer control. In this manner, the complete array of antennas forms a narrow antenna pattern pointed upward toward the ionosphere. The transmitted signal diverges (spreads out) as it travels upward and is partially absorbed, at an altitude which depends on the transmitted HF frequency, in a small volume several tens of miles in diameter and a few hundred meters thick directly over the facility. The remainder of the transmitted signal either reflects back toward the earth or passes through the ionosphere into space, continuing to diverge as it does so. By the time it reaches the ionosphere, the intensity of the HF signal is less than 3 microwatts (0.000003 watt) per cm2, thousands of times less than the Sun's natural electromagnetic radiation reaching the earth and hundreds of times less, even, than the variations in intensity of the Sun's natural ultraviolet (UV) energy which creates the ionosphere.
Also at the HAARP facility is the:

External Quote:
Modular UHF Ionospheric Radar

The UHF Ionospheric Radar, acquired in conjunction with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF), is a phased array consisting of 512 antenna elements and operating at a frequency of 446 MHz. This diagnostic radar is particularly useful for the study of ionospheric physical processes during operation of the high power HF transmitter. The instrument installed at HAARP is a small portion of a much larger design developed for the National Science Foundation (NSF) by SRI International. (You can read more about the NSF Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar or AMISR). At its current level of development, the HAARP UHF radar can readily detect plasma and ion lines and many of their properties during operation of the high power HF transmitter.

External Quote:
VHF Ionospheric Radar
And more than likely the AMISR which previously was at Poker Flats, AK.

External Quote:

PFISR - Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar

Poker Flat, Alaska
Poker Flat Research Range (PFRR)

AMISR Advanced Modulator Incoherent Scatter Radar
The Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar (AMISR) is a new ISR that employs modular solid-state and phased-array technologies and will yield measurements of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere with unprecedented versatility and power. AMISR is being deployed at Poker Flat Research Range (PFRR), Chatanika, Alaska (65°N, 147°W) to investigate auroral processes. The AMISR facility establishes a new state-of-the-art for IS radar design by implementing fully electronic beam steering with a phased array of 4096 UHF transceivers. This beam pointing capability is available on a pulse-by-pulse basis. This installation is coordinated by SRI, International.
So, HAARP being a term to describe a program, a program which consists of all the instruments at Gakona, has radars/is a radar facility with a heater. Word games will get you nowhere.

The 47 second OMS burn of July 29,1985, produced the largest and most
long-lived ionospheric hole to date, dumping some 830 kg of exhaust into
the ionosphere at sunset. A 6 second, 68 km OMS release above Connecticut
in August 1985, produced an airglow which covered over 400,000 square km.

The image I made was to show average users what airglow looks like. In all three experiments, there are corroborating evidence describing the link between rocket effluents and ionospheric disturbance (btw, im done here, so don't expect me to teach you fuckers about this subject any more, google it). To say they MADE the airglow is ridiculous...
The chemicals from the rocket are ionized by the sun.... so shall we argue whether the rocket or the sun made the air glow? I say the rocket did, as without its presence, the airglow would not have occurred.

You trolls are all just alike, quick to insult, slow to second guess, and you believe you have the moral authority to separate truth from fiction due to your superior intellect. I am just a guy who read some stuff online and am trying to make sense of it all. I make no claims that "i know the truth, believe me"

In every video/article I do, I say "I believe" or "I think", not THIS IS FACT!

Why then am I being ridiculed and attacked for my beliefs? Because you guys are just plain ANTI-FUCKING-AMERICAN free speech hatin' trolls.

I come here to debate you as an offensive/defense, as your claims unchecked serve to only cause division and hate.
Every other post has someone insulting me. Are you unable to debate free from emotion, poor job there Spock.
If you have moral authority, and are always right, keep on trolling and hating and insulting. It only serves to dilute your message.

So for one last time, since you didn't get it: Most "truthers" believe the world is corrupt, and that the statements of public entities are not to be trusted. After the cold-nuclear-war, aerial spraying by the military on an unsuspecting public, massive corruption in the banking sectors, lying politicians, etal, why would you randomly attack all those you disagree with, who justifiably are paranoid?

Why so angry in this post? You asshats constantly attack, are not open-minded, and your only purpose here or else-where is to cause division through argument, claiming moral authority due to superior information analysis.


Nope, you pocket those, and don't make the world any better by standing up for little guys who are scared and seeking answers to questions that seem to have none.
If your only intent is to dissolve what you find to be untrue.... then focus your efforts on the fucking governments lies and not those of the public are obviously ill-informed, scared, and seeking truth.
Their information (and mine) may sometimes be incorrect, but their hearts are usually in the right place (unless they are ONLY using their infomericials to sell books and swag, then i say give em hell).
I submit your community has no direction, only to create division through mud slinging and name calling.
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