Senior Member.
I'm describing a video that demonstrates three simple debunking steps for social media and offers help debunking misinformation. In my opinion, it's like a basic vaccination against conspiracy theories: it's the attempt to teach the basic debunking steps we all use, to everyone.
The youtuber SmarterEveryDay talked to Katie Byron, who runs the Google-funded MediaWise program at the Poynter Institute of Journalism to help teens fight misinformation online.
The first part of the talk presented a simple 3-step fact-checking method that helps avoid re-tweeting misinformation.
The video then goes on to demonstrate this method on two example tweets, introducing the tools of reverse image search and browsing laterally (open more tabs to follow different lines of information).
In a second segment, the video introduces the concept that faster information sharing gets rewarded on social media, and in order to achieve this, news is often not verified, putting the burden on the consumer to verify the information themselves.
To verify information, media users should apply the above 3-step process; but if that is inconclusive, they can share the information with the MediaWise project on Twitter @MediaWise with the hashtag #IsThisLegit, and their team will try to help.
Excerpt from the video description, citing sources (the OODA loop relates to a concept that fast information processing is rewarded, which I glossed over in my summary):
The youtuber SmarterEveryDay talked to Katie Byron, who runs the Google-funded MediaWise program at the Poynter Institute of Journalism to help teens fight misinformation online.
The first part of the talk presented a simple 3-step fact-checking method that helps avoid re-tweeting misinformation.
- Who's behind the information?
- What's the evidence?
- What do other sources say?
The video then goes on to demonstrate this method on two example tweets, introducing the tools of reverse image search and browsing laterally (open more tabs to follow different lines of information).
In a second segment, the video introduces the concept that faster information sharing gets rewarded on social media, and in order to achieve this, news is often not verified, putting the burden on the consumer to verify the information themselves.
To verify information, media users should apply the above 3-step process; but if that is inconclusive, they can share the information with the MediaWise project on Twitter @MediaWise with the hashtag #IsThisLegit, and their team will try to help.
Excerpt from the video description, citing sources (the OODA loop relates to a concept that fast information processing is rewarded, which I glossed over in my summary):
External Quote:Seriously, if you can't tell if something on the internet is fact or fiction, tag @MediaWise and use the hashtag → #IsThisLegit ←and they'll help you figure it out.
Here's a great poster of the 3 Questions to ask yourself before you share something online:
Follow @MediaWise on:
If you see content you're not sure about, tag it with #isthislegit and the MediaWise team will help you figure out if it's real.
Play with Ben Eater's OODA Loop simulation here:
Learn about the OODA Loop here:
Developed by COL John Boyd:
More about MediaWise:
MediaWise is led by The Poynter Institute ( in partnership with the Stanford History Education Group (SHEG, the Local Media Association (LMA and the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE ). It is part of the Google News Initiative ( and funded by The program aims to teach 1 million teenagers how to learn fact from fiction on the internet by 2020, with at least half of them coming from underserved or low-income communities.
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