With Metabunk & Memes:
ah. i was wondering why your OJ character sounded like a Shaft throwback. lol!!Anyway, when in the place that has internet I've primarily been passing the time involving myself in Classic Tetris.
I've primarily been passing the time involving myself in Classic Tetris. I got into it at the tail end of my flat earth days in January 2019 - like FE, also suggested by the dreaded YouTube algorithm - and I suppose likewise in common with FE I at first thought it strange and daft, but got sucked in anyway.
[So I've been] getting better at the game and slowly making my way towards a 'maxout' (that is, scoring a million points and seeing the scoreboard 'freeze' at 999,999 - ten years ago only four people had done this, despite the game being around since 1989, and even three years ago, after it became somewhat popular again, there were still only forty 'maxouters'.
Before I retired I had the company Minesweeper record. Not much to brag on, but hey, it still felt good. I was into Tetris for a while but I kept losing sleep.PS A little over two weeks ago I became the oldest person ever to 'maxout' on NES Tetris. It was pretty cool
I'm right there with you.I feel so insignificant now...
It's just a state of mine my friend.PS Please let me know when lockdown/isolation is over, I haven't been watching the news.
Congrats on that. I remember my wife getting me a helicopter flying lesson back in the '90s, what a thrill.Im going Flying from Church Stretton <WOW!
I'm not going to watch the whole movie.Green Street maybe the one you thinking of Dave? Thats 'Soccer'
I'm just saying, if the other videos are about a bunch of Euro dudes running around in their shorts for untold hours kicking a ball while faking injuries and failing to score few if any points over the course of 2+ hours, that's not Football. It's Soccer.
As a "tweener" (born the last year of the baby boomers 1964 and grew up more of a Gen Xer) and someone who grew up with vinyl, I would say categorically, Hell No! My younger millennial/gen z son collects vinyl, and I don't get it at all. Aside from the cover art, what is the fascination?I do prefer vynil to digital , dont you?
That and the Goodies, simply the best 2 TV shows.Monkey Magic was another, its way out there but off my head in the times was wachable <if thats a word?
To add: Rare is the vinyl player that runs at the precisely correct speed. Try playing along on guitar to a Led Z song that's running 1.5% too fast or slow! (Then again, recording and mastering devices back in those days were analogue and often did not run at the correct speed, so many of those classic recordings are noticably off the regular "A = 440 Hz" tuning.)...
Vinyl is bulky, heavy and very delicate. It warps in the heat and scratches if you look at wrong.
For 1/2 that cost you could go with a Kamado style cooker, like a Kamado Joe or Big Green Egg. Put a pizza stone in one, stoke the fire and you'll have something real close to a built-in oven.Every day brings me closer to being one of those people with a $4000 home pizza oven and goats to make cheese with.
That's another one of those things that I guess a small select few people can hear the difference. For guitar amps, yes tubes did have a sound, but even then, it was mostly when they were overdriving. Tube amps distorted better than solid state, but no one wants to listen to distorted music.I would still love a valve amplifier.
Or you can do what I do: light my circa-1948 gas oven with a match and relax while the pizza cooks to perfection.For 1/2 that cost you could go with a Kamado style cooker, like a Kamado Joe or Big Green Egg. Put a pizza stone in one, stoke the fire and you'll have something real close to a built-in oven.
I know software emulators have come a long way now.
It was live on line in many different broadcasts, and repeated through the day, so I saw most of it but in a rather disjointed fashion. (Dentist's appointment in the middle of the live feed.) I'm old enough to have seen her coronation, so as an ex-pat it felt right to see her funeral too.I hope overseas members here got to view it?