your screenshot shows an attachment to a post that is not referenced in the post
(scroll up from )
If the two attachments my browser shows as part of the post above the one you reference are not supposed to be there, that's another bug.
This is clearly in the page source I've been sent by the server:
<section class="message-attachments">
<h4 class="block-textHeader">Attachments</h4>
<ul class="attachmentList">
<li class="file file--linked">
<a class="u-anchorTarget" id="attachment-51538"></a>
<a class="file-preview" href="/attachments/imrs-webp.51538/" target="_blank">
<span class="file-typeIcon">
<i class="fa--xf far fa-file" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<div class="file-content">
<div class="file-info">
<span class="file-name" title="imrs.webp">imrs.webp</span>
<div class="file-meta">
23.4 KB
· Views: 166
<li class="file file--linked">
<a class="u-anchorTarget" id="attachment-51539"></a>
<a class="file-preview" href="/attachments/imrs-1-webp.51539/" target="_blank">
<span class="file-typeIcon">
<i class="fa--xf far fa-file" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<div class="file-content">
<div class="file-info">
<span class="file-name" title="imrs-1.webp">imrs-1.webp</span>
<div class="file-meta">
198.7 KB
· Views: 167
Which kinda implies the things I see are intended to be there.
can't reproduce, works as intended (Android, Samsung Internet)
Does it still work if the CSS is amended as suggested so that it also works for me?