Maybe HE was the technology - by using his powers of agitation he's now made an entire unit quit.
While that's funny, it was actually the police union, by leaving officers fiscally responsible for the consequences of their own conduct.
Have their been any reports by police of their communications getting blacked out at all? It would the "outside agitator" narrative, and many staff would have experienced it, so it's not likely to stay secret.
If Gugino had unusual technology, like a fake blood pack, or extra antennas, the police who did tend to him, or the EMTs, would have seen that, and we'd know. This is something proper journalists can find out.
But we don't have evidence of any of that.
We have evidence that Gugino walked up to the police in a non-threatening manner, with what looks like relaxed body posture, and his helmet off, and gesticulates with his phone.
We have evidence that Gugino was active in the Catholic Worker Movement:
The movement campaigns for nonviolence and is active in opposing both war and the unequal global distribution of wealth.
There is evidence that Gugino has attended and supported many protests, but there is no evidence that he or his friends have ever not been peaceful.
Inasfar as we require concrete evidence to debunk, we just don't have anything beyond what looks like a man talking to the police while waving his smartphone about, which we can explain by him being an activist who (proven via his tweet) thought police should not bring batons to a peaceful protest.
- there is no evidence of Buffalo police being attacked electronically
- there is no evidence of Gugino bringing electronic devices besides a phone
- there is no evidence of Gugino engaging in or supporting violent protest
- there is no evidence associating Gugino with violent antifascists
Of course, we can't rule out that Gugino is secretly a militant using powerful miniature technology sponsored by Moscow, but that'd be a complete fabrication.
What we can do is look at the evidence, and the evidence to support that Gugino was engaged in electronic warfare is conspicuously absent. Neither the police nor the press nor the president of the USA (which presumably encompasses the FBI and intelligence services) have been publishing such evidence.
What we do have evidence of is of Gugino talking to police on the street, then being shoved backwards unexpectedly. It looks like the police could have ignored him and walked around him, or maybe they could have arrested him for breaking curfew, but they did neither, instead turning to violence. That is the obvious evidence for criminal activity here, but OAN can produce a 5-minute segment on Gugino and say no more than "he was knocked to the ground when he refused to move". They ignore the obvious evidence, and fabricate a narrative from speculation. That's CT behaviour.