Walking the dog this morning I noticed what looked like a large bright orange balloon.
I couldn't really make out the shape either on my phone or through sunglasses, but it was definitely bright orange. Below it was something hanging down like a reflective tag or basket. Maybe even a light, it was just impossible to tell what. It caught the light and flashed white momentarily.
I was looking at it for a few minutes because it appeared completely still. I pointed it out to the two people walking their dogs toward me. They stopped and saw it too, and we all thought it was large and really high up. "It looks like it's in the flight path" one of them said.
What's disappointing is that the iphone photos I took of it look
nothing at all like what I could see. It was *bright orange*, and only a tiny pixel of orange appeared in one of the photos. It was amorphous.
The colour was very like this air ambulance (which, having tried to identify it on ADSBexchange.com was one of the aircraft in the air at that time, however the flightpath for this aircraft is in a straight line over where we were and not a hover over one spot).
This object appeared completely stationary and balloon-like, (no rotor) and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a helicopter because a). It appeared to be higher than any helicopter I've ever seen, it was barely resolvable to the eye and b). we couldn't hear any noise. But perhaps I'm wrong and helicopters like this have a reason to loiter very high up for some reason? (although I've never seen it).
The last picture I took shows it apparently in front of the clouds - I didn't notice this at the time I took the picture. So my conclusion is that we were all simultaneously mistaken. It was a balloon, probably quite small and not nearly as high as it appeared.
Distracted by my dog I lost it in the cloud.
Here's the airtraffic for that period of time from ADSBexchange. The closest thing I could think is the GEHMS air ambulence, but the only track shows it flying direct toward me (red arrow) not hovering for several minutes.
The images are almost comically bad... Here's how it first appeaerd. [taken at 09:49:44] Inside the red box, centre of the frame. The two people walking towards who I spoke with are in the botton of the frame.
Here's my location when taking the picture.
Below is two image layers with lighten applied. [taken at 09:51:23 and 09:51:25]. I was trying to see if it moved between shots. It shows just how small the object was (two tiny dots), but this in no way represents what It "looked like" - I looked much larger. The magnitude was more like Venus and the colour, as menioned was like the air ambulence above.
This is the last image taken at 09:53:22. The tiny orange speck in the centre of the frame is the object. To my eye this was behind the clouds not in front of it.