Thank you! Now i understand how these grid patterns are made.they are grid pattern contrails. Check out Flightradar24 and you will see the air traffic over you.
You can use the search box to find out more about "grid" pattern contrails or check out
I don't know how to embed the app simulator. this gives you a general idea.
Your photos show contrails well away from the sun.But what i don't understand is that those contrails are always in the line of where the sun is.
If i look away of the sun i don't see any contrails..
But what i don't understand is that those contrails are always in the line of where the sun is.
Since there are lots of photos like yours in your general area dating years and years back...Since the last few months i see a lot of activity in the air
Thank you! Now i understand how these grid patterns are made.
But what i don't understand is that those contrails are always in the line of where the sun is.
If i look away of the sun i don't see any contrails..
I will make more photo's and post them in this thread.
those contrails are always in the line of where the sun is.