youre right, there is no reason to assume health care personnel caught covid from the patients. <that's sarcasm.
They dont report data on specific dr offices (which is what i read obiwan's comment as referring to vs hospital staff), so you just have to extrapolate that if hospital workers caught covid it stands to reason that private dr offices staff catch covid too and since many offices only have 1,2 or 3 doctors (and half of them are usually now actually nurse practitioners), even 1 dr out sick would mean cancelled appointments.
all i can think of for hospital services would be mammograms... (maybe colonoscopies but im not looking that up)
the closest i see in a quick google scan (im not willing to deep dive this for you) is "covid related, administrative issues, and provider request" .. administration issues would also be provider request so ... you can read the full text and tell us.
Results: During the study period, 5340 mammogram appointments were kept and 2784 mammogram appointments were canceled. From a baseline of 30 (10.8%) canceled mammograms in January, cancellations peaked in March (576, 20.6%) and gradually decreased to a low in August (197, 7%). Reasons for cancellations varied significantly by month (P < .0001) and included COVID-19 related (236, 8.5%), unspecified patient reasons (1,210, 43.5%), administrative issues (147, 5.3%), provider requests (46, 1.7%), sooner appointments available (31, 1.1%), and reasons not given (486, 17.5%). In addition, compared to a baseline in January (51, 16.5%), electronic patient portal access peaked in August (67, 34.0%).
do i want to quote a WHO source since it's been established in this thread that they cant be trusted? i'm gonna:
sept 2020 COVID-19 has infected some 570,000 health workers and killed 2,500 in the Americas, PAHO Director says
OMICRON DEC. 24, 2021
The Silent Wave Inside the city's hospitals fighting COVID, scores of doctors and nurses are suddenly out sick.
but if you want to argue that noone got an appt cancelled because the dr was out with covid, that's cool. this thread has been off topic for too long, i'm not going to argue the trivial point of obiwans statement further.