Senior Member
Again - I never measured anything at all! Not sure why you say "you guys" - you surely don't mean to include me? I think I have been perfectly clear all along that I never measured anything. I'd prefer if you'd cut out that leading rethoric, it makes you look like a dishonest debatant.So it was only one point that you guys measured.![]()
I stopped reading right there.Now comes the moment I ask you for a null-hypothesis.
- What can I show that would disprove that the building collapsed >g for this period (which you still haven't given)?
What a massive strawman!
Absolutely no one here - not I, not econ41, not SanderO, not femr2, not Major_Tom - ever claimed "that the building collapsed >g for this period" or any other.
In fact, econ, Sander and I have always, from the very beginning, maintained that of course "the building" never fell at freefall acceleration.
Please read the claim more carefully. It's always been "that for SOME point, an average of =g for SOME time interval is real", or some variation thereof.
Read that again: "that for SOME point, an average of =g for SOME time interval is real"
Read that again: "that for SOME point, an average of =g for SOME time interval is real"
Read that again: "that for SOME point, an average of =g for SOME time interval is real".
Please note, and think about this for a bit: A "point" is not a "building".
I hope this clears your confusion.