Oregon UFO Lights seen by pilots [Starlink]

I'm wondering if there's anything that explains the corkscrew movement described in the audio?

First, it's important to understand something fundamental about our brains

It's a fact of neuroscience that everything we experience is actually a figment of our imagination. Although our sensations feel accurate and truthful, they do not necessarily reproduce the physical reality of the outside world. Of course, many experiences in daily life reflect the physical stimuli that enter the brain. But the same neural machinery that interprets actual sensory inputs is also responsible for our dreams, delusions and failings of memory.

Many of these well known cognitive processes can produce certain perceptual illusions consistent with the stimuli the pilot and others were viewing. For example:

When light hits our retinas, it triggers a complex cascade of neural activity. Our visual cortex goes into overdrive, analyzing shapes, colors, and spatial relationships. But here's the kicker: our brains don't just passively receive this information, they're active participants in the interpretation game, filling in gaps and making assumptions based on past experiences and expectations. [eg availability heuristics, priming, confirmation bias]

This is where depth perception and spatial awareness come into play. Our brains use a variety of cues to determine the size and distance of objects in our environment. These include binocular disparity (the slight difference in images received by each eye), motion parallax (how objects appear to move relative to each other as we move), and even the texture and shading of surfaces. […]

Take the size-distance bias, for example. We tend to assume that larger objects are closer and smaller objects are farther away.

Also relating to vision at night with ambiguous lights, Gestalt cognitive organizational principles explain why people misinterpret separate or ambiguous stimuli as connected. For example, the laws of proximity, closure, similarity, and continuity are well known perceptual principles that enable the brain to process complex stimuli in general. They are heuristics the brain uses all the time but can create illusions/misperceptions. https://www.simplypsychology.org/what-is-gestalt-psychology.html#Gestalt-principles

Another relevant illusion
Autokinetic Effect: In dark environments with no frame of reference, a single stationary light can appear to move and heightened focus cause the light to appear erratic or shifting.

As was pointed out further up, the pilot acknowledges they were under a heightened state of emotional arousal/stress due to a heavy workload in the cockpit. Research has shown that stress can affect various aspects of visual processing, including:

1. Visual attention: Stress can narrow our focus, causing us to overlook peripheral information or become fixated on specific details.
2. Depth perception: High-stress situations may alter our ability to accurately judge distances or spatial relationships.
3. Color perception: Stress can influence how we perceive colors, potentially leading to changes in color intensity or even color distortions.
4. Motion perception: Stressful environments may affect our ability to track moving objects or accurately perceive speed and direction.

These are just some of the ways it's likely the pilot might have experienced completely normal and expected visual illusions. Small lights at night, priming for UFOs given the current drone flap, stressful conditions in the cabin, etc all increase the likelihood. Most people are completely unaware of how the brain works, and all of the ways in which it is constantly constructing reality in our mind that doesn't correlate to the external world. We don't see the world as it is, we see particular stimuli that our neurons have evolved to transduce into impulses and then process through a complex neural and cognitive architectural system. Without a good video of the "corkscrew" specifically, it's very likely, the above illusions could explain that phenomenon.
This case is now in UFO lore as the Oregon Sighting. This interview links the sighting of satellites over Oregon to the drone/airliner sightings in New Jersey. This must be a confusing time for UFO fans.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VE8G17rRgE

Christina: We're looking at the Eugene Oregon pilot sighting - I need to give people a little bit of context as to what's going on. So there was air traffic control audio that was released very soon after where pilots were stating "I'm seeing these very strange things in the sky, are you seeing them on radar? How do I go about reporting this?" I've come across and I've looked at and investigated a lot of air traffic control audio and you will never never ever hear air traffic control mention or classify an object as a UFO . Ever . Because they are aware that this information will be either taken by government officials or be public information um and we can for them. They don't want to stigmatize the objects that are being seen by pilots as a UFOso they'll use any other term . In this case for the one that was seen was what like last week air traffic control had mentioned fly across that UFO and keep going forward it was remarkable and it stood out so much just because they avoid using that term at all costs there have been a lot of stories of air traffic control operators uh being told by pilots that they've seen very strange things in the sky many of the times they are not being seen on radar soon after these strange signings of UFOs someone standing right behind these air traffic control operators and stating to them you will give me that audio and you will tell me everything that was just mentioned to you and then UFO will be quiet about it soon after we've seen it too many times to count and I can imagine that they this level of fear as well on that. So for the term to for the term UFO to be mentioned its remarkable and it might show the changing of the times with this especially when were at the end of 2024 and more and more pilots are talking about their UFO sightings more so than ever before because just a few decades ago if a pilot were to ever mention they saw something strange in the sky wings would be removed and they would have an office job we've seen that too many times now the consequences aren't as dire if anything the pilot that saw this UFO in Eugene Oregon was told by his um flight agency that he's able to give interviews and to talk about it. That would have been unheard of five 10 years ago. Wow it's just a fun conversation!

Hannibal : how you would compare the Oregon sighting to what's going on the east coast?

Christina: it's not surprising to say the least because we're seeing these objects all across the United states. Yes mainly on the east coast at this time but the west coast is also very popular for their UFO encounters as well so for a state like or to see these strange things. It's no surprise. Oregon in itself has a lot of strange sightings. We can look at California which right next to it so could they be one and the same. I don't know about that but for me is that it's being spoken about on a daily basis that maybe people are just being more in-tune with this news and its always happened. But were just now getting the public coverage on it today