There's a very good reason to have a red flashing strobe: to blend in. Bidirectional mimicry is a theory based on many UFO observations that has been put forth.
The supporting video (TobyAM) is not really credible as a helpful source about the reality or otherwise of UFOs, or their lighting arrangements.
In the video, the speaker connects UFOs with
(1) bigfoot,
(2 ) "balverines", pictured below
(3) werewolves
(4) newly-acquired telepathy
(5) poltergeist activity, and "hitchhiker effect" (poltergeist activity following the experiencer from a location- the speaker is presumably unaware that for decades, many investigators
who believe in poltergeists have theorised that the activity is connected to the experiencer, not a location)
(6) "discarnate voices" (which, if they are new, recurring and occur while wide awake, really should be checked out by a doctor)
(7) Skinwalker Ranch, essentially an entertainment franchise. Unaccountably some connected individuals received taxpayer's money to investigate anomalous phenomena.
A brief read of items on this forum (and impartial commentators elsewhere) might suggest that Skinwalker Ranch folk are amongst the least effective investigators of the paranormal ever.
A fly, flying across the field of view of a camera, becomes a huge supersonic UFO.
A ground survey by a UAV finds a "wormhole" intersecting the Earth's surface on Skinwalker Ranch territory. (No it doesn't).
The Skinwalker Ranch shows are reasonably popular, and therefore lucrative, TV programs. They're not documentaries, they're not educational, and they're not
really about investigating UFOs or other anomalous phenomena- just like WWE shows aren't
really about bitter rival streetfighters engaged in combat to determine who's best.
(Screenshots from the video, click to enlarge)
"When you have eliminated all which is impossible then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
Quoted from a fictional character, authored by a man (Arthur Conan Doyle) who believed in the literal existence of fairies,
having seen irrefutable proof such as this- the Cottingley fairies, photographed by two girls, cousins aged 16 and 9: