Sorry if this is bad form to jump in, but you are incorrect. That data should absolutely be on the table. Insufficient-- I'm going to take the liberty of reading that as 'incomplete'-- data is NOT useless data: Say a 'complete' case has a dataset of, idk, 10 parameters. If you are looking at a set of 100 cases, but they are all incomplete, with data on b/t 1 and 9 can still do basically everything with that dataset that you could with complete info.
Hypothetical counterpoint: You have Harvard admission data, and you want to do a study on student obesity. Since the data does not contain the students's heights or weights, it is insufficient, and absolutely useless for your purpose. You can not do with that dataset what you could do with data that suffices for the task.
This thread has numerous examples of what people would consider sufficient evidence for alien visitors. There's no way for the existing "evidence" to become that.
incomplete" suggests that the information could be completed, and then do the job.
insufficient" means the data is what it is, and can't do the job.
Historical UFO data is typically insufficient.
Old cases have value. Like, really? Why would you toss information on a thing where the biggest topic is evidence?
Because there is no way to separate information from misinformation.
If you have 100 "witnesses" to a murder, 50 say the killer was white, 30 say the killer was black, 10 say the killer was hispanic, and the remaining 10 say other things; but you know that at most 1 person actually saw the killer, but you have no way of telling who, if any: how is that data "evidence" for anything?
You can approach it from unconventional directions, such as not deciding what it is beforehand.
I'd say that is the conventional direction. Just not in UFOlogy—UFO "researchers" generally decide it's something unusual before it is proven to be.
I just joined this place, I am quite confident in my conclusion that there is signal in the noise, and it's not prosaic.
Why are you confident of that, when no "signal" has ever been identified? Where does your confidence come from?
It's one of a finite number of possible things. Play with the data, form hypothesis, test them. Repeat. That's what people mean when they keep saying there is tons of evidence. Evidence is NOT proof, but it seems to be treated as such here.
You say "evidence is not proof", but where's your evidence of that? : "that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof." : "something that furnishes proof"
When you have some observation, but you have no idea what caused or didn't cause it, it's at best potential evidence. If there's no way to tell whether a UFO (flying saucer) caused it, it's not evidence of a UFO.
If you find a bloody knife, but can't determine if anyone was killed with it, it's not evidence of a homicide.
Observations or reports are only evidence if they prove something. If they don't, they're not.