9/11. . .. Drug smuggling Israelis....oy vey.... what kind of mind is so hell bent on coming up with a conspsiracy that they move the goalposts to such an extent? Pretty soon it's going to grow to have to involve the entire earth's population.
Well if you look at the full document, large sections are covered up.
Colt,But why release it at all? Even releasing a small section that could potentially give away the "truth" would be such a dumb move by the FBI. Why not just classify, and keep classified, the entire document?
Apparently its either the redacted parts, or a logical fallacy to ask such a question.My question is this; if this information was so important then why would the FBI declassify it?
You can actually read the FBI reports on the Israelis that were arrested now. Clearly they were involved. Yet, large parts of the reports are redacted. I don't see the excuse for that if there is nothing to hide.
Here's a video which goes through the text in detail:
Full reports and information here:
Videos detailing evidence for bombs and Israeli Involvement:
Apparently its either the redacted parts, or a logical fallacy to ask such a question.
I am trying (all these years) to understand WHY there is such an intent to impart an "Israeli" involvement associated with the events of 9/11?