Let's remember to not get to caught up on the provided date and time. Yes, @jarlrmai and others are very good at tracking down aircraft reported as UFO/UAP/( and I guess we have to add drones now), BUT they usually need or figure out the exact date, time, location and often the direction the person in looking.
In this case if I go back to the information you provided someone named positivesong2293 posted this on reddit with the claim of 12/15 at 8:00pm and NO location:
View attachment 75189
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/1hhee5z/what_we_know_as_the_tr3b_ufo_clearly_filmed_in/?sort=old&q=PositiveSong2293&type=comments&cId=4b57b2ed-5685-4b48-845d-9bf238584110&iId=e1331be9-90b5-4381-bee2-6f6e0ee662d1
As you noted, clicking on the video takes us to a UFO/UAP website, Ovinologica which is in Portuguese and appears to be Brazilian based. The article in question does not have a named author and, when Google translated, states the location and time:
https://ovniologia.com.br/2024/12/filmagem-mostra-ovni-triangular-no-ceu-de-curitiba-parana.htmlExternal Quote:
The video was filmed here in Brazil, on Sunday, December 15th, at Barigui Park, in Curitiba, Paraná.
I came across the video yesterday while browsing through my Instagram feed. The account that posted the footage, called Paranadrone , is a page dedicated to aerial footage taken with drones and has no connection to the UFO theme.
I contacted them and requested the original footage, which they sent me. The video was sent to them by a follower who requested anonymity. The images were recorded around 8 pm, while the witness was in a store in the park area.
The anonymous author from Ovinological found it on Instagram being shared be Paranadrone who in turn got it from an anonymous person claiming to have recorded it. The anonymous author at Ovinological claims to be sharing the original footage but makes no mention of looking at the metadata to confirm the time or location.
So, we have, an anonymous person supposedly records a video who then shares it on an Instagram account. An anonymous UFO/UAP website sees the post and shares it on their site, and it eventually ends up on reddit. The date, time and location are supposedly passed on by the anonymous person that claims to have recorded this to the guy on Instagram, Paranadrone, who I guess passes the supposed information onto the anonymous author of a UFO/UAP website.
That's at least 2nd to 3rd hand. I would be very suspicious of any information being passed around 2nd and 3rd hand all from anonymous sources.
actually, maybe it's a helicopter? it says "N536MQ" this is what pops up.