Senior Member.
I just popped out to the shops for some milk and then returning home find this hanging over my house!!!
I am far from impressed. Look how they have made it vertical as well
Other people also noted the contrail star above Manchester and now its pictures make rounds on "chemtrail" sites. Here are a few from
the Chemtrails Project UK and its members' facebook pages:
The first four pictures apparently were taken before and the last one after the David's picture above (post #139 in There are nine contrails in the last picture with five of them making the star. Comparison of photos allows the deduction of partial order of plane appearances and their headings relative to the camera (left or right, toward or away).
Unlike previous contrail pentagrams, it is known where and when this star was observed. Moreover, the photos provide sufficient information for its explanation. In particular, the last two photos taken in Stockport area with a ten-minute interval at 18:40 and 18:50 BST (on 20th June 2014) show the contrail star position relative the sun, the azimuth and altitude of which at that moment are readily calculated. These data place the contrail star northwest of Manchester with its centre being somewhere over Bolton. In ten minutes between the two Stockport photos the star went up in the sky relative to the sun, that is, it was brought closer to the camera position by a high altitude north-westerly wind.
Fligthradar24 playback for this area from 17:25 UTC till 17:50 UTC shows nine planes flying above this area at the contrail altitudes:
The order of appearances and headings of these planes are fully consistent with the photos. The contrails from the flights EZY49EY, VIR302G, DHL5CK, RYR39CF and H2B (1, 2, 3, 5 and 6) probably have made the star. Taking the wind factor into account, I have modelled these contrails on Google Earth, using the Flightradar24 data on flight routes and altitudes:
The earliest blue contrail was formed about five minutes before the green and yellow contrails and ten minutes before the orange and red ones. I've moved it in the SE direction by about 13 km parallel to its flight route (purple line), which corresponds to a modest wind speed of 80 km/h or 50 mph. The green and yellow contrails have also been moved by a half of this distance in the same direction. Note that from above the resulting star looks very asymmetric, but from the ground it looks more proportional due to the perspective:
Here is a view of the modelled contrails from the centre of Stockport (compare with photo #4).
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