on a@Mkitz
Could you please repeat the initial question that you want to discuss? I am lost, completely. I see lots of beautiful images and thanks for that, but what is your goal, because I sense you have one.
something like "it was the third picture I took" or "it was one of the first pictures I took" would suffice to make a probable connectionYou also wouldnt remember the exact time you saw the blob to link it to the contrail picture.
Hi all, I observed a fast moving object on the lcd of the camera. It is not difficult to remember the trajectory, later I discovered a trace or trail, whatever you want to call it, that was coincident with the time, roughly, the first images I captured that morning and it was coincident with the the object that raced across the lcd screen. To imagine that the this vapor trail was produced by anything other than the object, at roughly the same time and same place, is highly improbable to impossible. Yet, this has been the suggestions from many of you, that the trace was a contrail shadow, bug, hair and so on. I made an estimate of the speed based the fact the object on the. lcd was lasted at best one second, figuring then the length of the trail and from this I concluded it was hundreds of miles an hour. It is unlikely that anyone would direct an aircraft downward into a mountain at that speed or any, and at that angle. In fact, the turbulence associated with lenticular clouds is generally avoided by pilots. To me this was a anomalous event and was followed by another anomalous event, the unprecedented cloud formations. My logic leads me to connect the two events, could it be correlation and not causation, yes, of course. However, when an highly improbable event, object descending is followed by another highly improbable event, the transformation of the lenticular cloud and the patterns that followed, it is not unreasonable to imagine that they are connected. I do not see images or videos that anyone has posted that show the images that day were ordinary, they remain unprecedented. If I posted the images without a discussion of the vapor trail, they represent a phenomenon that is highly unusual, lenticular clouds don't behave in this manner. If I have no credibility in the account of the object I presented, there is nothing more I can do to remove your doubt other than what I have said about who I am. I have enjoyed the discussion and I have benefitted from your expertise. Thank you.something like "it was the third picture I took" or "it was one of the first pictures I took" would suffice to make a probable connection
but it wasn't.something like "it was the third picture I took" or "it was one of the first pictures I took" would suffice to make a probable connection
I honestly don't know what you mean by the above. (compresses itself then becomes a tube.). I think I and you and other people have provided examples of what i see in your pictures.The two images I posted above at Tinkersailor's request, showa major a transformation in the cloud that rotates, compresses itself and which ultimately results in the cloud extending out a tube like structure. I do not see any cloud elsewhere posted on the internet doing this and following with complex cloud patterns for two hours
At 72 years of age and deep religious faith, .... We live a world of of the collective denial of the beautiful and the transcendent
Is there an energy shaping the transformations? I believe there is.
It is not random, of that I am certain. Something organic, something intelligent and something of living presence is at play. The universe is magical once you can break away from the hypnotic spell of the senses that can never accept snything greater than themselves. Harder than stone and darker than night. If the cloud patterns bring no joy and we get so caught up into forcing reality to conform to our expectations, than that is the way it has to be. Deirdre, thanks for a prova stive discussion. Embrace the magic, it is nothing to do with me. Cheers.
you don't have to be a materialist to be looking for natural causesI think we are doomed to talk past each other. I, and others here will continue to try to discern what common or natural causes can explain what you remember seeing and the photos you've shared. I, and I think many others here, are materialists. Many of us have done the religious thing and find it no longer explains the world in a satisfactory way.
well God did part the red sea in Exodus.religion is there to explain people, it's not Earth Science 101
Morey, I think this is where we're at a fundamental impasse. If I read this correctly, your deep religious faith includes a belief in the "transcendent". This corresponds with other statements you made such as (I've edited for brevity post #55):
I think we are doomed to talk past each other. I, and others here will continue to try to discern what common or natural causes can explain what you remember seeing and the photos you've shared. I, and I think many others here, are materialists. Many of us have done the religious thing and find it no longer explains the world in a satisfactory way.
I do not feel the need to invoke aliens, ghosts, interdimensional beings, paranormal activity, angles, magik, or in this case as we're talking about Mt. Shasta, the Lumerians to explain the natural world.
Your claim seems to be that a supersonic object zipped over the mountain leaving a millisecond vapor trail and then ensconced itself near the peak and proceeded to spend 2 hours making unprecedented formations in the clouds. This is your starting point for the debate you wish to have, correct?
It appears you're asking us to debate what transcendent form of intelligence caused this "miraculous" event. You're asking us to discuss magik. Again, as this is Mt. Shasta, you're asking us to discuss the Lumarians, though you never mention them.
We're on different wavelengths and I think will continue to go in circles and talk past each other.
You see evidence of a transcendent, organic intelligence at play on Mt. Shasta. Sorry, but I see clouds.
but it wasn't.
I honestly don't know what you mean by the above. (compresses itself then becomes a tube.). I think I and you and other people have provided examples of what i see in your pictures.
and how we are supposed to prove the time length of timelapse videos? (ie. "for two hours"). I agree with Mendel, we're at an impasse. One more quick question:
@Mkitz Do you see the exact same striations (roll) in the top cloud here?:
View attachment 56659Deirdre, Very keen eye, yes, I see a slight rotation. I should have been more clear, that it is a rotation that leads to a complete transformation of the lenticular cloud, and I think this is very unique. A transformation that goes from the lenticular below, the dark image, to the elongated structure in the brighter image. I have a closer view of the structure that was formed in the third image. The last image was part of the initial rotation of the lenticular and preceded the tube like structure. So to be clear, we are not just talking about a rotation, but rotation, compression and the formation of a new structure. The symmetry and definitive nature of this tube is unparalleled in any images of clouds. Since these are just clouds, surely, lenticular morphing in such a manner should be common. I think it is apparent that we need to provide an explanation of the dynamics of wind, with the interaction of mountain surfaces, that can provide such an exact formation. How does a constant laminar flow produce this shape, when most of the times it is a static lenticular? The fanning out or fan like structure on the bottom of the last image, I have not been able to find elsewhere. Maybe someone with more access to cloud formations could provide a parallel.
Could not agree more.well God did part the red sea in Exodus.
@MkitzTrailspotter. There are some pints you raise that are the result of not having thread very closely. I never referred to the vapor trail as a dissipation trail and have no idea what the latter refers to. I never said the vapor trail was captured long after the object was gone. I caught the vapor trail within seconds of the object piercing the clouds. The vapor trail is present in only one image and the dynamic nature of the area where the vapor trail was captured, erased the vapor trail immediately. The patterns that were captured in one frame, over the two hours were mostly gone in the next and you see that in the screen shots I uploaded of the sequence of multiple frames. The way the called vapor trail is wide at the back and narrow at the front is consistent with fast movement of an object through a cloud. You are certainly entitled to doubt, but it would be best if you got your facts straight. Go back in the thread and you will find the member who said dissipation trail. I appreciate being challenged and many comments have been useful in making me realize the uniqueness of the events that unfolded that morning. No one however has yet produced complex patterns under a lenticular cloud and there seems to be a lot of dancing around the issue. Yet, I am accused of being evasive. Thank you just the same.
NorCal Dave, yes, my experience is conviction is stronger than facts.
Just so you understand, psychology has been trying to explain the human mind in mechanistic terms for one hundred years and it has utterly failed.
Unfortunately it doesn't. I would really love a picture with some kind of concrete (i.e., visual) indicator of what the 'tube' you're seeing is here. Description isn't enough, I'm pretty sure I'm looking at a totally different part of the cloud than I should be. Judging by her post above, Deirdre also doesn't know what a 'tube' is here. I keep staring at the image and can't find a tube.Hi Tinkertailor, thank you from the inquiry. I posted these earlier, the top image preceded the bottom image by quite a few frames. The image with the vapor trail shows how the lenticular cloud appeared at the beginning of the two hour sequence. It is more typical of a lenticular shape and it transformed into the imagesm below. The lenticular clouds typical have a static shape, no doubt often very beautiful. I have yet to find a rotation of the entire lenticular cloud. The lee side can have rotor clouds. It is interesting to think of what will cause a large air mass to begin to rotate, what force is driving the rotation, there has to be a force to produce the rotation. How often have we seen the fanning out or layers at the bottom of the first image? Hope this helps.
The first image shows the fanning out or layers in the rotation. The second image followed the first a few frames later and I have marked the part I called tube. The third image is just otherworldly. ThanksUnfortunately it doesn't. I would really love a picture with some kind of concrete (i.e., visual) indicator of what the 'tube' you're seeing is here. Description isn't enough, I'm pretty sure I'm looking at a totally different part of the cloud than I should be. Judging by her post above, Deirdre also doesn't know what a 'tube' is here. I keep staring at the image and can't find a tube.
Would it be possible for you to visually demonstrate with an arrow, a circle, some kind of mark on the image?
Thank you, Deirdre@Mkitz comment 212: (coding got messed up ) in black
my text response ingreenbold
"Deirdre, Very keen eye, yes, I see a slight rotation.
Awesome, that's great
I should have been more clear, that it is a rotation that leads to a complete transformation of the lenticular cloud,
no, i get that. the cloud does different things at different times (but really so does my video example)
and I think this is very unique.
A transformation that goes from the lenticular below, the dark image, to the elongated structure in the brighter image. I have a closer view of the structure that was formed in the third image. The last image was part of the initial rotation of the lenticular and preceded the tube like structure. So to be clear, we are not just talking about a rotation, but rotation, compression and the formation of a new structure.
yea, ill bypass this because im still confused what you mean by "structure" ps. i see no structure anywehre in pic #3...i think too many pics in one comment is confusing me? and your pic1 and 4 are the same pic. (which is really abnormally identical to the video of the roll i posted.)
The symmetry and definitive nature of this tube is unparalleled in any images of clouds.
again, i dont understand what you are seeing.
Since these are just clouds, surely, lenticular morphing in such a manner should be common. I think it is apparent that we need to provide an explanation of the dynamics of wind, with the interaction of mountain surfaces, that can provide such an exact formation.
They aren't just clouds. they are humidity and thermals and cold pockets and wind and a mountain [and its various crevices] interacting in different ways. Here is the Flckr Mt. SHasta "group". 17 pages of photos, some spectacular...not one matches any other.
a pic from page 5 very similar to yours, her camera capability and filters are a bit different...but still very similar.
View attachment 56673
How does a constant laminar flow produce this shape, when most of the times it is a static lenticular?
I dont understand the question you are asking me. and i'm not a meteorologist so likely couldnt answer you even if i did understtand the question.
The fanning out or fan like structure on the bottom of the last image, I have not been able to find elsewhere. Maybe someone with more access to cloud formations could provide a parallel."
all those pics look the same to me so i dont know what you mean by "the fanning out in the last picture". sorry.
I think you should upload your pics, or a few to Flickr, they are pretty pics and would add to the Mt.Shasta group. I did enjoy looking up and at pretty clouds. Appreciate the you starting this thread so i could have the distraction of beautiful scenes.
Thank you, Norcal Dave, I will consider your suggestion.I personally strive for the opposite view. I try to let the facts lead me to my convictions and having arrived there, those convictions are open to change should the facts change. I think that in more extreme cases, a "conviction is stronger than facts" view leads to things like Flat Earth, or worse.
And here we differ in a way that makes discussing your central claim. You have the conviction that a supernatural something is causing the cloud patterns while I don't see the facts to support that.
This, as is the rest of the paragraph following this statement, getting way off topic for this thread. Metabunk tries to keep threads focused on specific claims. In this thread the central question you have raised is, roughly: "Are these cloud photos unique and unprecedented and if so, are they caused by an object you saw that may have left a vapor trail?".
Discussing what psychology has or hasn't discovered about the workings of the human mind is beyond the scope of this thread.
However, there is a sub-forum here on Metabunk called ChitChat, that is often allowed to be more open ended. You may be able to start a thread there. If you would like to engage in a discussion along the lines "Has modern Science robs us of our Transcendences?" or something like that, I bet you would get some interesting takes
a few frames later and I have marked the part I called tube.
View attachment 56680
you need to start labeling your pics with either their actual numbers, or their timesframes.These are over many frames between.
The second image followed the first a few frames later and I have marked the part I called tube.
The first image shows the fanning out or layers in the rotation.
They appear to be Altocumulus 'supercilium', which is currently an informal classification.In the meantime tahe claim has been made that we have see these cloud patterns all before. Well, look at the images below and show the equivalents. I have searched but do not have experience of. many here. Thank you.
Article: 'Supercilium' are short-lived cloud features, which appear in turbulent airflow over, and to the immediate lee of, steep mountain peaks during periods of strong mountain summit level winds.
@flarkey did that. the camera says 9:31. MhitzIf you give a precise time of the photo with the "contrail", then perhaps a plane could be identified.
https://www.metabunk.org/threads/clouds-over-mount-shasta-dissipation-trail.12794/post-284702This flew past at 1314UTC = 9.14am PST Local.
June 28th 2020 at 9:31 a.m. That could be an hour off, since camera was set on Denver time and my home in California is an hour earlier. So 99% probability it was 8:31 a.m. Pacific time.
you dont need credibility, we can see the bumps in the mountain profile. the guys can match things themselves because of all the FLat Earth thread practice. I was just helping him save time by getting him close.Your mapping is a bit off, wish I had a bit more credibility.
sounded like they could line up my location with the ridge or thumb rock, whatever.you dont need credibility, we can see the bumps in the mountain profile. the guys can match things themselves because of all the FLat Earth thread practice. I was just helping him save time by getting him close.
yup. they can.sounded like they could line up my location with the ridge or thumb rock, whatever.
Maybe so, but I don't think I would go around doxing myself on a public forum. You have time to edit your post and remove your address.My home is protected my Lemurians.
Mkitz what is the timestamp of this photo, please.Cloud starts to rotate, unmanipulated and very pleasing to the eye, after the vapor trail. Enjoy,
View attachment 56403
8:42 a.m. thanksMkitz what is the timestamp of this photo, please.
nice. can you post all the Original pics with timestamps so i can tell them apart, starting with the contrail through that pic?8:42 a.m. thanks
ps. by 8:42 you mean 9:42 camera time, right?8:42 a.m. thanks
Time stamp is 9:42, but camera on Denver time, one hour later. Thank you.ps. by 8:42 you mean 9:42 camera time, right?
Hi Deirdre, that is a big task your are asking. I can post a select few. I noticed on my computer the time stamp is broken to seconds, so can give you, I.e. 8:31:12. Let me know what you trying to establish. Remember my time stamp is one hour off, I live in Denver. Thank you bnice. can you post all the Original pics with timestamps so i can tell them apart, starting with the contrail through that pic?
i'm seeing a pattern i'm interested in but i'm not sure.
why? how many are there?Hi Deirdre, that is a big task your are asking.
maybe. maybe not. you never testified that you did consistently change your camera time when the clocks change twice a year.Remember my time stamp is one hour off,
I said in the very early posts, that my time stamp was off, set on Denver time. I have never changed the time stamp since I set it, the first time I set up the camera. Time stamps mean nothing to me, this is not a camera used for forensic investigations. Is there an investigation?why? how many are there?
maybe. maybe not. you never testified that you did consistently change your camera time when the clocks change twice a year.