The Mississippi Triangle Mystery (status: solved or probably solved)

This is a UAP photo + video case* Viktor Golubic and I investigated back in 2015. After making basic verifications (google-earth/street+stellarium+making sure it could not have been a reflection since we did not have the video yet, etc...) and then later acquiring the original footage from the family, we decided that we had enough solid information and data to get in touch with Les Cowley and his team from Atmospheric Optics**.

They finally came up with an explanation a few weeks later, a very rare conjunction of no less than four separate natural effects probably gave birth to this rather mysterious observation that lasted for more than 10 minutes:
What created the triangle?

This is exactly what the team concluded:
Four separate and quite natural effects:
A reddened sunset sun
A rainbow fragment
An illuminated horizontal cloud bank
A rain sheet shining with rainbow rays
came coincidentally together to produce an eerie triangle in the sky.
Content from External Source
Unedited video:


* Location: Near Long Beach on I-10, travelling East, MS, USA
Date/Time: 2015-05-28 00:48 UTC (2015-05-27 19h48 Local Time UTC-5)
Three witnesses (visual + photos + video)

Capture d’écran 2017-06-11 à 16.48.17.png


Feel free to ask me anything, I'll do my best to answer you.
Last edited by a moderator:
Yes, I saw that in my inbox, I edited my message since then, I hope it is better now.

What created the triangle?

This is exactly what the team concluded:

Four separate and quite natural effects:
A reddened sunset sun
A rainbow fragment
An illuminated horizontal cloud bank
A rain sheet shining with rainbow rays
came coincidentally together to produce an eerie triangle in the sky.
Content from External Source