
  1. Mick West

    Explaining the Ghost Boy in the Back Seat Photo with Occam's Razor

    Source: Daily Mail In a tabloid story widely shared on social media, we see two photographs taken seconds apart. In the first photo there's a girl looking at the camera, taking a selfie. The camera is reflected in her sunglasses, her hair seems to be blowing in a breeze. In the next photo...
  2. Mick West

    Debunked: USGS Scientist: Major San Francisco Quake On Hayward Fault Expected Any Day Now

    Numerous media outlets have repeated the headline that seem to say a USGS scientist, Tom Brocher, has predicted there will be a major quake in San Francisco in the next few days, as seen on the left of the above image. However, Tom Brocher responded to this by saying "my comments have been...
  3. Mick West

    Debunked: Kylie Jenner's Chemtrail Meme Tweet

    Kylie Jenner tweeted the left half of the above image to her 10 Million Twitter followers yesterday, and it has already been retweeted four thousand times. I added the answers on the right. It's quite a simplistic version of the "chemtrail" theory, but given the amount of attention it has...
  4. Mick West

    Debunked: Islamic State (ISIS) orders female circumcision (FGM, Female Genital Mutilation)

    Multiple news outlets are repeating this story, originally from Reuters A top UN official in Iraq has said the Sunni Islamist group Isis controlling the city of Mosul is seeking to impose female genital mutilation. All females aged 11 and 46...