What does Bootes look like on that camera? (Or select something subtending a similar angle as this object.) If Bootes breathes, it's could be seeing, if it's rigid, it's likely not. Of course, I strongly suspect the latter, but at least it can be put to the test.
I tried my own phone on max zoom and I was unable to get enough light to pick up Orion or any other constellation that would be good for a test. I could get a little shimmer on city lights on the horizon through several miles of dense atmosphere so I don't consider that a good test. The higher the angle, the less distortion.
To me what it comes down to is that atmospheric seeing is measured in arc-seconds (ie in increments of 1/3600th of a degree). In the video below Dr Mario Motta brags that with his setup his seeing is frequently one arc second. That is the equivalent of saying with a 32 inch F6 telescope (ie >4800mm focal length instrument) he is able to take images where the pixel resolution is 1/3600th of a degree. 20 seconds in he talks about viewing the Einstein's cross.
Source: https://youtu.be/iXMHASJquV4?t=516
The following article is pretty accurate on the practicalities of atmospheric distortion (emphasis mine)
External Quote:
HIGH POWER (19x to 31.9x per inch of aperture)(1.3mm to 0.8mm exit pupil): A very useful power range for observing fine planetary and lunar detail. This is the range where the full theoretical resolving power of the telescope is becoming visible. Also useful in moderate to large apertures for getting better star resolution in tight globular clusters or for viewing detail in the smaller planetary nebulae, as well as resolving tight double stars. This power range is sometimes compromised in apertures larger than 5 inches by seeing effects (ie: disturbances in the Earth's atmosphere which can blur fine detail).
19 x 5 = 95 magnification, 31.9 x 5 = 159.5 magnification. So between 100-150 magnification, atmospheric seeing starts to become a factor. I've experienced a very mild shimmer on a bad night around 100 magnification. On a good night, without a proper observatory, I would typically expect 300 magnification to be about the limit. With Mario's observatory, he may get 600-900 magnification. I strongly doubt he would get any more than that. IMHO, I think there is one order of magnitude difference between perfect seeing in an observatory and no detection of atmospheric issues at all. Without an excellent observatory it's not even an order of magnitude. In either case, if his seeing is 1 arc second at best, then any instrument that cannot measure 10 arc seconds would not notice atmospheric distortion anywhere near zenith.
I would say I've seen atmospheric distortion at 50 magnification - 100 magnification.
50- 100 magnification is around the equivalent of 2500 - 5000mm focal length (since the eye is typically a 50mm lens). I have a 80-200mm lens (I've had a 300mm in the past). I've never recorded atmospheric distortion with it. I have recorded atmospheric distortion with a 1200mm lens while pointing low over a road during the day (ie ideal circumstances for atmospheric distortion - akin to pointing over a desert). I don't recall seeing atmospheric distortion while pointed at the moon, but I don't trust my memory on that.
I'd be perfectly willing to accept a 600mm lens on an SLR might pick up on atmospheric distortion under some conditions. I don't think pointed upwards at 45 degrees at night is one of them.
As near as I can figure out mobile phone lenses are around 25-50mm focal length with 3-5 x optical zoom. This would give a maximum of 250mm equivalent. It's possible the pixel density in mobile phones is higher than regular SLRs because it would need to be but it is also possible the 250mm equivalent already factors in the higher pixel density. I think I am being overly generous, but I have this nagging feeling I may be wrong. The real problem is it's impossible to get serious specifications of mobile phone cameras.