An Italian journalist covering URSS and later Russia, Giulietto Chiesa, during a recent conference of him (sorry I could not trace date and place yet) stated that "... io vado spesso a Mosca ... sapete, in Russia le scie chimiche non ci sono" ("I visit Moscow frequently ... you known, in Russia there are no chemtrails"), just at the end of this short video):
Let me add for your knowledge that Chiesa is well known in Italy for his positive stance supporting many CTs such as 9/11, up to and including chemtrails aka "covered geoengineering". Interestingly, quite contrary to what is typical in the States, he and some other chemtrailists fringes are politically left wing (to the extreme).
But here I would like your help in order to debunk his specific statement, which I guess is totally absurd. I would like to document the common presence of contrails over Russian skies. Please post here any link, photo, or otherwise. Maybe a quick search through satellite imagery would reveal easily the longer, persistent contrails. Or maybe some tourist photos on Flickr, or many other possible sources. Thanks in advance!
Let me add for your knowledge that Chiesa is well known in Italy for his positive stance supporting many CTs such as 9/11, up to and including chemtrails aka "covered geoengineering". Interestingly, quite contrary to what is typical in the States, he and some other chemtrailists fringes are politically left wing (to the extreme).
But here I would like your help in order to debunk his specific statement, which I guess is totally absurd. I would like to document the common presence of contrails over Russian skies. Please post here any link, photo, or otherwise. Maybe a quick search through satellite imagery would reveal easily the longer, persistent contrails. Or maybe some tourist photos on Flickr, or many other possible sources. Thanks in advance!