Sure the same environmental wackos responsible for this messI found this document from the Center for Biological Diversity which has a nice short recap of the situation.
It seems in the mid 1990's Bundy wanted to pay the grazing fees to the county rather than the feds. The county refused the money because it was not theirs to collect. In 1998 Clark County purchased the grazing rights and retired them. Basically, in 1998, the county forbade everyone from using the land. So now, Bundy owed the past due grazing fees and the accumulating fines. Both of which he refused to pay, and he continued letting his cattle graze on the forbidden allotment.
It's interesting how much of the rhetoric involves cries of the the federal government staying out of state affairs, when it seems that it's the local government (Clark County) that doesn't want cattle grazing in the Bunkerville allotment.
In this article from back in 1992, Bundy was complaining about money, he made no mention of his hereditary rights to the land.External Quote:In 1993, the BLM began administrative processes to address grazing by permitee Cliven Bundy which was occurring without a valid permit. In 1994, the BLM declared Mr. Bundy in trespass and ordered him to remove his cattle and pay judgments against him. Mr. Bundy attempted to pay his grazing fees to Clark County, but the payment was properly rejected due to the County's lack of jurisdiction in the matter. In 1998, U.S. District Court entered an order granting the US a permanent injunction against Cliven Bundy and his family and ordered him to remove his cattle. Mr. Bundy appealed the decision and in 1999, the Appeals Court found in favor for the U.S.
In December, 1998 Clark County purchased the grazing rights to the Bunkerville Allotment for $375,000 and retired them for the benefit and protection of the desert tortoise. Clark County also purchased the range improvements at the request of the BLM. With the on-going trespass, Clark County inquired as to the rights of Cliven Bundy to be on the allotment. In a July, 2002 memo the LV Field Manager stated that the "BLM agrees with your position, Mr. Bundy has no right to occupy or graze livestock in the Bunkerville grazing allotment. Two court decisions, one in Federal District Court and another in the Circuit Court of Appeals, fully supports our positions." Clark County's purchase of the grazing rights and the retirement of those rights was and is a principal part of the mitigation required under the Clark County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan ("CCMSHCP") and associated Incidental Take Permit, which allow for the destruction of habitat and "take" on 145,000 acres of private land in Clark County. To date, approximately 78,260 acres of take have occurred.
External Quote:But several ranchers, warned of the notices for several months, say they have plans to ignore the requests. "This will put the ranching business clear out of southern Nevada," says Cliven Bundy, a rancher using 150,000 acres of public land near Mesquite.
"Southern California, northern Arizona, and Utah will be next," he says, adding that this week's announcement, if complied with, will force 95 percent of his herd - thousands of head of cattle - into expensive feed lots for the three-month period. Costs to consumers would triple.
So its not a matter of what he did or did not pay . They just dont want any cattle at all ! http://mesquitecitizen.com/viewnews.php?newsid=7267&id=3External Quote:
In 1998, Clark County bought all valid existing grazing permits for Gold Butte, paying $375,000 to retire them for the benefit of the desert tortoise, Rob Mrowka of the Center for Biological Diversity said in 2012 after his organization filed suit against the BLM for not enforcing previous court orders. All other ranchers in the
area complied with the 'no grazing' rule except for Bundy who's been called the last rancher left in Clark County.