lights in the sky

  1. S

    Claim: Sighted UFO dripped molten metal onto ground on December 16th in Wickham, UK

    The claim is made in this thread on reddit: Source: Also included are images of the alleged UFO and its drippings: There's a few more such images in the thread but I think that these are the best...
  2. RoundEarth

    UFO Sighting over Lake Michigan, Illinois (TikTok Video) on 11/31/24 [Holiday Laser Lights]

    This UFO sighting was posted by a TikTok user jojoherrmann1. His account seems legitimate. He mostly posts videos of dirt biking or shining laser pointers at satellites... One video in particular, however, caught my attention. It begins the same as his other videos, shining a bright green...
  3. E

    Bright light passing Germany NNW to SSW on Nov 30 1750 UTC

    In a post on Bluesky a user finds a bright (exo-atmospheric?) light passing two webcams 850 kms apart on German North Sea island Amrum (N54.7, E8.3 - ish) and Austrian mountains in Saalbach-Hinterglemm (N57.4 E12.6 - ish) and wonders what it may be. He also links to source YouTube here and...
  4. Charlie Wiser

    CLAIM: Proton bursts? Sofia, Bulgaria Feb 2024

    I uploaded the video from this tweet to YouTube: Source: Tweet description (translated): Sofia, Bulgaria, February 6, 2024.Strange lights cross the sky at high speed. Reflectors are discarded.I'll tell you something, on request. There is an advanced...
  5. deirdre

    Debunked: Lights chasing each other carving holes in clouds (fake video, fallstreak holes)

    The viral video of lights seeming to carve holes out of clouds is a fake video and was originally debunked by @ufoofinterest tweet Source: The original image the video is based on is ©2003 Wayne Carver This photo was taken from my...
  6. M

    Physical Object or Camera Artifcat?

    [EDIT] I apologize for the inconvenience. I was not aware that the Album containing the pictures was set to private. I have since rectified the situation. My Dad's girlfriend noticed a strange anomaly in this picture and believes it to be an Alien Spacecraft. I'm not even confinced it's...
  7. n0sweat

    Lights in the Sky (Swansea UK 11/10/14)

    Report in my local rag today of "mystery objects in the sky". Here's a screen shot with the faint lights arrowed by me. You can see a very short video of the sighting HERE (scroll down the page to about half-way) My first thoughts are these might possibly be some sort of electrical...