Identifying Landing Lights Reported as UFOs

CRJ-900 landing


From the reddit video:

The reddit aircraft appears to have the red strobe mounted on the fuselage, and the landing lights further out and aft on the wings than the CRJ.
Can someone please attempt to match a CRJ-700 to this video at 3 points- In the beginning when it's seen from the front, directly from the side, and slightly from the rear. I can't imagine a way where the lighting configuration of this airplane could possibly match up with the video in those 3 positions.


Here that one stabilized and zoomed a bit

I'd say this looks more like an MD-80


Metabunk 2020-10-31 12-43-23.jpg


  • stab - i_just_saw_a_fucking_ufo_what_am_i_supposed_to_do.mp4
    1.8 MB
Thanks! The two things bothering me were the lack of visible green/red or flashing lights on the wing tips and tail, and the fact that the lights don't seem to dim even after the plane passes over the observer in the Reddit video. But in the MD80 video the lights are still visible even after passing over the camera, and the screenshot from the side of the MD80 matches up perfectly with the lights in the Reddit video.
Can anyone nail an ID on this one posted to reddit
I turned the gamma on my PC way up to 200%. The added brightness and contrast now makes it very obvious at 24 seconds in that she is indeed sitting on a bed looking out of the window, as you can clearly see the window frame and get some sense of perspective. And it also makes it very obvious that the 'object' is not in the air at all but is pretty much on the horizon, which you can now actually see. I'd say it is the mast and other lights on a passenger ship. This is the problem with so many 'UFO' videos...with no sense of perspective or orientation one has no idea if the object is high in the sky in this case...actually something on the horizon.
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I came across an interesting post on Reddit today, they say they are an aircraft mechanic and talked about the variability of aircraft lights, something we've come across before (usually when looking at strobe frequency,) there are minimum regulations and guidelines set by the FAA etc however manufacturers and airlines and general aviation owners are free do what they want as long as they also meet the regulated min/max's


External Quote:
Airplane by airplane would be a nightmare. Regulations are minimums, manufacturers are free and open to do all sorts of things outside of those minimums. As you can see when this Q400 lines up for takeoff, their "white strobes" aren't even on the wingtips like most airliners, they're on the fuselage and the tail, and there's no red flashing lights (you can see it in the beginning, it's only on the top of the fuselage and turns off when the white strobes turn on).

And don't even get me started on small general aviation aircraft -- that shit's basically like your neighborhood kid and his Honda Civic, you're only limited by what aftermarket products are FAA-approved. This dude's got LED landing lights in his wingtips (normal Cessnas don't have that) and an LED strobe system installed on his Cessna.

Or you just register your aircraft as experimental and do whatever you want (above the minimums like position lights, etc.). This dude's got flashing lights up the wazoo, pointing forward and down, and he's got a 737 landing light installed on the roof, facing backwards.

I could go on but I'll stop there. "Normal plane lights" (or "FAA lights" as if no one but the FAA has aircraft lighting standards) is a very generalized level of public knowledge that falls very short when actually trying to spot an aircraft.
The links to the videos:


