Contrails in "Diamonds are Forever" 1971


New Member
There's the classic footage from "Diamonds are Forever" 1971 shortly before the night time car chase in Vegas:

Where did you get that picture from? I just watched the ORIGINAL 1971 Diamonds are Forever and it clearly shows that your image was cropped to show persistent "contrails". Take a look at the real footage....


Now who has the time, the want, and the guts to crop video footage to disprove this? The truth is out there, you can try and cover it up but a little digging is all it takes.
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Where did you get that picture from? I just watched the ORIGINAL 1971 Diamonds are Forever and it clearly shows that your image was cropped to show persistent "contrails". Take a look at the real footage.... Now who has the time, the want, and the guts to crop video footage to disprove this? The truth is out there, you can try and cover it up but a little digging is all it takes.

What do you mean, cropped? How can cropping an image reveal more of the sky?

The video screenshot you posted appears to be the cropped version. Look at how the entire top of the rear building is missing, as well as the pole to the left and part of the red car to the right:


compared to the version posted earlier:


I don't have the film so I can't say for sure, but I do know that movies are often released in different versions, because the aspect ratio of film didn't lend itself to old 4:3 televisions. So lots of films were cropped with "pan and scan" for home release.

You claim you just watched the "original... real footage" but your screenshot is of a YouTube video, which is certainly not how a 1970s film was "originally" released. This version almost looks like a letterboxed crop of a pan-and-scan video, as it is missing material from the sides and the top and bottom. Certainly the quality looks low enough to be taken from an old VHS version!

Edit: in fact the version you posted is definitely cropped. This is the link:

Just watch the first few seconds and you can see that the MGM logo is missing large parts from around the edges. I suspect this version has been zoomed deliberately to get around YouTube's copyright detection algorithms.


The truth is out there, you can try and cover it up but a little digging is all it takes.
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Where did you get that picture from? I just watched the ORIGINAL 1971 Diamonds are Forever and it clearly shows that your image was cropped to show persistent "contrails". Take a look at the real footage.... Now who has the time, the want, and the guts to crop video footage to disprove this? The truth is out there, you can try and cover it up but a little digging is all it takes.
The original movie was made in "widescreen" format with the aspect ratio probably being 2.39:1.
External Quote:

  • 2.39:1 (~12:5): 35 mm anamorphic from 1970 onwards. Aspect ratio of current anamorphic widescreen theatrical viewings. Often commercially branded as Panavision format or 'Scope. Specified as 2.40:1 for Blu-ray Disc film releases (1920×800 resolution).
External Quote:
Multiple aspect ratios create additional burdens on filmmakers and consumers, and confusion among TV broadcasters. It is common for a widescreen film to be presented in an altered format (cropped, letterboxed or expanded beyond the original aspect ratio).
The version that you have watched is a converted/cropped version of the original movie, as noted above by @Trailblazer.
What do you not know what the word cropped means?
Cropping refers to the removal of the outer parts of an image to improve framing, accentuate subject matter or change aspect ratio. Depending on the application, this may be performed on a physical photograph, artwork or film footage, or achieved digitally using image editingsoftware. The term is common to the film, broadcasting, photographic, graphic designand printing industries.
If you watch the original movie you can CLEARLY see that the image provided by you has a cropped sky. The dvd of diamonds are forever the contrails erhh chemtrails are not there. All I am asking is for the original poster to state his source of the photograph along with a 5 second clip of this scene. It's ironic that his profile states he is a vfx supervisor. Even at youtubes lower quality you can see the image is faked. Please provide me with a video of this scene showing that sky
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What do you not know what the word cropped means?
Cropping refers to the removal of the outer parts of an image to improve framing, accentuate subject matter or change aspect ratio. Depending on the application, this may be performed on a physical photograph, artwork or film footage, or achieved digitally using image editingsoftware. The term is common to the film, broadcasting, photographic, graphic designand printing industries.
If you watch the original movie you can CLEARLY see that the image provided by you has a cropped sky. The dvd of diamonds are forever the contrails erhh chemtrails are not there. All I am asking is for the original poster to state his source of the photograph along with a 5 second clip of this scene. It's ironic that his profile states he is a vfx supervisor. Even at youtubes lower quality you can see the image is faked. Please provide me with a video of this scene showing that sky
As already pointed out, and per the definition you provided, it's the YouTube video you posted that has been cropped (badly), not the one in the start of this thread. Going by the runtime it's also a cut version, the original movie is two hours long.

The image from the OP is present in my copy too.


Ray Von
What do you not know what the word cropped means?
Cropping refers to the removal of the outer parts of an image to improve framing, accentuate subject matter or change aspect ratio.
I know exactly what cropping means. I was questioning why you described the image showing contrails as "cropped" when it shows a larger area than the image you claimed was the original! Clearly the smaller frame is the cropped one.

If you watch the original movie you can CLEARLY see that the image provided by you has a cropped sky. The dvd of diamonds are forever the contrails erhh chemtrails are not there.
You didn't show an image from the DVD. You showed an image from a YouTube video that was cropped so severely that most of the "Metro Goldwyn Mayer" text at the beginning was missing. And again, how can a "cropped sky" show more area than the "original"?

Just watching the first five minutes of the YouTube video you posted, how could you fail to spot that it is heavily cropped? People's heads are cut off, and some of the titles are almost entirely missing.

image.png image.png image.png
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