Very interesting video of what he says is a fleet of ufos leaving the moon.
Thanks for posting the video (
post #210).
The first few minutes shows what (to me) look like satellites, maybe aircraft, perhaps sped up or using time-lapse.
From about 4 minutes 13 seconds in, we get video supposedly showing things happening on the Moon.
It's not said where this footage is from or on what date(s) it was taken. It is presented as evidence of extraterrestrial craft, or organic spacefaring extraterrestrials.
This is an extraordinary claim, and if correct would be of the highest significance.
However, we know that photos and film clips taken by others making similar claims have been shown to be hoaxes.
We also know there are no photos / films which demonstrate the existence of ET craft /ET organisms. We don't know if they exist.
The film maker doesn't explain what measures were taken, if any, to rule out a hoax in this case.
External Quote:
"Look at the professionals fighting online, if you see professional scientists in all the countries fighting with each other it's because they're all a bunch of liars... ...raw footage is truth..."
No evidence of professional scientists fighting online over this, or any other UFO reports, is given.
From reading one of their books, I know the Jehovah's Witnesses use the example of "mainstream" scientists disagreeing with each other over points of evolutionary theory to imply that those scientists are wrong to believe in evolution.
The percentage of astronomers/ physicists, cosmologists/ planetary scientists who believe that the Earth is being, or has been, visited by ET craft would appear to be small (admittedly an impression I get from what I've heard from reputable space scientists "in the public view"). Many think extraterrestrial life might exist, which is a necessary but by itself insufficient precondition for alien craft.
Scientists do disagree with each other, but (ideally!) their hypotheses are testable. They say where their data is from.
Their methods are reproducible; if a given scientist or team's observations / findings describe a true state of affairs, in principle those observations / findings will be reproduced by others.
Almost everything we've learned about the Moon since Galileo has come from scientists (or at least learned people spending much time making systematic observations, calculations and records).
Other than their positions in the sky and apparent brightness, essentially
everything we know about the other planets is from scientists, engineers etc.
I doubt that the film maker's exposé, of aliens flying off the Moon's surface in military formation to do a bit of bombing and maybe some urination and defecation in space, will be reproduced by any respected astronomical observatories or lunar missions anytime soon.
Those observations
might be supported by further unattributed footage posted on social media/ video sharing sites.
Either the vast majority of those who methodically study the Moon are not telling the truth about significant findings, or some people post misleading material on the internet.
Mick's explanation of the "Full Disclosure" video linked to by RTM
(here) might cast doubt on the reliability of that source.
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China, Russia, Canada, the US, anything anyone has anything to do with the Moon is lying to you.
Everyone. Except "wobbly camera=UFO" Bruce.