"An Unconventional Shade of Grey" - Michael J. Murphy new Film

A post by Steven Huff, which is "liked" by MJM, claims to show a sample tested for AluBarStrom mix. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154687717524867&set=a.179067029866.156992.747029866&type=3

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Steven Huff
6 hrs·Huntington Beach, CA, United States·
For those who like hard evidence, here is some:Michael J Murphyactually went up into the "condensation" trails in a small plane, collected these samples and had them lab tested. Aluminum, barium and strontium...


Trying to verify the claims (Michael J Murphyactually went up into the "condensation" trails in a small plane, collected these samples), I could only find the following...

I quickly found the "sample" in Jolie Diane's post https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1571791373133287&id=100009073184060
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RE: Baltimore Snow @ 1000 Aluminum / Updated Status
which MJM had also previously "liked" and "shared" https://www.facebook.com/michael.murphytmp/posts/10207398326209985

So is this a contrail sample or, more likely a snow sample from Baltimore? Either way, the results are questionable, no?
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So is this a contrail sample or, more likely a snow sample from Baltimore? Either way, the results are questionable, no?
Well the "client ID" on the report is "Maryland Snow Baltimore" and the matrix type is "water". And the collection date (02/09/2016) doesn't match Murphy's trip on the plane. So yeah, it's snow.

From Jolie Diane's post:

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"Good Afternoon, This letter is regarding the alarmingly high levels of aluminum found in three consecutive Baltimore area snow samples taken in January and February 2016, that were professionally lab tested to see what is in our precipitation, and if the samples would contain patented Geoengineering agents, which they did: aluminum, barium, and sulfur are signature ingredients used in climate engineering and weather modification programs. Baltimore, @ 1000 aluminum, is one of the highest levels measured in the nation. Hence, the application of geoengineering programs is occurring, and is violating Maryland regulations as per EPA standards specific to sulfur, and heavy metals. (2010)

" Sulfur dioxide is the most significant contributor to the fine particle problem, playing a significant role in creating regional haze that decreases visibility."
They didn't even test for sulfur!
They didn't even test for sulfur!

Found in another post https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1572127356433022&set=p.1572127356433022&type=3&theater


...and in the post, Jolie is being challenged quite effectively to show the correlation between samples and aircraft trails. Obviously, she cannot but her last post saddens me.

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Jolie DianeI'm trying to find out why there is a ton of metals coming down in 3 consecutive tests. I spent over $300 to have these professionally tested, so arguments can be taken tomccampbell.com
And later, I read this (lol)
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VaShon Blickensderfer ElmerOK, I'm not arguing necessarily against you - I believe this is happening. But I have a bunch of nay-sayer friends. And someone up there in another post said Michael went up in the air and then attached your report, which is incorrect. This is Jolie's report, not Michael's
Like·Reply·1·1 hr

Jolie Diane
Thank you VaShon - I wish folks would take the time to readsmile emoticon
Like·Reply·1·1 hr
That means you, Michael J Murphy!
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...and in the post, Jolie is being challenged quite effectively to show the correlation between samples and aircraft trails.
unfortunately that is the only test that she doesnt give a collection date

[/ex]Jan24, 2016 Snow
Date received: 2/29/16

Aluminum 110ug/L
Barium 9.8
Strontium ND

February 9, 2016 Maryland Snow
Date recieved: 3/14/16

Aluminum 120 ug/L
Barium 35 ug/L
Strontium ND

Maryland Snow (no collection date)
Date recieved: 3/14.16
Aluminum 1000 ug/L
Barium 68 ug/L
Strontium ND
Sulpher 350[/ex]

but a quick search to see if i could find pollution issues in MD (theres too many to comb through), i came across this PDF -attached-which is a study they did measuring air pollution after imploding a building. Basically it says the levels increased quite a bit but then in 4of6 locations were back to normal levels within 15 minutes! They attributed this to wind... wondering if data such as this would help refute the idea that any 'significant' amount of aluminum dumped from 30,000 feet would land in one spot at significantly increased levels??? maybe not because 1000ug/L doesnt sound like much, but just an idea.

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The current case study demonstrates the dramatic impact of a building implosion on community air quality. Outdoor PM levels nearby or downwind were observed to increase 3000- to 8-fold depending on distance from the implosion. These results indicate that the implosion had a significant effect on short-term ambient PM concentration at distances as great as 1130 m downwind. In the upwind direction, however, a sampling site as near as 300 m (site H3) from the implosion did not detect any measurable increase in ambient PM. Although PM concentration levels increased dramatically, the increases were of relatively short duration. In all cases, PM levels returned to background within 40 min postimplosion, while at four of the six outdoor monitoring sites, PM concentration returned to background in 15 min. Resolution of the PM concentration peaks was a function of wind speed. At the time of the implosion, a wind speed of 1.8 m/sec (with a maximum velocity of 4.9 m/sec) was recorded. The calculated plume speed (2.5 m/sec) was consistent with the observed wind velocity


unfortunately that is the only test that she doesnt give a collection date

[/ex]Jan24, 2016 Snow
Date received: 2/29/16

Aluminum 110ug/L
Barium 9.8
Strontium ND

February 9, 2016 Maryland Snow
Date recieved: 3/14/16

Aluminum 120 ug/L
Barium 35 ug/L
Strontium ND

Maryland Snow (no collection date)
Date recieved: 3/14.16
Aluminum 1000 ug/L
Barium 68 ug/L
Strontium ND
Sulpher 350[/ex]

but a quick search to see if i could find pollution issues in MD (theres too many to comb through), i came across this PDF -attached-which is a study they did measuring air pollution after imploding a building. Basically it says the levels increased quite a bit but then in 4of6 locations were back to normal levels within 15 minutes! They attributed this to wind... wondering if data such as this would help refute the idea that any 'significant' amount of aluminum dumped from 30,000 feet would land in one spot at significantly increased levels??? maybe not because 1000ug/L doesnt sound like much, but just an idea.

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The current case study demonstrates the dramatic impact of a building implosion on community air quality. Outdoor PM levels nearby or downwind were observed to increase 3000- to 8-fold depending on distance from the implosion. These results indicate that the implosion had a significant effect on short-term ambient PM concentration at distances as great as 1130 m downwind. In the upwind direction, however, a sampling site as near as 300 m (site H3) from the implosion did not detect any measurable increase in ambient PM. Although PM concentration levels increased dramatically, the increases were of relatively short duration. In all cases, PM levels returned to background within 40 min postimplosion, while at four of the six outdoor monitoring sites, PM concentration returned to background in 15 min. Resolution of the PM concentration peaks was a function of wind speed. At the time of the implosion, a wind speed of 1.8 m/sec (with a maximum velocity of 4.9 m/sec) was recorded. The calculated plume speed (2.5 m/sec) was consistent with the observed wind velocity

It's hard to know exactly where these samples were taken. I see "Maryland Snow Baltimore" on the lab report, so I can infer that the samples were taken from the city.

Deidre is right. Urban concentrations of aluminum do vary as do their sources. I found this in an Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) report that is attached (page 177)

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Background concentrations of aluminum in rural air typically range from 0.005 to 0.18 Ig/m3 (Hoffman et al. 1969; Pötzl 1970; Sorenson et al. 1974), whereas concentrations in urban and industrial areas can be considerably higher, ranging from 0.4 to 8.0 Ig/m3 (Cooper et al. 1979; Dzubay 1980; Kowalczyk et al. 1982; Lewis and Macias 1980; Moyers et al. 1977; Ondov et al. 1982; Pillay and Thomas 1971; Sorenson et al. 1974; Stevens et al. 1978).
The dated lab samples fall with the range cited in the report. The undated lab sample is higher. It would be helpful to know the location, how long the snow was on the ground, etc.


MJM affirms he is abbreviating the film title to "unconventionalgrey" to "streamline it". @2:07
After stating he doesn't feel entirely confident or comfortable in (making?) this film @2:53, he then annouces it will be his last film, with a promise to explain why later in the program (but doesn't).
@20:45 After MJM promoted Oxytoxic test and MSM Sulfur as a detox, the host (Bernard Alvarez) asks MJM his opinion of other remedies like chembusters and orgone resin crystals etc. MJM states he doesn't know enough about them, "...that's not my area..."
The rest is mostly gratuitous fear-mongering, at one point (@33:30) predicting "..what this means for individuals...we cover this in detail in the film.... God, you think Nazi Germany was bad, it's nothing compared to what's being planned. I was in Paris, we brought our cameras, we recorded what they're panning on doing, it's very, very, very concerning...lack of freedom (including in the home) and lack of control..."

For a "World Premier", you'd think they would include the city in the address. It's in Toronto, Canada.

I couldn't even find where to buy tickets from, two of the linked sites don't appear to mention it on their landing pages and there's no obvious links to follow/click I saw on first glance but that could be my impatience of such cluttered sites.

Was there ever any progression in the testing efforts? What happened with the paraglider thing?

MJM said in a recent radio show that they're "still waiting for proper funding", last I heard >>> @15:10 though the paramotors project wasn't specifically mentioned
It seems that Michael has found his plane to do the testing https://www.facebook.com/michael.murphytmp/posts/10207190891864256

Is he going to modify the Pitot Tubes?

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I have a couple of mounts that we are going to be feeding our filter system through
View attachment 17812

and the radar for landing?

View attachment 17813

From this:

View attachment 17814

It looks like Wolfe Air's plane. They provide the planes and cameras for air to air shots for Hollywood and advertising.

View attachment 17815

And what happened to using this Learjet to sample the trails? I'd be very surprised to see that it was used in the film. It was most likely just a stunt to placate the following that were questioning when were the trails going to be sampled.
And what happened to using this Learjet to sample the trails? I'd be very surprised to see that it was used in the film. It was most likely just a stunt to placate the following that were questioning when were the trails going to be sampled.
Yes, yet another grand plan comes to nothing. Either these people are totally incompetent or they know that producing a proper test would provide negative results and kill the golden goose. I have my suspicions...
MJM gave another sneak-peak recently https://www.facebook.com/michael.murphytmp/posts/10207761962860674
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Michael J Murphy14 hrs · At an event organized by The Eagle Forum which is one of California's most politically active groups. After presenting part of "UNconventional Grey' many are now confident that our strategy is the only way to stop geoengineering for good. We are very excited about this opportunity and look forward to changing the landscape of our movement.

Michael Adams

Like · Reply · 13 hrs

Embla Laache
Do you have a pamflet with your strategy that we also can use here in Norway and contribute it to go viral ? I want to use of my time and be an activist against geoengineering here in Norway. Peace & Love heart emoticon
Like · Reply · 12 hrs

Kylie Pearson
Where are the air samples taken from the Lear jet you videoed? We are all super keen to hear about them!
Again, ignoring supporter enquiries on his claims.
Michael's latest posting on Facebook blames Kevin Otte, the assistant editor of Unconventional Grey, for some sort of massive conspiracy. So I think we can assume all is not well with the film.


So I think we can assume all is not well with the film.

Maybe, maybe not...

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Rana Eden Belle
2 hrs
UNCONVENTIONAL GREYchemtrail film premiere with max bliss June 25th 2.30 friends meeting house norwich worth seeing Michael Murray may be with us of he's well - he made what in the world are they spraying and why in the world are they spraying - tickets on even rite or ring booking - 2.30 will be a good meeting last one four years now when aluminium tests from Manchester and done at the event showed 30 X aluminium limit for safety in blood spit urine and hair samples and 5-20x titanium strontium barium .
Mt shasta now 61000 times safe amounts! Trees thick in aluminium deposits and dying!
Michael's latest posting on Facebook blames Kevin Otte, the assistant editor of Unconventional Grey, for some sort of massive conspiracy. So I think we can assume all is not well with the film.
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Michael J Murphy I was planning on releasing my film, "UNconventional Grey: by June 5th, however, because of these electronic and other attacks, I have been unable to work in the capacity that is required to meet these dates. Also, I have found contracts and agreements on my computer that I did not sign or approve, I hold myself harmless. Please message me if you have an agreement. I am the authority for this film. Again, this is serious and because I have been threatened many times and am not sure what will happen, if I die, my will for the film, "UNconventional Grey" and any related footage, is that any profits from film or footage is that they go to those listed in my will in the safety deposit box.
"}" class="UFILikeLink">Like · Reply · 10 · 11 hrs · Edited
Posts I'm reading today indicate he's more lucid and has actually responded to a challenge on the air sampling.
Again, it's other people's fault it's damaging his reputation.

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Michael J Murphy
There are no samples because we did not get enough financial support and/or any company support. Those who said they would be able to get samples all backed out. I am still willing to go up if I can get a plane donated or enough money to make it happen. Lets do it, I am ready and always have been. Please contact Jolie Diane and/or Bruce Douglas who were part of this process. They have some knowledge of te many who committed to helping make this a reality but backed out. Also, I would ask others why such an important project, commitments when they knew my reputation is on the line would back out of this. I wonder where we would be if everyone did what they said they would do. Hmmm, also, our pilot Matt who we initially went up with thought he had friends who could do this for a fraction of the price but was unable to help. I know he was part of some convoy drop logistics related to gold or something. Lets start to help each other and ask some questions.
Like·Reply·1·5 hrs·Edited
I have removed a number of posts in this thread speculating on Murphy's personal situation. I think it suffices to note that he's having some personal problems which have affected the production of this film.

Discussing his personal situation is both speculative, and can come across as a personal attack. So please restrict this tread to discussion of the status of the film, and any specific claims of evidence it makes.
I totally understand, Mick. Just to say that there might be more to it then only "trying to dodge responsibility".