Robert Tankersley
[Admin] This is a three year old viral marketing hoax by Brazilian PR company Atitude Comunicacao. It was originally uploaded like the above in low resolution. The HD video is here:
Here's the website of the product:
[Admin] This is a three year old viral marketing hoax by Brazilian PR company Atitude Comunicacao. It was originally uploaded like the above in low resolution. The HD video is here:
And the "reveal" video is here:External Quote:
Uploaded on Mar 2, 2011
Saudações a todos! Senhoras e senhores, para maior curtição de vocês, aqui está a edição final do aclamado vídeo de nossa recente campanha para a AtitudeMediaBox, sem a degradação final da imagem. Agradecemos todos os milhares de elogios, comentários e críticas recebidos até agora, bem como toda a recepção fantástica das mais diversas mídias.
Inscreva-se acima no canal e aguarde o final do filme!
Prepare também seu programa de edição de vídeo e entre na caçada aos famosos "7 Erros" contidos no vídeo, pois em breve promoção no site
Greetings to all! Ladies and gentlemen, for greater enjoyment of you, here is the final edition of the acclaimed video of our recent campaign for AtitudeMediaBox without degradation of the final image. We thank all the thousands of compliments, comments and criticisms received so far, as well as all the fantastic reception from various media.
Join up in the channel and wait for the end of the movie!
Also prepare your video editing program and enter the hunt for the famous "7 Mistakes" contained in the video, as soon promotion site.
Here's the website of the product:
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