Rest assured I will, as long as people deny evidence on an ideological basis.
Murders related to sexual relations, both rape-murders and divorce-related killings among migrants from cultures encouraging or even legally enforcing toxic masculinity.
Source: Ruud Koopmans - De Asielloterij, (2023) ISBN: 9789044652697 - Dutch
Secondly, it is striking that many of the refugee killings are related to sexuality and gender relations. This obviously applies to the murders of Maria Ladenburger and Susanna Feldmann, which involved rape. In other cases the perpetrator and the victim had been in a relationship and the perpetrator did not accept the victim's decision to end the relationship. This concerns, for example, the brutal murder of the fifteen-year-old boy Baran, whose throat was slit by Afghan Nabi S. in Augsburg in 2020 for revenge to take on Baran's older sister who had divorced him. Also the murders of Soopika P., and on seventeen-year-old Mireille, who was murdered by her Afghan ex-boyfriend in Flensburg in 2018, belong to this category. In 2018 a refugee from Niger murdered his own child and his ex-girlfriend in Hamburg, allegedly because a dispute over custody. Asma, a Chechen woman, was murdered by her husband because he suspected that she was having an affair with someone else. Mahin R., a 32 weeks pregnant Afghan woman, was killed by her husband in Leipzig in 2017 because he – then wrongly, as the autopsy showed, suspected that the child belonged to someone else. Jealousy, divorce, custody disputes, insulted masculinity: these are certainly not motives for murder that occur only among refugees. But anyone who looks at the statistics and researches the specific cases, cannot escape the conclusion that in this perpetrator group these motives are remarkably often the background for deadly violence.
This applies to the victim Maryam H. described above, who was murdered by her brothers in Berlin in 2021. The murderer of the Chechen woman Asma told police that it is accepted in his home country and that it is also the case in the Koran it says: "If a woman cheats, the man has the right to kill her." Hagdad K., an Afghan who had lived in Iran for a long time before coming to Germany killed his divorced wife in early 2018. When, in the fall of 2017, during a conversation with a relationship counselor, she informed him that she wanted to divorce him, the later perpetrator confided to an interpreter present during the conversation: 'It's a shame we're not in Afghanistan then I would kill her.' The Afghan Farima Seadi was murdered by a fellow countryman because she had converted to Christianity and also encouraged him to take this step, which left him 'very worried'. It should be borne in mind that in countries such as Afghanistan and Chechnya – as well as in several other countries of origin of refugees such as Pakistan and Somalia – the Sharia applies, according to which women are not allowed to divorce if the husband does not agree to this and 'crimes' such as adultery and 'apostasy' are punishable by law, often with the death penalty.
Bottom line – Koopman states the obvious. Cultural background and socialization play a significant role in crime rates, especially in violent and sex-related crimes because cultural norms are simply different in different regions of the world. Denying or hiding such facts help nobody. Neither locals nor migrants.
So, I will note one issue with Koopmans study here. Take the Asma case for example, this is a relatively poor example imo they provide a whopping 1 example out of over 40,000 Chechens in Germany. Given they don't even attempt to quantify any other cases with Chechens, it's insanely disingenuous to frame this as a for-sure cultural thing rather than, as they recognize, something that could singularly present with any individual in the moment.
I will also not speak for the Afghan cultural element, but studies like this that make absolutely no attempt to look into the cultures they speak of but throw the culture card around are debatably poor. For example, in the above, they take the time to note Sharia! Without actually identifying the differences in it commonly held between any of those countries.
In Chechnya, multiple layers of law apply. There is Adat, which are actual codified cultural customs, there are Russian laws, there is the Chechen criminal code, there are tribal laws, and yes, there is Sharia law (which is recognized and practiced perhaps the least). Sharia law in their nation, unlike the others referenced, has a relatively modified form, since Adat rules supreme, and is still a very touchy subject due to Islamic extremism with a good chunk of the younger populace. Framing this as anything similar to Sharia in Afghanistan as practiced by say the Taliban is a gross misunderstanding.
Sticking to that example, it also decides to leave out extrapolating any possible factor other than "they are immigrant from different culture". So, in the Asma case, with Chechens, it is quite important to recognize most Chechens are at least distantly related at this point, part of their cultural code related to your family having to be 7 generations away from another to marry back into it.
Their culture also expresses a center of gravity surrounding the (immediate) family and also the teip (similar to a tribe, not entirely reflective of extended family though), and because of this, a personal disrespect to an individual is largely seen as disrespectful, further, to their family and their teip. Their culture is also very conservative, so, added with the above, there is a
very high stress on issues like adultery, because when it happens, you are functionally disrespecting a very large group of people, it does not matter if you are a man or woman.
The thing is, because of their culture, there is also a very specific way of this being handled. If you were to for example, go around and state your distaste over the situation, you would be in the wrong in their culture, even if you were the victim. Since you now also "wronged" their family, even if they conducted a "wrong" first - you acting out of norm against it puts you in the losing seat. How the other group decides to respond can happen within any of those legal layers, but will follow Adat (in which case, killing over situations of the sort is unfortunately seen as an ok thing).
Further none of the above speaks to the unique sociocultural makeup of Chechen diaspora, which is remarkedly different from those in-country.
Those factors are not really a thing that exists in say, Afghanistan as presented, since the sociocultural makeup is largely different, and even where there are similarities, say tribal structures (teip being closer to extended family vs tribes in the Afghan context referencing ethnic tribes - no real comparative form in Chechnya and the idea of tukkhums is a foreign concept from the Soviets thats not really a "thing"), the distinctions are insanely important to recognize when trying to do things like cross walking Sociocultural Analysis with Crime Frequency Analysis.