New Zealand CAA puts up "Aircraft Trails" page

Not nit-picking (honest :D ), I notice one type of "spraying" absent from their list - cloud seeding. Anyone know if cloud seeding is banned in NZ? I appreciate cloud seeding won't leave a trail.

Ray Von
It should probably also mention aerodynamic contrails and not just "tip vortices" while landing. Aerodynamic contrails can occur from the full wing at 20,000+ feet [Edit: I was thinking of the persistent ones round here, of course they can occur at any flyable altitude], and can persist. Leaving them out gives a source of "inexplicable" trails.
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It is not banned - but it is also not done - it would have to be approved specifically.
I'm pretty sure NZ isn't short of rain, as a rule (although apparently there are drought conditions in places at the moment?)

Good point on aerodynamic contrails. There's a video of trails from a prop (turboprop?) plane shared on NZ chemtrails pages:

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b****r...mumble...grrr......why yes are correct....mumble......
In December 2010, I was severely criticised (by the chemtrail community) for accurately identifying an aerodynamic contrail from a large USAF C17 turboprop over Dunedin on its way from Christchurch to McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

Otago Daily Times: Clouded in Mystery

Northland Chemtrails: MetService's Ross Marsden Misinforms the Otago Daily Times About true nature of mystery cloud?

Northland Chemtrails (again): Otago Daily Times Educates Its Readers About Chemtrails (in letters to the editor, print version)
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somehow the page has miraculously updated to now read, in part...

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Aerodynamic contrails are formed when humid air passes over the wing and loses pressure, cooling to the point that moisture condenses out. This can occur across the whole wingspan at once and often results in a broad rainbow coming from the rear edge of the wing. It is relatively rare, but can occur at any altitude.
In December 2010, I was severely criticised (by the chemtrail community) for accurately identifying an aerodynamic contrail from a large USAF C17 turboprop over Dunedin on its way from Christchurch to McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

Otago Daily Times: Clouded in Mystery

Northland Chemtrails: MetService's Ross Marsden Misinforms the Otago Daily Times About true nature of mystery cloud?

Northland Chemtrails (again): Otago Daily Times Educates Its Readers About Chemtrails (in letters to the editor, print version)

Have you seen this recent post from Claire Swinney - she is critical of an article about chemtrails in Organic NZ magazine for being too inconclusive, and suggests her readers write to the editor about it. I bought a copy of the magazine but found that it actually gives way too much credibility to the conspiracy theory without any serious questioning (any credibility would be too much) - the article includes quotes from Dane Wigington and links to his website, as well as the What in the World videos, and Claire's website but concludes saying "we may never know if it is really happening" ... I have written to the editor and suggested she check out contrailscience and this forum, hope you don't mind but I mentioned you as someone she could contact to find out more - that's if you are happy to put yourself in the firing line again!

Ha ha - she's knows Ross well - search on her site for his name - you'll find she is non-to-complimentary!!
Ha ha - she's knows Ross well - search on her site for his name - you'll find she is non-to-complimentary!!

Yes I've seen some of that - I suggested to the editor of Organic NZ that they should publish an article in the next issue to put the record straight - here is her reply

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Dear Keith,

Thanks very much. I'll see how much space we have in the letters page
and the balance of letters on this topic; certainly it would be good to
at least include the links you've sent. I'll also forward your email on
to Erin Evis, author of the article.

As to publishing another article on the topic looking at some of the
things you've mentioned, I will have a think about it. Space is always
at a premium and the next two issues of Organic NZ are pretty much
mapped out in terms of feature articles. A letter to the editor from you
(or someone else with similar views and information) would allow this
information to be published more quickly.

Kind regards, Philippa
I assume that Phillipa is feeling like the "meat in the sandwich" here and is probably wondering who and/or what to believe, so if anyone else would like to contact her to help provide some clarity, this is her email address