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Well known conspiracy site Off-guardian has made claims about covid not being real due to many reasons including no "purified" isolated sample of the virus (which there is) and most specifically for this topic, PCR tests not being accurate or trustworthy. For the sake of focusing on one claim and saving time, we'll talk about their claim on the PCR tests. The "no isolated virus" argument has been torn apart already.
Let's go by what they are saying relating to this quote by quote (something they can't do in their own article if you bothered to skim through it)
"Something else which is publicly available is the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST). This allows anyone to compare published nucleotide sequences with all those stored by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) genetic database called GenBank. Therefore we can BLAST the claimed SARS-CoV-2 primers, probes and target gene sequences."
They used a BLAST tool found on the NIH page to test if the SARs gene sequences were unique or not
"The vital RdRP nucleotide sequence, used as a forward primer is – ATGAGCTTAGTCCTGTTG. If we run a nucleotide BLAST this is recorded as a complete SARS-CoV-2 isolate with a 100% matched sequence identity. Similarly the reverse E gene primer sequence – ATATTGCAGCAGTACGCACACA – reveals the presence of the Orf1ab sequence which also identifies SARS-CoV-2."
They are talking about the specific gene sequence that identifies the covid 19 virus
"However, BLAST also enables us to search the nucleotide sequences of the microbial and human genomes. If we search for the RdRp SARS-CoV-2 sequence it reveals 99 human chromosome with a 100% sequence identity match. The Orf1ab (E gene) returns 90 with a 100% sequence identity match to human chromosomes."
"Doing the same for these sequences with a microbial search finds 92 microbes with a 100% match to the SARS-CoV-2 E gene and 100 matched microbes, with a 100% sequence identity, to the vital SARS-CoV-2 RdRp gene."
After running this through the BLAST tool, they find that the "noninfected" human dna/chromosomes absolutely 100 percent match the covid 19 strand.
"Whenever we check the so-called unique genetic markers for SARS-CoV-2, recorded in the WHO protocols, we find complete or high percentage matches with various fragments of the human genome. This suggests that the genetic sequences, which are supposed to identify SARS-CoV-2, are not unique."
They are determining based on the data before that the genetic sequences for SARs/covid 19 are not unique
"Moroccan researchers investigated the epidemiology of Moroccan alleged cases of SARS-CoV-2. Nine percent were positive for three genes, eighteen percent were positive for two genes and seventy three percent for just one. As we have just discussed, many may have been positive for none."
They then attempt to show a study that shows that the PCR testing based on the data before do not show good reliability on PCR tests. This is what they are claiming supposedly
"An optimal diagnosis consists of a NAAT [nucleic acid amplification test] with at least two genome-independent targets of the SARS-CoV-2; however, in areas where transmission is widespread, a simple single-target algorithm can be used……One or more negative results do not necessarily rule out the SARS-CoV-2 infection."
"RT-PCR tests do not sequence the entire genome. They look for incidents of specific probe florescence to indicate the presence of sequences said to exist. These sequences are defined by MN908947.1 and the subsequent updates. These primers and probes could reveal nothing but RNA matches extracted from non-coding, sometimes called "junk," DNA (cDNA.)"
They are now criticizing the PCR tests and their reliability by claiming that it doesn't sequence the entire genome of the virus and that it looks for specific parts of it only.
"No matter where you look in the supposed genome of SARS-CoV-2, there is nothing in the WHO's test protocols that clearly identifies what it is. The whole genome could be false. The tests do not prove the existence of SARS-CoV-2. All they reveal is a soup of unspecified genetic material."
Essentially their conclusion stating that these tests do not prove the existence of covid and imply that it can't test reliably due to the genome not being unique.
What do you guys think? Does this prove that PRC tests are invalid or untrustworthy? There was a lot of jargon in there I tried to take out but I did the best I could in translating to my words
So far here are my personal takes
-This article fails to explain why the PRC accuracy tests are so high EVEN IF what is said is true
-Their last statement seems to heavily hinge on the assumption that the virus has NEVER been isolated.
Well known conspiracy site Off-guardian has made claims about covid not being real due to many reasons including no "purified" isolated sample of the virus (which there is) and most specifically for this topic, PCR tests not being accurate or trustworthy. For the sake of focusing on one claim and saving time, we'll talk about their claim on the PCR tests. The "no isolated virus" argument has been torn apart already.
Let's go by what they are saying relating to this quote by quote (something they can't do in their own article if you bothered to skim through it)
"Something else which is publicly available is the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST). This allows anyone to compare published nucleotide sequences with all those stored by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) genetic database called GenBank. Therefore we can BLAST the claimed SARS-CoV-2 primers, probes and target gene sequences."
They used a BLAST tool found on the NIH page to test if the SARs gene sequences were unique or not
"The vital RdRP nucleotide sequence, used as a forward primer is – ATGAGCTTAGTCCTGTTG. If we run a nucleotide BLAST this is recorded as a complete SARS-CoV-2 isolate with a 100% matched sequence identity. Similarly the reverse E gene primer sequence – ATATTGCAGCAGTACGCACACA – reveals the presence of the Orf1ab sequence which also identifies SARS-CoV-2."
They are talking about the specific gene sequence that identifies the covid 19 virus
"However, BLAST also enables us to search the nucleotide sequences of the microbial and human genomes. If we search for the RdRp SARS-CoV-2 sequence it reveals 99 human chromosome with a 100% sequence identity match. The Orf1ab (E gene) returns 90 with a 100% sequence identity match to human chromosomes."
"Doing the same for these sequences with a microbial search finds 92 microbes with a 100% match to the SARS-CoV-2 E gene and 100 matched microbes, with a 100% sequence identity, to the vital SARS-CoV-2 RdRp gene."
After running this through the BLAST tool, they find that the "noninfected" human dna/chromosomes absolutely 100 percent match the covid 19 strand.
"Whenever we check the so-called unique genetic markers for SARS-CoV-2, recorded in the WHO protocols, we find complete or high percentage matches with various fragments of the human genome. This suggests that the genetic sequences, which are supposed to identify SARS-CoV-2, are not unique."
They are determining based on the data before that the genetic sequences for SARs/covid 19 are not unique
"Moroccan researchers investigated the epidemiology of Moroccan alleged cases of SARS-CoV-2. Nine percent were positive for three genes, eighteen percent were positive for two genes and seventy three percent for just one. As we have just discussed, many may have been positive for none."
They then attempt to show a study that shows that the PCR testing based on the data before do not show good reliability on PCR tests. This is what they are claiming supposedly
"An optimal diagnosis consists of a NAAT [nucleic acid amplification test] with at least two genome-independent targets of the SARS-CoV-2; however, in areas where transmission is widespread, a simple single-target algorithm can be used……One or more negative results do not necessarily rule out the SARS-CoV-2 infection."
"RT-PCR tests do not sequence the entire genome. They look for incidents of specific probe florescence to indicate the presence of sequences said to exist. These sequences are defined by MN908947.1 and the subsequent updates. These primers and probes could reveal nothing but RNA matches extracted from non-coding, sometimes called "junk," DNA (cDNA.)"
They are now criticizing the PCR tests and their reliability by claiming that it doesn't sequence the entire genome of the virus and that it looks for specific parts of it only.
"No matter where you look in the supposed genome of SARS-CoV-2, there is nothing in the WHO's test protocols that clearly identifies what it is. The whole genome could be false. The tests do not prove the existence of SARS-CoV-2. All they reveal is a soup of unspecified genetic material."
Essentially their conclusion stating that these tests do not prove the existence of covid and imply that it can't test reliably due to the genome not being unique.
What do you guys think? Does this prove that PRC tests are invalid or untrustworthy? There was a lot of jargon in there I tried to take out but I did the best I could in translating to my words

So far here are my personal takes
-This article fails to explain why the PRC accuracy tests are so high EVEN IF what is said is true
-Their last statement seems to heavily hinge on the assumption that the virus has NEVER been isolated.