Kylie Jenner tweeted the left half of the above image to her 10 Million Twitter followers yesterday, and it has already been retweeted four thousand times. I added the answers on the right.
It's quite a simplistic version of the "chemtrail" theory, but given the amount of attention it has received because of Jenner's celebrity status, I think it's worth addressing directly, and in way that can be reused, hence the above anti-meme.
The text of the above questions and answers:
Q) Why did I see 75 planes spraying white stuff into the sky on my 15 minute drive to work?
A) Everywhere in the US sees from 100 to 500+ jets fly nearby every day. Often water in the exhaust condenses into contrails, which can last for hours, and can be seen from 100 miles away.
Q) Who Pays for this, and why is it happening?
A) "This" is just contrails. The passengers pay
Q) Is something being exterminated here?
A) No (and in fact life expectancy has been steadily increasing over the same years the chemtrail conspiracy theory has been spreading)
Q) Is that something me?
A) No (and if the spray were killing you, it would also be killing them, and their children).
Q) Does this have anything to do with why Honey Bee's are Dying off really fast?
A) No, there's lots of research into Colony Collapse Disorder, scientists don't think contrails are related
Q) Why are some days normal with no Planes spraying and others look like this?
A) It's the weather, like how some days it rains and some days it doesn't
Q) Whos is responsible?
A) Normal air traffic is responsible, there's a lot more now flying at contrail forming altitudes
Q) What effect will this have on our health and our childrens future?
A) None, it's just increasing cloud cover sightly
A) Nobody. It's just a side effect of airline travel, visual pollution
Q) Am I the only one who see this?
A) No, everyone sees the same sky. People just interpret it differently
There's some links in the answers above for reference, and here are some more:
- Aircraft contrails factsheet. EPA, NASA, NOAA & the FAA:
- Persistent and Spreading Contrails: Contrail Science:
- How to Debunk Chemtrails, Contrail Science:
- Contrails (Vapor Trails) Encyclopedia Brittanica.
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