Bombs and Israeli involvement in 911

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9/11. . .. Drug smuggling Israelis....oy vey.... what kind of mind is so hell bent on coming up with a conspsiracy that they move the goalposts to such an extent? Pretty soon it's going to grow to have to involve the entire earth's population.
9/11. . .. Drug smuggling Israelis....oy vey.... what kind of mind is so hell bent on coming up with a conspsiracy that they move the goalposts to such an extent? Pretty soon it's going to grow to have to involve the entire earth's population.

It appears you don't understand what I was referring to. You do realise that I'm not talking about the five Israeli movers, but the Israeli 'art students' ring which was uncovered? Those who dismiss the idea that they were Israeli agents say that they were probably part of an ecstasy drug smuggling ring, as many of them targeted DEA agents. If you'd at least read through the posts by mrtinfoil and I, you would have got that... it seems as though you are so hellbent on putting me down that you just skipped over the discussion.
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Well if you look at the full document, large sections are covered up.

But why release it at all? Even releasing a small section that could potentially give away the "truth" would be such a dumb move by the FBI. Why not just classify, and keep classified, the entire document?
Asking why the FBI declassified the document is what in logic or debate is known as a "straw man" argument. Your question has no validity in regards to the information contained in the report. This type of argument is a common fallacy and I'm sure it was unintended, however your intentions make the argument no less valid. I'm surprised the senior members here didn't call you on this earlier. If you wish to look into the reasons why the FBI released the report, that should be done on another thread.
There were no "bombs" associated with the events of 9/11. PERIOD!

(UNLESS you consider the four airplanes used in the attacks as "flying bombs"? Then, they fit that description).
You can actually read the FBI reports on the Israelis that were arrested now. Clearly they were involved. Yet, large parts of the reports are redacted. I don't see the excuse for that if there is nothing to hide.

Here's a video which goes through the text in detail:

Full reports and information here:

Videos detailing evidence for bombs and Israeli Involvement:

I am trying (all these years) to understand WHY there is such an intent to impart an "Israeli" involvement associated with the events of 9/11?

Truly, this "puzzles" me. (Well, maybe not....when we consider that 'certain' aspects who were actually in play might wish to divert attention (??)

Osama bin Laden admitting to the 9/11 attacks:
I am trying (all these years) to understand WHY there is such an intent to impart an "Israeli" involvement associated with the events of 9/11?

Because everything the US Govt says is false, and Israel is evil by definition because it is supported by the US Govt - what's to not understand?? Plus there's plenty of "NWO/Illuminati = Jewish world domination" still left in eth world.

seriously - IMO that is the mindset of "these" people - it is (IMO) pathetic and unbelievable to anyone with half a brain cell - but it is also real.
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