I thought these examples from the report listed under the header "International UAP Cases" were noteworthy:
A subsurface mass on the moon, and thiopenes detected in ancient Martian sedimentary rocks are apparently unidentified aerial phenomena.
Source: https://analytics.dkv.global/spacetech/Unidentified-Aerial-Phenomena-Special-Overview-2021.pdfType: Data
Authority: Astronomers from Baylor University
A team of researchers from Baylor University in Texas have found a large cluster of mass under the Moon's largest crater. Perhaps, it is a core of a metal asteroid that struck the Moon a millenia ago or a magma solidification. Some scientists even go so far as to assume that there can be a metal structure under the Moon's mantle. There are different hypotheses; however, none of them can be confirmed yet.
Type: Data
Authority: International team of astrobiologists
Data sent to Earth by NASA's Curiosity rover indicates that Mars could have has the environment factors to support life. Thiophene, a chemical substance found in coal and crude oil, could be a sign of life on the Red Planet. "There are several biological pathways for thiophenes that are more likely than chemical ones," says Dirk Schulze-Makuch, Washington State University astrobiologist.
A subsurface mass on the moon, and thiopenes detected in ancient Martian sedimentary rocks are apparently unidentified aerial phenomena.