
Ja, it's good to keep up on the latest bunk. I like the Photos section showing ordinary sky pictures of the well-known phenomena. It's like posting photos of vehicle tire tracks as evidence of great evil.
That's an odd site. Very slick looking, but full of what is basically five to ten year-old bunk. A big donate button at the top. Very little under the "Evidence" tab. And on their "policy and goals" they have:

War has been declared upon the planet and every living life form on it. The Illuminati elite, who creates our currency (through the privately owned Federal Reserve System) and controls our commerce through the IMF World, not only wants to rule the world, but also want to own it and everyone on it. And that includes you.
This Evilarchy that is waging war against this world have determined that in order to give their elite more room to stretch, then those they considered "useless eaters" are going to have to die. The Death Dumps (Chemtrails) that we are witnessing being dropped upon the population is the method that they are using to carry out mass murder. They are exterminating us like cockroaches.
Poe's Law comes to mind again. Perhaps an unethical person(s) is simply trying to make some extra cash from fearful ignorant folks. Then again, I have a long-time friend who believes that there is a grand evil plan of extermination by the "elites". Of course, why they'd do it by spraying toxins way high in the sky and risk poisoning their own family and friends in the process...
Ah - well the answer to that lies in the binary & trinary weapon theory - the chemtrails are only 1 part of the poison - the other part can be selectively given to individuals in the population by way of vaccines/flouridation/pick any other thing you think is evil.....which the elite will, of course, not take.

I kid you not...that is the theory.
I love the "feel free to copy and paste " followed by "I have reviewed, studied, and asked many biologists, investigators, and scientists".

I sure with doing such research was as easy as a copy and paste!
Heh...didn't realize when I posted my comment yesterday re:aircrap how busy y'all have been! I saw several excellent comments from some of you on that (and other) posts. SO much catching up to do.

@ThorGoLucky ~ "I love the "feel free to copy and paste " followed by "I have reviewed, studied, and asked many biologists, investigators, and scientists". etc.

Me too. Ha ha ha... I also found the 3rd paragraph of that "chemtrail debunker debunk" article especially inscrutable...oh HELL...none of it made any damn sense.

I post as "Martian Kat" on CT sites, and it was good to see some of you there.
aircrap has an interesting newer article up entitled, "How to Deal with a Chemtrail Debunker". I kid you not. Interesting read, and really odd. And funny. It's a bizarre post ~ ~ [June 3rd, posted by Roxy Lopez]

Wow, those comments are beyond the pale...I forgot what it's like reading chemtrailer nonsense. Now I remember why I stopped frequenting youtube/contrailscience/message baords, it's all so frustrating and infuriating. After all these years the ignorance never fails to astound me.
There's ignorance everywhere in the world. It's not limited to chemtrailers. Faith-based beliefs seem to transcend ones degree of general rationality.

For a refreshing change, check this post from an intelligent and reasonable conspiracy theorist:

and this response, people DO get out of the CT life (especially those where it's just a part of their youth, and they grow out of it)

I used to knock about with a handful of 'believers', we all know each other from school. And I've watched them get sucked into this, and other conspiracies. Some of my friends go for the 'whole package' NWO, Bilderbergers, Population-Control, Banking-Cartels, Eugenics and so on. Chemtrails are just one part of this. The theory of chemtrails supports or fits in neatly with the rest (but I'm in no doubt that there are grains of truth here too concerning the other stuff). When chemtrails get 'debunked' the believers fall back on the other material and assure themselves 'something is going on'. That's why this debate will continue for a long time yet.

There are plenty of ex-chemtrailers, ex-truthers, and ex-pseodoscientists out there.
What I'm beginning to understand as a former hard-core believer is this; you can't remain ambiguous on this subject, that's a total cop-out, and anyone who currently believes in "chemtrails" has not read enough "debunk". That's my challenge to anyone.
Mick, I agree that it isn't limited to chemtrailers and I do see it all over the place...especially faith based beliefs. That being said, when it comes to debunking, I've only really taken a strong interest in chemtrails and faith, the similarities are uncanny.
Curiously enough, I can not get on aircrap from my home or work internet, but if at work I get onto someone elses unsecured wireless, I can get onto it.
I really have not posted on there a whole lot, you are far more a thorn in their side, Jay. The last I posted was telling them that Mike Castle was not a real Dr or PhD.
Anyone having problems with posts not appearing on aircrap? When I post, it just never appears at all on there..
Yes, can see it. I have tried posting from two different computers even, in case it was a problem with flash on Ubuntu on my laptop, but it must be by IP address, if in reality my posts are not allowed.

There is no mention of me being banned ,or posts being moderated. They just do not appear.
That means they are going straight to the spam folder. They have probably put in a filter based on some previous post you made. We'll see how long mine lasts.
I just added one suggesting a comparison with the ol' "Rods" from a few years back...wonder if they'll be upset by that??
If your posts do not appear, just change the name you post under and the email address. Funny how when I did not use "firepilot" and my main email address, that my post instantly appeared..
Anyone else notice how "Rusty" , sure seems to like to delete postings quite a bit more than whoever was managing the site previously. Him and the delete button, sure seem to be good friends.