Senior Member.
UFO believers commonly have the axiom in mind that "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence", which, while true, fails to note that it is also not "evidence of presence". "Well, it could be true" could also be said of pixies, leprechauns, ghosts, and unicorns, with unicorns being, hands down, the least improbable of the lot.
From a bayesian perspective, which is the only legitimate way of doing science - it you think you're doing science correctly, and you're not using a bayesian approach, then you aren't doing science, you don't understand what you're doing, or you don't understand the bayesian approach - an absense of confirmatory evidence where there has been a search for same that would legitimately be expected to have some chance fo finding it, but which only found evidence to the contrary *is* evidence of absense.
When the ufo-craving crowd claim that their absense of evidence does not provide evidence of absense they are inadvertantly shoting themselves in the foot by implying that there's not been any sensible effort to gather any evidence at all.