J.Marvin Herndon tries to pass off Bird Poop as evidence of "chemtrail" spraying


Senior Member.
In a newly published paper, J. Marvin Herndon claims a black substance that fell from the sky in Harrison Township Michigan is proof of "chemtrails"

he also tries to infer the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality testing confirms his results
The material
was also sampled and analyzed by officials from
the Michigan Department of Environmental
Quality. Here I report the results of those
analyses, which provide evidence of a deliberate
operation to melt ice and snow, which is
consistent with the hypothesis that aerosolized
coal fly ash is being used to deliberately enhance
global warming [13,22,23].

Samples of the "air-drop material" were collected
by Harrison Township, Michigan (USA) resident
Paul Schlutow on his property

But M.D.E.Q. says the tests show it is birdpoop.
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"Material that morphologically resembles plant material, including leaves, seeds and fruit skins make up the majority of the sample. The sample is consistent with bird scat containing fruit remains,"

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While he accepts the MDEQ's conclusion, Edman Street resident Paul Schlutow, whose home and white pickup truck were covered with the substance, is still a bit skeptical.

Given the amount of the substance on his property, he wonders how many birds it would take to make that much of a mess in such a concentrated area.

"The odds are astronomical," he said. "... I'd have a better chance of hitting the Lotto."

But despite spending hours on the telephone, and washing his truck four times and counting, Schlutow refused to lose his sense of humor about the situation.

"If there's a way to turn something to crap, I guess I can find it," he quipped.



birds, gotta love em (this pic not from Michigan)
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The black poop is probably a seasonal thing, and related to local vegetation or migration, so not seen all the time. Similar accounts of confusion exist:
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So starting about last week every day my back deck is covered with what looks like bird poop only it's black. Covered far more than I would normally find "white" droppings. At first I thought it was something falling out of my trees but I don't see anything in the trees that look like this.

I have berry trees in the front yard.. I wonder if birds could be eating that and then coming to the back and going because of the seeds? The droppings almost look like there are seeds in them...
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About the black bird poop, this time of year it's the Japanese privet bushes. They make berries a couple times a year, especially if you fertilize, but this is one of those times and there's not a lot else for birds to eat this time of year.
On Google street view there is what looks like a Japanese privet bush directly across the narrow street from his driveway. So you've got the likely scenario of birds eating the berries, then sitting in the large tree over his truck, and pooping.


Japanese Privet

Note also this post about the black bird poop and the Harrison event are both in February (actually both about Feb 14th) so very consistent in terms of seasonal berry bird poop.
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Some more black bird poop from berries in winter.
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Our backyard patio, which sits below our neighbor's large maple tree, is littered with black droppings from birds every year, mostly during winter months.

I imagine it is the berries the birds are eating this time of year that makes for the black droppings, but this year they are excessive. Is there a surge in bird or berry population that is making this so bad this year?
The blackness most likely is from berries. Birds eat a wide variety of food, including berries, but once things pass through the digestive system, they could come out black or purple.
And just in case you're wondering, birds poop right before taking flight — it makes them lighter. They tend to make the biggest messes before leaving the trees at dawn.
And an amusing account of a similar bush -> tree situation in february
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It is the story of a horribly fucked-up tree called, "The Pooping Tree." The Pooping Tree is a giant Sycamore in our parking strip (that's the area in between the sidewalk and the street). And every year, during Pooping Season, bird shit falls from the tree like tears from a teenage girl. Pooping Season is basically late Winter to late Spring—from early February through early May. So that's almost three months of continuous bird shit.
My friend, who is an Ornithologist (a bird specialist), came over during the first Pooping Season, briefly surveyed the neighborhood trees, and started laughing. "Yeah, it's a mystery," she said. "We don't fully understand why the birds pick the trees they do. But they've definitely made yours the toilet tree."


How is Herndon claiming the poop was "accidentally released by an aircraft?"
[bunk]On or about February 14, 2016, an aircraft presumably operating out of Selfridge Air National Guard Base in Michigan (USA) momentarily released a small portion of its payload which reportedly fell on residential properties in Harrison Township, Michigan (USA). On February 14, 2016, a resident of Harrison Township noticed a strange substance that had apparently fallen from a passing aircraft and that had landed on at least seven homes and several vehicles [/bunk]

He says "momentarily released a small portion of its payload" as if he knows this happened. Yet nobody observed such a thing. His statement is highly misleading.
Especially since the guy washed his truck four times:
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washing his truck four times and counting
This is consistent with birds pooping for a few days while they eat the berries. It's not consistent with a single accidental release from an aircraft of fake glacier de-icer.
So you've got the likely scenario of birds eating the berries, then sitting in the large tree over his truck, and pooping.
the boat too. is next to a tree.
Video also shows poop on the front steps of the blue house (next to the fir tree) across the street from him.

a plane dropping anything probably wouldnt have missed the part of the boat not under a tree.
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Actually it seems that Herndon knew about the MDEQ's conclusion that the material is bird poop. He quotes the MDEQ findings:

He then omits the next sentence from the MDEQ analysis: "The sample is consistent with bird scat containing fruit remains".

Probably a deliberate omission.
Just found the link on Italian "tankerenemy" blog:

This time Herndon's refereed paper appears on J of Geography, Environment, and Earth Sciences International, published online by an institution called "Science Domain International".

The referees and their comments are open, contrary to stardard practice. I noted among them the name of Scafetta, a well known negationist of anthropogenic climate change (I still have to read those comments).
In fairness to Scafetta, from the review notes he doesn't seem convinced, he just seems to.... give up.

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The author does not really prove his case.
The paper aims to demonstrate that there exists an
"Intentional Efforts to Cause Global Warming and
Glacier Melting" by specific particulate aerosol spraying
in the troposphere by coal fly ask. However, the author
at most demonstrates that just in a single case (on
February 14, 2016) and above a very limited area (in
Harrison Township, Michigan) that could have
I think that the evidences proposed in the paper are too
slim to deduce a world-wide case. It is true that the
author refers also to "unofficial worldwide
observations". However, The fact that these were
"unofficial" makes the case very weak.
I would suggest the author to search further convincing
evidences to support his hypothesis. Otherwise, he can
simply rewrite the paper putting the emphasis on the
event occurred in Harrison Township on 02/14/2016,
which may be interesting without inferring the necessity
of inferring a worldwide plot.

Ray Von
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Did you read the peer-reviewing history of this article? It is both interesting and discouraging. Herndon can say that his article is actually peer-reviewed although his conclusions are clearly based upon a non-scientifically proven statement. The two Nigerian reviewers only point out minor or formal things while the Italian one is more conclusive with his objections. After some minor changes this reviewer laconically agrees with the publication of the article.
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A short extract from the revised manuscript, line 105-6:
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Recently, a once prestigious scientific journal became party to deliberately deceiving the public about this aerial spraying [20].
20. Shearer, C.; West, M.; Caldeira, K.; Davis, S.J. Quantifying expert consensus against the existence of a secret large-scale atmospheric spraying program. Environ. Res. Lett. 2016, 084011.
This is amenable to "denuncia per diffamazione" in an Italian court.
Nicola Scafetta has published a comment on Herndon's paper, pointing out that the material in question is bird poop:
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Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, ISSN: 2454-7352,Vol.: 9, Issue.: 3


Comment on "An Indication of Intentional Efforts to Cause Global Warming and Glacier Melting" by J. Marvin Herndon

Nicola Scafetta1*
1Department of Earth Sciences, Environment and Georesources, University of Naples Federico II, Largo S. Marcellino, 10 - 80138 Naples, Italy.


Aims: This is a critical comment on the recently published paper by Herndon (JGEESI 9(1): 1-11, 2017). I present compelling findings that Herndon's main claim that the "air-drop material" found on February 14, 2016 in Harrison Township, Michigan (USA) is an evidence for a deliberate world-wide effort to cause global warming and glacier melting is misleading.

Analysis: The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has determined that the found "air-drop material" was consistent with bird droppings because it morphologically resembles plant material, including leaves, seeds and fruit skins from berries. The 127th Wing, Michigan Air National Guard also stated that there was no indication that the substance came from any type of military aircraft.

Conclusion: Although the above relevant information about the Harrison Township event was already known since late February 2016, it is concealed in Herndon's paper. Indeed, the climate of Michigan is optimal to grow blueberry and other winter berries and these are usual winter food for local birds. Herndon missed to properly investigate the more likely possibility that the air-drop material could simple be unusual bird scat.
Nicola Scafetta has published a comment on Herndon's paper, pointing out that the material in question is bird poop:

Quite a detailed 5 page comment! Here's the conclusion.

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4. CONCLUSION Herndon's insinuation that the mysterious airdropped material fallen on February 14, 2016 upon a number of residences and vehicles in Harrison Township, Michigan (USA) was some kind of harmful airplane dropping and that this event could be interpreted as a deliberate worldwide effort to cause global warming and glacier melting is unsubstantiated. It appears to run contrary to both the scientific method and the Occam's Razor principle.

Herndon acknowledges in page 4 of Ref. [1] that the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality noted from microscopic examination "... consists of a mixture of particles in dark clumps ... that morphologically resembles plant material, including leaves, seeds and fruit skins make up the majority of the sample....". Yet, Herndon [1] misquoted the report by cutting the conclusion, namely he did not properly acknowledged the MDEQ's finding that the material was indeed bird droppings. This additional information is, however, fundamental for a reader to properly evaluate the reliability of Herndon's main claim about an intentional efforts to cause global warming and glacier melting. This information is missing in [1] although it has been already reported by news-agencies, as proven above.

Thus, Herndon has likely written a quite misleading article by interpreting an unusual but natural event, which simply occurred once in a limited area, as an evidence for a deliberate world wide effort to cause global warming and glacier melting. Herndon's conclusions are unsubstantiated in front of the full evidences provided by MDEQ and by the local aeronautical authorities.

In conclusion, all evidences collected by local authorities and also a simple visual photo inspection (Fig. 1) and the general agricultural and wildlife characterization of Michigan (Fig. 2) infer that the "air-drop material" found on February 14, 2016 upon a number of residences and vehicles in Harrison Township, Michigan (USA) is bird droppings. If Herndon wanted to question this conclusion, nevertheless he had a duty to clearly acknowledge it and clearly present the counter evidences to dispute it.
Herndon has published yet another paper in JGEESI:
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Contamination of the Biosphere with Mercury: Another Potential Consequence of On-going Climate Manipulation Using Aerosolized Coal Fly Ash

J. Marvin Herndon and Mark Whiteside

Objectives: Atmospheric aerosol climate manipulation has been undertaken since at least the beginning of the 21st century, with increasing frequency and duration, without public discussion, and without disclosure of the particulate matter composition being placed into the air we breathe. Nor have the effects of this activity on biota including humans been discussed. Forensic evidence published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature is consistent with coal fly ash (CFA), the toxic waste-product of coal-burning, being the main undisclosed geoengineering-particulate. The objective of this paper is to provide additional evidence that the particulate matter aerosolized in the atmosphere during geoengineering activities is coal fly ash and to consider the concomitant potential consequences of contaminating the biosphere with mercury.

Methods: Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) was used to investigate evidence bearing on the composition of geoengineering material.

Results: Analyses of rainwater and snow provide further evidence that coal fly ash is the primary component dispersed in the atmosphere for geoengineering purposes. Consequently, this near-daily, near-global climate manipulation activity poses a previously unrecognized risk for environmental mercury contamination by deliberately aerosolized CFA that contains mercury in variable amounts (Table 1) ranging as high as 2 µg/g.

Conclusion: Despite strengthened mercury emission regulations, mercury measured in rainwater is increasing. Since it is known that the upper troposphere contains oxidized, particle-bound mercury, it is likely that covert aerosolized coal fly ash sprayed into this region is a major source of mercury pollution. Mercury affects multiple systems in the body, potentially causing neurological, cardiovascular, genitourinary, reproductive, immunological, and even genetic disease. Because atmospheric climate manipulation using coal-fly-ash-based aerosols represents a potential globally pervasive environmental-source of this toxic element, it must be recognized and appropriate steps taken to halt climate geoengineering.
The interesting thing is that the main message of the paper is that mercury in rainwater is increasing. But looking at the tables and figures in the paper, it appears Herndon performed analyses for many elements EXCEPT mercury. He measures other elements, decides there must be coal fly ash in the rainwater, and as we know coal fly ash also contains mercury, so the rainwater must contain it as well. But he did not measure it!

The reviews are public, and one of the reviewers is Eric S. Hall, probably identical to this EPA scientist:

If so, it's quite strange that he approved this manuscript, only making a few minor edits.
The interesting thing is that the main message of the paper is that mercury in rainwater is increasing. But looking at the tables and figures in the paper, it appears Herndon performed analyses for many elements EXCEPT mercury. He measures other elements, decides there must be coal fly ash in the rainwater, and as we know coal fly ash also contains mercury, so the rainwater must contain it as well. But he did not measure it!
That's pretty astonishing. Do any reviewers actually read papers any more?

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The authors thank Environmental Voices and its donors for generously providing funds for laboratory and publication fees.
Environmental who, you say?

Wasn't the problem supposed to be aluminum, barium, and strontium? When did coal ash and mercury become the spray of the day?