Was Dawn Hochsprung's picture used on a Fox news broadcast and labelled as Donna or is it an out and out photoshop fake?
There is no evidence this was ever aired
Debunking by snopes.
Says Fox on blue banner
This July 2010 file photo provided by the Newtown Bee shows Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, principal at Sandy Hook http://bigstory.ap.org/photo/dawn-lafferty-hochsprung-1
Madison's Donna Bruce completed Monday's Boston Marathon and was not injured. (Photo, Linkedin)
Donna Page (pronounced Pa-jhay), the school's former principal, is leading the new school as interim principal http://abcnews.go.com/US/sandy-hook...ing-retirement/story?id=18114098#.UYUjP8oROe8
There is no evidence this was ever aired
Debunking by snopes.
http://wafflesatnoon.com/2013/04/17/sandy-hook-boston-marathon-victim/External Quote:The woman pictured above is the late Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, the school principal who was killed in the Sandy Hook shootings, and the right-hand panel purportedly shows her picture being displayed on the screen during an interview with someone named Donna about the Boston Marathon bombings. Some commentators have noted that the woman who stepped in as principal at Sandy Hook after Dawn Hochsprung's death was Donna Page and theorized that the former was the "Donna" referenced during the pictured interview about the Boston Marathon bombings (in the course of which her predecessor's picture was shown on-screen). Although at least one woman named Donna who ran in the marathon that day did give media interviews about her experience, the only such reference we have seen that mentioned a surname identified the interviewee as Donna Bruce, not Donna Page.

Says Fox on blue banner
External Quote:April 17th, 2013 | 60 Comments A photo being circulated shows what is claimed to be a "mistake" showing the photo Sandy Hook school shooting victim as one of those killed in the Boston Marathon bombing.
We are calling this one a hoax.
First, however, let's take a look at a caption being used with this claim:
Whoa! Government is slipping up! This lady supposedly died in the elementary school shooting & apparently died again in the bombing at Boston. They have to be smarter than this, right?

This July 2010 file photo provided by the Newtown Bee shows Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, principal at Sandy Hook http://bigstory.ap.org/photo/dawn-lafferty-hochsprung-1

Madison's Donna Bruce completed Monday's Boston Marathon and was not injured. (Photo, Linkedin)

Donna Page (pronounced Pa-jhay), the school's former principal, is leading the new school as interim principal http://abcnews.go.com/US/sandy-hook...ing-retirement/story?id=18114098#.UYUjP8oROe8