Jay Reynolds
Senior Member.
The purpose of this thread is to show how despite being informed months ago that the KC-10 video shown at Dane Wigington's has:
-aerodynamic contrails on the wing
-flap track fairings not spray nozzles
-aerodynamic contrails which start and stop due to fling through air with varying moisture content
-that the original content of the video was a prank pulled by genuine USAF pilots on chemtrail believers, not someone filming from a civilian airplane as claimed in the pirated version on Dane's site
Despite being told all of these things, on his website Dane continues to insist that the video shows spray nozzles and spraying from the flap track fairings rather than ordinary aerodynamic contrails.
Here is the video linked to at Dane's site which he refers to during the debate with Mick
from the debate:
On May 18, 2013, in a letter to G. Edward Griffin, and CC'd to DANE WIGINGTON, I discussed and gave links explaining the provenance of the KC-10 video and that the video which Wigington says are "spray nozzles" were simply the flap track fairings. Here is a copy of the email I sent them:
See Also this discussion of the original Hoax video, and the promotion of that video
-aerodynamic contrails on the wing
-flap track fairings not spray nozzles
-aerodynamic contrails which start and stop due to fling through air with varying moisture content
-that the original content of the video was a prank pulled by genuine USAF pilots on chemtrail believers, not someone filming from a civilian airplane as claimed in the pirated version on Dane's site
Despite being told all of these things, on his website Dane continues to insist that the video shows spray nozzles and spraying from the flap track fairings rather than ordinary aerodynamic contrails.
Here is the video linked to at Dane's site which he refers to during the debate with Mick
from the debate:
John: Hold on, I just want to say one thing. I understand what both of you are saying, and I think I have found something here that maybe Mick could take a look at, it's called "Aircraft Technology and its Relation to Emissions" it clear states that jet engines emit metal particles, including Aluminum, Ti, I don't know what that is, Cr, I guess that is, and Ni, Ba, and these are in parts per volume, which is, at a level through the nozzle of the airplanes, and I'm looking at the document right now, so I'm not sure what the argument is there. It says that these are jet exhaust plumes, and chemtrails, right in the document.
Mick: They are just normal jet exhaust. It's no different from what you get out of the back of your car.
Dane: Okay, so if it's normal jet exhaust, then why do we have films of KC-10s and KC-135s spraying at altitude with the nozzles visible? And turning on and off, how can that be considered normal exhaust.
Mick: You don't have video of the them spraying. You have video of KC-10s leaving contrails. and they turn on and off because they are moving through areas of high and low humidity.
Dane: How come at the same time there's film of one the two shutting off, and leaving nothing, again, and starting up
Mick: because, they are flying out of a region of
Mick: it's basically the same answer as before, there's regions of humidity, they are like clouds, if you can see, you can see lots different shapes of clouds and that's how the regions of humidity are, they are exactly the same shapes as clouds, they come in layers, they come in holes...
John: ... so what I understand is that there are pockets of air, that are creating and not creating the the stratospheric [inaudible]
Mick: Pockets of air which are suitable for contrail formation....
Dane: ... let's take that to another level then, how come we see three-engined jet aircraft leaving a single trail. How come we have aircrafts that have have one, maybe they have a jet engine that is mounted crooked on the plane, because you can see the plume shoots far off to one side. And it really is not a jet engine....
Mick: Three engined lanes appear to leave one contrail because the engines are basically very close together, and they merge very quickly, after, like DC-8s, I think.
Dane: [laughs] Well, we have close-up video of nozzles on planes with these plumes coming out, how is that explained?...
Mick: ...I very much doubt that, but I would like to see it do you have the name of the....
Dane:... even though they're changing altitude as well. You describe that this is all perfectly natural phenomenon, when we see, we have films of aircraft, you know, clear shutting on and off with dispersement that's coming from, we see rear engined jets with trails coming from the front wing. ... we see patterns
Mick: ... that can be explained completely...
John: I think he knows, ..., you're going to say ice is on the wing? Right.
Mick: No. That's a, what's called an "aerodynamic" contrail. The decrease in pressure on the top of the wing causes water to condense. It's a well known phenomena.
Dane: So why would that shut on and off then? Because there's video of that shutting on and off...
Mick: ... same reason. It's going in and out of areas of high and low humidity...
Dane: ... why do they need nozzles? Why do they need nozzles on the wings?
Mick: They don't have nozzles on the wings. What you are looking at in that video is flap fairings. Which are, basically little pods on the wings which contain the mechanism, like it's a big hinge, which raises and lowers the flaps for landing. It looks a bit like a nozzle, but it's not. So, it's a flap fairing. Ask any pilot what it is. Show them that video, and they'll tell you what it is.
On May 18, 2013, in a letter to G. Edward Griffin, and CC'd to DANE WIGINGTON, I discussed and gave links explaining the provenance of the KC-10 video and that the video which Wigington says are "spray nozzles" were simply the flap track fairings. Here is a copy of the email I sent them:
See Also this discussion of the original Hoax video, and the promotion of that video
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