War has been declared upon the planet and every living life form on it. The Illuminati elite, who creates our currency (through the privately owned Federal Reserve System) and controls our commerce through the IMF World, not only wants to rule the world, but also want to own it and everyone on it. And that includes you.
This Evilarchy that is waging war against this world have determined that in order to give their elite more room to stretch, then those they considered "useless eaters" are going to have to die. The Death Dumps (Chemtrails) that we are witnessing being dropped upon the population is the method that they are using to carry out mass murder. They are exterminating us like cockroaches.
aircrap has an interesting newer article up entitled, "How to Deal with a Chemtrail Debunker". I kid you not. Interesting read, and really odd. And funny. It's a bizarre post ~ http://aircrap.org/how-to-deal-with-a-chemtrail-debunker/331562/ ~ [June 3rd, posted by Roxy Lopez]
I used to knock about with a handful of 'believers', we all know each other from school. And I've watched them get sucked into this, and other conspiracies. Some of my friends go for the 'whole package' NWO, Bilderbergers, Population-Control, Banking-Cartels, Eugenics and so on. Chemtrails are just one part of this. The theory of chemtrails supports or fits in neatly with the rest (but I'm in no doubt that there are grains of truth here too concerning the other stuff). When chemtrails get 'debunked' the believers fall back on the other material and assure themselves 'something is going on'. That's why this debate will continue for a long time yet.