Explained: Cuba UAP 2019 - LED Kite with Rotating Lights



Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JRi7VUZTcA

Original video:

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYqV3nV6FNs

Saw this in the new Showtime UFO show (a mixed bag) but thought this video was worth taking a closer look at. No idea what it could be, it looks a bit uncanny so maybe CGI. Can't seem to find anything else out about it online save that https://twitter.com/ufoofinterest thinks it's an LED kite.


This is his comparison and I think the shape is spot on but the lighting effects don't match at all. What is strange is that the kite shape is evident at the beginning and is then eclipsed by the rotating plasma/fireball before the kite shape emerges again. My hypothesis would be that the fireball is some sort of aftereffects template applied onto footage of a kite. Maybe there are LEDS on the kite to aid with placing the template but otherwise I don't see any reason to think that it is an LED kite.


  • UFO caught on video over Cuba.mp4
    1.1 MB
Wow scanning down the comments of the youtube video, Surely some of the commentators are just taking the piss, like I believe a lot of the flat earthers, q-anoners etc and are in it just for the LOLs. Only one person mentions kite and then seems to dismiss that theory
What do the commentators think what purpose do the aliens are achieving with the spinning lights? A mating ritual perhaps?
Does nasa etc typically festoon their craft like a carnival show?
I haven't looked it up, but I doubt any space agency puts lights on their ships esp ones going to the moon or mars or beyond, why would they? :)
(now defunct) Electric Kite Company
Such kites are still made by several Chinese manufacturers -- for some reason almost universally adhering to the red/white/blue pattern for the delta kite. So expect them to continue to crop up into the foreseeable future, from time to time.

(One of mine in flight is to the left here, to be contrasted with the more elaborate and less ufo-report-likely more modern (and bigger) night kites being made as well these days...)

Source: https://youtu.be/4ewQnEvnBmM?t=16

Another zombie UFO case: it keeps stumbling around causing occasional excitement long after it should have had a decent burial. It has just been revived in a report in the online version of the UK tabloid the Daily Mirror. The report (link following) says that the video has just been 'shared' on a Miami TV channel, and states

Former US Intelligence Officer, Colonel Octavio Pérez appeared on the show to add his thoughts to the clip. He said the aircraft possibly uses an anti-gravitational system, suggesting it could be extraterrestrial or a spy plane adapted from alien technology.

'Colonel' is a pretty senior rank, and one would like to think that 'Colonel' Perez is an imposter! Readers who know their way around US military records may be able to check him out.

The article is here:

Readers who know their way around US military records may be able to check him out.

Military Intelligence Officer
US Army
Jan 1978 - Sep 2001 · 23 yrs 9 mosJan 1978 - Sep 2001 · 23 yrs 9 mos

Military Intelligence Officer DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) 1983-86 DX5C (North Korea , China SWA)
SOA (School of the America) now called Western Hemisphere Institute Security Cooperation (WHISCSEC) 1991-92, US Army Armor School Instructor (IMA) 1994-96, Southcom (IMA) Reserves 1999-2001)Military Intelligence Officer DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) 1983-86 DX5C (North Korea , China SWA) SOA (School of the America) now called Western Hemisphere Institute Security Cooperation (WHISCSEC) 1991-92, US Army Armor School Instructor (IMA) 1994-96, Southcom (IMA) Reserves 1999-2001)

Skills: Microsoft Office · Team Building · Management · Public Speaking · Microsoft Exce
If this was in Cuba, there are probably a whole lotta kites that look like that, as it mimics the Cuban flag:
That seems to be a coincidence. These kites, made in Singapore for a bit and by several different companies in China, almost always copy the red white and blue pattern. Rarely you see a black one. I've got three of them, different sizes, all copying the same r/w/b in the same pattern.
That seems to be a coincidence. These kites, made in Singapore for a bit and by several different companies in China, almost always copy the red white and blue pattern. Rarely you see a black one. I've got three of them, different sizes, all copying the same r/w/b in the same pattern.

If I have to stand corrected about a kite, at least it's by our resident kite expert ;). I guess red, white and blue is a good generic combination.
Another zombie UFO case: it keeps stumbling around causing occasional excitement long after it should have had a decent burial.

The worst aspect is that its precisely the sort of 'UFO footage' that gets displayed in the background when they interview Senator Marco Rubio, Leslie Kean, and others. Every single one of the UFOs displayed in such interviews has been debunked....yet they persist in showing them. All very annoying, but then I suppose if they had to have a background of non-debunked UFOS.....there wouldn't be any !