Hello my American friends (I'm assuming from the website information). For all my life I have watched the skies and have suddenly noticed the phenomenon in Germany during WW2. I have seen many of the Luftwaffe go by in my town (never with these long, persisting trails) and personally had family members in the SS who told me about the weather modification techniques at the time. Most of the techniques were obtained through intelligience groups in the United States of America who had their hands on the compartmentalized information. Most of it had to do with aerosol modification and how they could create clouds and haze through the use of chemical trails from airplanes with a variety of compounds that would increase the Cloud Condensation Nuclei. They said how this would have an astounding effect on battlefield conditions for their opposition. Most of the breaches happened because vulnerabilities at the time were not mended due to the attention focused primarily on the Manhattan Project. Also, I overheard many of the scientists working for the SS discuss how they could create a contraption analogous to what Nikola Tesla had described with the use of finely tuned ELF and EHF waves that could suddenly eradicate humidity. They would pinpoint and concentrate these powerful waves at fine metal oxides released from airplanes in aerosol form and could virtually eliminate clouds and rain and would be able to form droughts over an entire area for the enemy. I even overheard a conversation talking about the production of artificial earthquakes with these devices as mentioned explicitly in Nikola Tesla's writing. I now know what these are and became aware as I saw weather warfare occur firsthand when we were covertly tested on with the material during '43 after being notified by an SS agent. The material coming out of the planes is near similar to what we know today as chemtrails. They are long, white streaks that expand from one side of the horizon to the other hazing the sky. The tactic is nothing more than of a geological/weather combat. I am very concerned for the future of our home here on Earth and very concerned about the sustainable development of the world. The natural vegetative habitat is becoming eradicated. God bless you people and hope you take action. I am nearing my end as a senior citizen in Munich seeing a once beautiful, natural world turned into a post-industrial wasteland.
The first time spotting the trails was nearly 50 years ago when I was in high school. My dad worked at Lockheed Aircraft where they tested many planes. There were vapor trails that followed the planes during certsain speeds and there were white trails following the planes so you could find them in the air more easily. The further away the plane was from the smoke trasil the faster he was flying. But there were other trails that did not follow what I just described but were systematicly laying trails across the sky.
Today 2011-2012 there are a numerous trails every week. Some days are just a few and others I have seen up to 35 criss crossing the sky like a checker board. The trails come early in the morning and into the dusk at night.
my dad noticed them in the 60s. i was made aware of them when i was seven in 1972. i have over the years looked at many movies to view the sky. as far back as the 50s there are noticeable chemtrails. the planes markings are the same every day in the area where i currently live. i am amazed that people as a whole are so duped into these fake clouds. i have watched these since 72 almost every day. there is nothing rogue about these patterns, they are deliberate. it blows my mind that this cant be exposed.
TRUST NO ONE.............................
In2011 there was not one day that they where not spraying chemtrails and I have the photographic evidence(I saw the stars 3 days in 2012)
In 1993 I seen a tv interview on MCTV Sudbury Ontario from Manitoulin Island Ontario Canada. A Man used a telephoto lens to photograph the aircraft that was chem trailing. The aircraft were clearly a KC10 or KC 135 tanker with U.S Air force markings .
On question six, I wish I could elaborate.
I would have to say, not new, just noticed how different they were from the contrails I watched in the sky as a kid.
Is this a govt research site? To say that chemtrails are bogus means you are an idiot or a govt stooge! The government has countless airborne and spraying laws on the books.
These are not what the kooks think they are, but they were quite real and deliberate. One book I recall having influenced me to at least look into the phenomenon was "Deadly Skies" - my jury is still out on what impact they've had; hope this helps.
They are spraying and people and pets have respiratory problems blamed on "Pollen". I am not blind and if there are that many passenger planes
putting those trails up there "in a grid no less" as some people claim, then they need to be curtailed. Whatever is polluting and turning the skies to silver needs to STOP. Just how stupid do "they" think everybody is? Not all of us swallow the lies they spew. The agenda is to depopulate the planet and if it means by weather or food shortages or plagues, they will do it. What makes me angry besides the arrogance of these "special chosen ones" is that we, the people are paying for our own destruction bit by bit.. We are now talking war again, another way to kill large numbers of people. faster. No one will convince me chemtrails are false. Passenger planes just don't fly those patterns and turn the sky silver.
I think it has aluminum phosphate and barium and things that cause dementia and Alzheimer's I also think that it's got smart dust in it that creates a three-dimensional map of everybody every living thing and everything on the planet
I have watched these trails for several years and they are not contrails. As you watch the miles long trail stay there after the plane is gone you will see it spread out several miles and then something rains down. I have seen the planes cross each other making a big x in the sky. Another time one plane made a huge circle and s second plane put a line across the entire circle. These are not normal procedures. I am waiting for some to create the skull and crossbones to just rub it in our faces. One thing I have noticed is on a clear blue sky day when you see them all over the place that by the end of the day it looks like full overcast and the next day it is cold, windy and sometimes it will rain. It is not normal and I believe you know more than you are willing to say. These government conspiracy people are the same ones that wrote about the housing bubble bursting, the banks failing, the mortgage companies cheating to approve loans and the fall of the dollar. It goes on and on. Your thoughts?
Barium, alumunum
sulfer and nano particulates are unhealthy. continuing this is also very unhealthy for the partisipants.
I live in Florida and see more persistent and frequent chemtrails -- notably on sunny days with few clouds.
I have taken stunning close up photos of chemtrails being generated in Southern Florida.
Started hiking and notice the trails. They are always in the path of the sun (Light). have seem them at night
they are always laid west of the city, drift across easterly, most often don't disappear, just spread out to meet parallel trails, and then slowly drift together to make the sky white, sometimes they appear to be darker, as if black spray matter in the trail , if sun gets behind trails once they have come together , rainbow like colors appear in the trails.
We go to the beach on a beautiful cloud free day, and then parallel lines are laid across the sky, within a few hours they have joined together blocking out the sun, the sky white with no character at all, othertimes the lines get really low by the time they cross my work building, you can see them fanning out and dropping, never going away like ice crystals should. Not crazy just enjoy looking up.
I am an Air Force veteran. In the winter in Texas we would get what the weather man would call Blue Northerns. A beautiful clear winter day. Not anymore. 2/26/2012 was a clear blue sky by 2:00pm I counted over 38 jets which left the entire sky hazy.
I have photos of planes flying in formation leaving persistent "contrails".
In 1999 our sky started looking like a checker board with chemtrails, and spreading out and covering the whole sky.
When more people see this happening. The Public expects an answer, with evidense. If nothing come forth coming. I'm confident groups in country will be attacking thses facilities to stop it.
The 2011 chemtrails were in Medford Oregon. I had seen them in Medford Oregon in the past also in Portland Oregon.
I know that the trolls are just going to be screaming "allergies", but if I take my son outside to go to his grandma's on a heavy spray day, he gets a horrible upper respiratory infection. I know its not him because he can go outside any day the skies are clear and be just fine. I do love my country, but this government is out of control, and I believe they need to be held accountable for this.
Your website's very existence is a blatant attempt to justify chemtrails under circumstances which make no sense unless you have an agenda for covering up the truth.
I challenge you to prove me wrong: if chemtrails are normal airplane exhaust, why would you go to such lengths as this website does to prove it?
If chemtrails are normal airplane exhaust but some people believe in Santa Claus, fairies and that normal jet-fuel exhaust sometimes does hang around for hours and blanket the whole sky.... no NORMALLY scientifically-inclined person would spend such an effort to prove such beliefs incorrect.
The ONLY reason you are so determined is because you believe chemtrails need to be covered up, and this either comes from your convictions or more likely it derives from business partners in high office who support and/or finance you.
Your site is disinfo and you are NOT just "some" guy. I can't wait for the day when YOU are charged with crimes against humanity.
I'm a Private Pilot.
I've stared at the sky my whole life.
In 2002 (approx), I observed white lines being painted in the sky in
a grid-like deliberate pattern at high altitudes.
I lived close to Logan International Airport in Boston.
I've seen thousands and thousands and thousands of jets fly overhead and
leave a short condensation line.
Leaving motive, toxiciy, etc..aside....these so called "Chemtrails" are a novel and highly variant form of sky markings/ emissions from jetliners.
I don't see them that often...but when I do, they are unmistakebly unique.
I was six when I first noticed them
when is it going to stop? Why is geoengineering being done and how can it be stopped?
Be very, very careful when you discount persistent trails.
If you are wrong, you are shooting yourself and your children in the heart.
This is extremely serious.
How likely is is that persistent trails are easily observed in the summer skies in Israel which are usually cloudless and always rainless and have average daytime temperatures of 85-90 F??
I know this is a chemtrail "debunking" site, so my experience or beliefs won't count for a whole lot. I do remember being a kid in the 1950s, playing outdoors all summer, and NEVER seeing a "persistent contrail." I remember spending a lot of time gardening outdoors in the 1970s and NEVER seeing a persistent contrail. Now i see them all the time. I have come to recognize the way they disperse into a haze that fills the whole sky. In the rainy weather I observe them often lingering in the sky above the "real" clouds. On days that would otherwise be cloudless and glorious they often scum up the sky and hide the sun. There is something different going on. I can't claim to know what it is but I also can't buy the idea that its just normal stuff.
Personally I think the most disturbing thing is not so much the persistence of contrails, but the fact that they widen and expand as if it was just a chemical reaction
It's odd how they go from horizon to horizon
2009-2010 was extremely bad over the SFV NORTH / NEWHALL BORDER...2011 and 2012 have had contrails but not in the blanketing abundance and daily consistency of prior years.
I can tell the difference between a contrail and a chemtrail.
In the past week I've noticed an increase in chemtrails and a new occurrence of Chemtrails at night just this past year. It is usually on very clear days with no clouds and also I see other planes of similar altitudes that do not emit the 'persistent contrails'.
They are using nanoparticles in the air, to holographically map the underlying surface and surface of the ground. The chemtrails are being used to change the comoposition of the air to perhaps create images, change the way the sun rays hit the ionosphere. Thus manipulating human feelings and perception of the eye itself. Be on the spiritual defence. I have learned how to disable the particles in the air around me, thus making them sterile by increasing my electrical field intensity
a frind of mine pointed them out, and I was skeptical, but after investigating I am convinced they are real and the population is being sprayed like cockrtoaches.
They are spraying more frequently than usual 2012. They are trying to control Global warming and CO2 levels by putting particles up in the stratosphere. It is called Geo-engineering, who can better explain it than David Keith.
real stuff, a little metalic dust makes the atmosphere a plasma much more capable of cunducting and reacting to electro magnetic influences.
barium and aluminum, not to mention biological compounds, sicken & reduce populations, and controls them thru brain wave entrainment.
most science will say no, but most science is funded by the guys doing this
very compartmentalized, lots of small puzzel pieces, but few big picture vies of what is happening.
Checkpattern sky, exact 90° angles, it was hot summer day, also short "contrail" airplains in the sky, about as high as the "sprayer" dircetly over me....in the evening, the whole sky was wiht and bright.
I watch the sky and airplanes, since i was a child. It was the fiorst time is saw this, and it wasnt the last.
more over there is a metallic smell in the air which lasts about 3 days and it usually happens when there is hardly any wind. It results in a sore throat if I am outside any length of time.
There should be a law created to stop these evil chemtrails.
since noticing white lines in sky i have noticed they are sparying in front of the sun all day long .the horzion is is always a mess with white lines now and fake cloulds
Chemtrails are real. I have a picture of two planes flying, one jet coming in on the other and meeting up with it in the sky.....flying together, side-by-side. Not only is this highly dangerous, it is in crude disregard of flight regulations.
When I first saw them above me in the early morning I was taken aback as there are only two flight paths near me and these where in a criss, cross pattern. Since then I have seen many long streaks of these trails at different times of the year.
why is there so many. Seen them for a while but there much more evertime i walk outside there a plane flying leaving those trails?
If there are routine flights going over, then why is it some days there are no chemtrails and other days there are more? Why is it that some times I've seen clear blips in-between the spewing out of long streams of the stuff? I usually spend time outside to enjoy the outdoors, but when I noticed the long streaks of cloud like stuff, I started asking about what was it the jets were spewing. Were they trying to create precipitation - like cloud seeding?
I remember seeing many planes as a childsince we lived near O'Hare and Midway and never, ever remember such a quantity of "stuff" coming off the backs of whatever kinds of planes moving so high in the air. My take on it is that these are military planes doing maneuvers and NOT commercial planes - so back off on the issue of changing what they do would have airlines charging more for plane tickets. The TSA's groping and radiating is doing it's part on discouraging people from flying. I think we continue to have change - unfortunately much of it is negative and harmful and yes, a lot of us don't like it, especially when it has to do with poisoning the air, the earth and the water - whether it comes from a car, a train, a plane, or a factory.
I'm near the airport and they NEVER seem to be going or coming from there! Yet they keep going back and fourth.
Its obvious that there is something being sprayed in the atmosphere. OBVIOUS
There should be no flights anywhere near here. Every day, they start out in the morning and go on through the day, spreading out and covering over what was totally blue sky, that then become just a gross haze that looks like living in a polluted city. I'm 52... I've looked at clouds my whole life. Now, I see 'real' clouds, maybe a total of 5-10 hours each week. The rest of the time, it's junk that has spread out from jets that shouldn't be flying near Brookings.
Mick West you're a total f-ing moron if you believe there are no actual chemtrails. A TOTAL F-ING MORON. The US Government has been doing it for decades asshole. The US Military & Government are lying f-ing turds- JUST LIKE YOU. You're not a f-ing scientist- just a GRADE A ASSHOLE. GOVERNMENT SUCK UP BITCHBOY...F YOU DOUCHEBAG LIAR.
Bunch of f-in clowns. I live next to an airport, so go f yourselves if think these lies are going to be believed. To recap, f u and ur sponsors.
So the NASA site that shows "predicted contrail" formation is here for Jan 1st 2012....
Also here is another Satellite view of the same area showing contrails. How come the predicted contrail "radar" doesn't show contrails can form there but there are in fact contrails. FYI... I have many more examples...
I became upsest with staring into the sky for hours. I had set up telescopes hooke dup to a computer with a motor So i could follow the planes. I became so interested with this.
Every day their are always planes in the sky. Some days I wake up and the sky is already full. I can put money on it, EVERY DAY their are planes spraying. I live in the L.A area and Its awful out here.
In the morning with the fog you can see "smog like" clouds falling from the sky. Ill have to take pictures of it over the valley. Its awful.
WHen its foggy you can see everything falling from the sky. In the distance it loooks like the sky is pooping on us. Its so nasty we breathe this in every day.
Its like a black rain when its foggy.
i watch the sky regularly and you can tell on a hot day they lay them in thick and then sun is covered and the day never gets as nice as it should i also fish in the Columbia river gorge and they spray there in mass you will see 4 planes at a time sometimes i take a lot of pictures and have even seen some weird bubble clouds there. it took me a while but lerned from the internet!
Would like to see a detailed video where the chemtrails and contrails are compared, many people still think its a contrail and its hard to convince them they are not.
my sister's ex husband had been seeing them for over 20 years before po- inting them out to me. his daughter was doing a report on them for a high school class of her's. ever since that day i have seen them in every state i have traveled through,as i drive a truck. i know the difference between a ligitament contrail and a chemtrail. i watch them being made every day every where i go. it blows my mind. i just want to know the truth.
It has to do with number of the beast 666 all the ariels and masts great manipulation evil taking a way freewill
Noticed some odd trails today.I live in a rural area,with a tiny airport.There where 7-8 large planes in the sky overhead together in various directions coming going,crossing through the trails of the plane before them,looking like an intentional grid or Tic tac toe board in the sky. I have seen this before here,first noticed it a few years ago. I can not figure out why we would have that many planes flying over us (rural tiny city) at the same time in the same air space,criss crossing like that. Some one needs to investigate this, provide answers to the public.
I often wake up early, just before day break, and I watch the sky go from clear blue to littered with white lines that spread into clouds and last all day.
Two days after I saw these, my family, came down with cold like symptoms. I have also noticed, more people in te waiting room, at the clinic.
I first noticed a video about them a couple of years ago, then I stated to look up, I wanted to know why they hung in the atmosphere for so long, and didn't behave like normal contrails. I researched and didn't like what I was reading. I have noticed a strange faint smell and residue on my washing if I left it out after they sprayed. I feel something is going on and more than meets the eye.
I learned what chemtrails are about, when i started searching about the New World Order (2009 or 10) but i'm sure that i had seen them before when i was a child (i'm 22 now) and my mom was telling me that this was to help them see how strong is the wind (the stronger the wind, the faster the trail disapperars)
I saw some news about circular persistant contrails that made people alarmed in the uk and contacted autorities, and they told them it was a NATO airplane doing that thing. I saw, with witnesses, a plane spreading circular contrails at high altitude at about 15 km west of my location, from 1 pm until 4 pm, it began at a lower altitude when it ended it was much higher. At about 4 pm, the plane suddenly abandoned the circular route, which was about 50 km in diameter, and went north, but "switched off" the contrail. I wish I had filmed it. My friend has a photo of it at about 3 pm. Bill Gates actually supports this type of "study" that is being done all over the world. Today, 9th february 2012, no persistant contrails at all, just normal traffic and normal contrails. Yesterday, 4 planes leaving persistant clouds behind in the morning, 2 of them flying parallel, and in addition to them, the normal traffic in the sky leaving the normal contrails behind. I had acknowledged of this conspiracy thing from a friend and he was also skeptic about it, as myself, but when i saw reports about this being a prevention of global warming, and the US air force expecting to be able to control the world's wheater at 2025 (officially), I did started to believe that these are not normal contrails. I don't know if it is good or not, but these are not normal contrails, period. I plan to buy a 750 mm telescope, when I can afford it, to watch the air traffic, and take photos, of all of them, normal or not.
I could not believe the U.S. (do now) would steal OUR sky.
i should be in the new world order, and will be.
heard multiple reports since the mid ninties about chemtrail spraying in others areas of US. Only the past few years have noticed them in Palm springs area.
This is real I have a huge problem with your site trying to debunk it! What is your dog in this fight?
It's seems the spraying is more consistent when rain is in the forecast. I also have hundreds of photos that prove they are not just contrails. Sometimes it looks like there are waves made in the clouds by an external force. Almost like ripples in a pond.
In October 2011, I moved to Greensburg, Pennsylvania. They are spraying here almost daily also.
i have noticed the planes are not flying over heavily every day but i do always see at least one everyday. It seems as if they will spray heavily for a week or so and then cut back extremely every few days. I have seen perfectly nice sunny wonderful days turned to muggy hazy cloudy afternoons completely due to chem trails. People need to know the difference between an earth made cloud and a chem trail haze.
after sprayng the same or other day there was rain
One day my toddler asked if a plane had crashed in the mountains because the (many, many)trails were looping all over the place. We do not have a busy airport (and no private planes who just fly around in loops) and are not really on a flight plan for any major airports, so I started to wonder. Then a plane crashed south of us an the newspaper photo showed it in a pool of silvery liquid that was not flammable.
Now I notice them all the time. There is a guy in my FB newsfeed that takes photos of the sky several times a day and the proof is hard to refute.
I'm just trying to figure out what is causing an epidemic of thyroid problems among women in my small rural town. I'm not as much concerned with Barium as I am Aluminum being sprayed. I know cloud seeding takes place, but my doctor said Arkansas didn't pay for cloud seeding. Therefore, I'm wondering if it could be GMO's, something in our water supply, or something totally different. We do not have a single factory in our small town; we have many, many fields/crops surrounding us. I, myself, practically live in a field. Also, I spray Round-Up every summer to prevent weeds. I live in a small town, but I do not know everybody. There are nine cases of thyroid disorders just from acquaintances of mine, including my mother, my best friend's mother, my hairdresser, and two co-workers. Since this is not a contagious disease, this seems like more than a coincidence. If you have any thoughts, please feel free to contact me at
i have noticed some days i wake up the sky is clear . then the next morning the whole sky could be 80% covered in grid like formations of thick contrails which spread out into a white haze. ive have video planes flying over leaving short normal contrails then others on the same day leaving a thick line right across the sky as far as i can see. its clear to me that some jets are using different fuel . i have even filmed to jets in the same shot one leaving a long contrail while the other dissipates almost straight away . i am growing more concerned
I recall seeing days of excessive contrails and thinking how strange it is that one day there are many and some days none at all. Why was that? Then I learned about chemtrails and now I am aware of them. I pay attention to them constantly. It's completely obvious to me that they are deliberate. I even notice the "residue" clouds that are in the skies after heavy spray days. They are darker. I often take pictures of the skies when it's extremely strange looking. I have dozens of them.
...I became aware of Chemtrails while studying up about the RFID implant (known about since 1995), then fluoride awareness followed that plus 'the rest of it' !!
This entire site is skewed - trying to deviate away from the truth and labelling people who are concerned as conspiracists. Why don't you take a look yourself at any geo-engineering web-site, and/or weather consulting companies. There are over a hundred patents that have been taken out since 1991 for spraying aluminum, barium and strontium in the upper atmosphere. Boeing and Hughes Aircraft are just two companies who hold patents for geo-engineering. It isn't difficult to see you are part of the conspiracy to lie to the public, and keep information private that should be public. Everyone deserves to know they're being sprayed with harmful chemicals. If the bee colonies which are collapsing at unprecedented rates could talk - they would point to chemical aerosols. So too would the massive fish and bird deaths. You should be ashamed of yourselves for lieing to the public. We have witnessed the planes above Victoria B.C. Canada turn completely around and line grid patterns above the Pacific West Coast. These are not normal contrails - morons. It is infuriating that you, whoever you are, would participate in this cover up. I'm sure you must be taking steps to protect your family's health? Good luck with that.
seen a few early morning spraying 8am one day until 11am seen some already in 2012 where the sun is in the afternoons when the sky is nice and blue they spoil it with the trails turning the sky hazy near the sun and ruining what would of been a nice day they also leave x signs in sky
I believe that this is very much a government program, occuring around the world, that is having disastrous consequences regarding human health and the environment, and we need to increase awareness so this program can be ended once and for all
u can see see a contrail, same conditions then a chemtrail, u can see.
The sky is changing and someone is doing it
I fimed these chemtrails occasionally in 2011 but on Dec. 1, 2011, they have flown over my small, rural, farmland city everyday that I can view them. NO jets ever flew over the coastal marshland of Louisiana.(Counting 50+ daily). Also, many days, they spray the thick nasty stuff from before sunrise until after sunset. Some days the jets fly over and have NO visible trails but we noticed white fibers & white blobs, & strange biting black bugs floating in the sky & landing on fences, trees & shrubs. Yes, we've taken samples. This has to STOP!
There could have been more sitings but I just became aware of what they were in the latter part of 2011.
I just saw some last week. The sky was sort of cloudy but then there was a break in the clouds and there were three trails across the sky.
They were wide and rather yellowish in color.
i had noticed the chemtrails and realized i hadnt seen anything like these at all...i thought that couildnt be that man jets flying over. usually when a jet flies by, the white cloud doesnt stay around very long...these chemtrails stay around all day long and just cover the sky...weird designs. and the sunset and sunrise are more in color then i have ever seen.....seems strange!!
stop planes leaving persistant contrails
there are cris cross X patterns in the sky. Planes constantly in the skies.
I have never seen the sheer number of trails in the sky before and I could see the planes that were leaving the trail. We are no far from JFK and have seen planes circle and but this seemed unusual. I always thought it was just paranoia from people claiming they were spraying but today I had to question that.
AT first te chemtrails were south of Toronto in US airspace in 2012 I noticed they were occuring in what is obviously CANADIAN air space.
They have steadily increased and are now laticed in an obvious pattern and not just contrails of airplanes going from one destination to another.
i dont know what or why, but nobody can tell me im not seeing this! ive got tons of pics. ive always taken pictures of sunsets, weather, etc. so yeah, i noticed right away when these weird jets started making lines in the sky. clouds just dont do that.
I am 100% sure that the world elite has something to do with these chemtrails, wether it's for climat modifications, blocking sun or spreading bacterias. NWO is coming !
They seem to happen on clear days in the fall. I have not looked very hard in the summer for them. I saw them today - 10.25.13, starting right at sunrise and seemed to stop around noon. They mostly seem to go roughly west to east.
As one who lived and worked near O'hare (ORD) for 12 years and also lived near Midway (MDW) for several more, I am quite familiar with planes and what occurs in the sky. These persistent trails are different. They spread out. They don't disappear. They make the blue sky hazy. They don't follow normal flight patterns. I've seen them in the sky along with a normal passenger plane coming in for a landing. The passenger plane does not normally have a trail at all. The passenger planes that are higher in altitude (not landing in Chicago) might have a trail that dissipates on occasion, but not like what I am seeing these days. Something is wrong, something is happening. I read about the battle against global warming. I was footage of the Scientist Convention in San Diego (oh, and I lived there for 4 years in the 90s in Mission Hills and had view of the airport from my home). No, there were no persistent trails in the skies there.
I watch a contrail appear, and sometimes hear or see a jet. Then the contrail spreads out and continues spreading until it looks like clouds, they seem to collect more clouds to them. The sky fills with streaks of various width and direction from this continuous trail making.
I think the public has a right to know about any weather management, solar radiation management or environmental testing program taking place in their respective region or state. I have read quite a bit about this and believe that global warming is caused more from anthropological forces than natural ones. I also feel that whatever is taking place in our skies is adverse to our health. It doesn't help matters to see so many forces at work to debunk valid observations and investigative reports introduced by many concerned citizens, pilots, scientists and even well known figures who support the GW theory, like Al Gore, who appears to be very dubious about geoengineering projects and covert testing by NASA, military or other elite entities. A corrupt and ever expanding government that acts autonomously in too many cases is to blame for promoting such a moot theory as being "critical" and in need of such controversial and unjustified expense and risk.
I am really scared they have sprayed in droves for two days, don,t understand why they need alluminium, also have heard they carry viruses, i don,t understand, we will alll die, don,yt see how they think they won,t. all happening at the olympics 2012 i hear, they will blame aliens,
Ex govt. Employee w security clearance pointed this out to me
Today, 3/24/2012, was the most i have ever seen at the same time. i first noticed them back in the late 90's. It was Christmas day and they made an anarchy sign. that was my 1st experience and have been looking up ever since.
These "chemtrails" have been apearing since I was small. Contrails apear becasue of airplane engines meet cold air in high altitudes of 30,000 feet and leave a white vapor trail. These contrails usualy disapear within hours. But these chemtrails stay there all day and start spearding across the sky. I am having doubts of my own governemnt.
On November 2012 at 7:15 a.m, I took my grandchildren to catch their school buses. During the 20-30 minute wait, we witnesses over 3 dozen chemtrails in the narrow stretch of sky over I-77 at Elkview, WV. The section of sky we could see in the narrow valley stretched about 10 miles or less in length and a few miles in width due to our hilly terrain over the Elk River Valley. This narrow expanse of sky made the view extremely disturbing. All the planes were emitting chemtrails from beginning to end and they were coming from every direction make what appeared as a web made by a deranged spider. It looked like war with every man for himself. One plane even made a 90 degree turn from East to South, which I'd never witnessed before. A few of the chemtrails were dark grey and all others were white. I took pictures with my granddaughter's cell phone but she managed to delete them before I had time to download them to my computer. I'm attempting to make contact with other who may have taken photos. I contacted a local TV station to see if they had heard what was happening and they had no clue. Said they'd update me if they learned anything but I've heard nothing.
I noticed conection beetween my acute sinusitis and strange type of headache (tablets doesn't help) and chemtrails, also I noticed heart arithmya few hours after spraying.
I feel like I don't see the fluffy clouds I once did. One thing I know I haven't seen in a very, very long time...When grey clouds used to form and you could see a storm roll in, and when it was done, you would see a rainbow. The only rainbow I see now are the rings that form when the sun is shining through a chemtrail.
Chemtrails were first created by our government to use during war to block radar from seeing our ships in the sky. I notice in San Antonio how murky it has recently in the past year gotten in the sky like a hazy cloud. I noticed people around me would get sick even my self when I am a very healthy person. Some days my brain just feels real off and even other people will ask me the same question because they know chemtrails exist. No this is not allergies. Chemtrails were created to create clouds around us once they are sprayed because they are genetically engineered clouds. You can't say that they never existed or this is a lie.
I feel like they are making me sicker with more trouble breathing. It's harder to breathe when this is going on, more than I've previously experienced.
chemtrails appear in the East in the early morning & sprayed throughout the day into the West contrails disappear ~these spread into long wide clouds some days it looks like there was a parade of planes in the sky..too many to count......people I point this out to say they always thought they were 'con' trails
It was never like this before this century. It was never like this ten years ago. The trails cross the whole sky, from horizon to horizon. Sometimes they run in grid-like patterns. Sometimes there are just rows of them. Often I see them wafting in from over the ocean in rows early in the morning. As the day progresses they spread and cover the whole sky in a layer of silvery-grey. The sunlight that filters through the layer is often an un-natural hue. It's hard to describe the light but it 'feels' metallic. It's clearly not natural. My fear is that anyone younger than me might not be able to see the change despite the radical difference.
I was aware of the theory of "chemtrails" before this time, but never given it much thought or examination. Then one day, I was completing a 5-day hike in Yosemite, and noticed all these jets show up and make criss-cross patterns in the sky. It was noticeably-odd behavior. Since then I have noticed them on a regular basis at home some miles away. It's very obvious if you just keep an eye to the sky...
The most disturbing for me is the halos around the sun as the trails dispearsed, and then theybega to create a haze that covered the entire area of the sky above the San Juan Islands here in Washington state....it blocked the sun and created a very odd glow. the patterns of trails were regular and sometimes crisscrossed in grids. This was mostly during the summer and early fall months. I have not see this during clear days this winter.....and I have been looking for it and taking photographs.
Being a keen photographer I decided to go back through some holiday photos, I found chemtrails in photos from 2002.
They seem to come and go, sometimes a bunch at a time, like today, 9/29. Other times, perhaps weeks go by, and I think they are stopped.
On Coast-to-Coast radio people across the mid-west described snow found below them that had very weird characteristics. Anyway, what we see today sure can't be regular "con-trails", as they last so darn long. And they always seem to end right at the Mexico border.
First saw 04/28,2013 Lots and lots of lines crossing and no very linear. Does not look like a natural thing.
I see various quadrants of the sky being affected on different days as if one area is being targeted. I have seen planes flying back and forth in a grid, sometimes more than one plane. They are always silent. I have seen 'normal' contrails on the same day dissipating in 10 to 20 seconds, with the planes flying past one way (not in a grid). These planes are not silent.
This has gotten so bad in Dallas area you have no Sun.I have 100s of Photos and called Police I post on my FB all over emails.Its also started badly in Minnesota and at my Sisters Over Lake Fools Lake Crosby Mn.Also Badly in Brainerd and Baxter Minnesota. Now we see everywhere as we travel.They are on purpose and i have Skyderalert Alert App on my cell that takes the pix when i see them.Its so bad i have sinus issues.Earaches.Allervies.Lots of health problems. We're going back to . Minnesota because i refuse ro live here where they are non stop.poisoning us.Please please can you brkp.I love Texas but it's above our home almost daily and so many ppl know yet nothing is done.Ive sent to Dallas Fort Worth Airport Page to as I'm furious.I know these are not CONTRAILS BUT CHEMTRAILS AND BAD ONES.THANK YOU DIANNE AND BRUCE HAMDORF.MCKINNEY TEXAS.Im. on tasting Civil rights lawyers and Environmental.
In all reality, once you realize whats going on for real, you can even feel it inside of you. all the poison, & you realize that lately you just don't feel the same.... not like yourself.
I can't believe everyone (or nearly most) are so redundantly idiotic & oblivious to this shit.....
Why are flights so cheap in eu?
Why are people living under trails becoming increasingly unhappy?
What purpose serve 7billion people here on earth. Big farm.
always over populated areas . i never see as many out in the open land
believe it's been happening here since the spring of 2013 [First noticed 3 weeks ago]
i've been aware of contrails since i was little. I'm a scientist with degrees from cambridge. i'm also aware of geo-engineering concepts, and was involved in early meetings about the SKA.
i'd never seen chemtrails in hokitika, although they'd been around and about on the 'net for many years (2008 is the first time i saw them on there). I figured they (the persistent 'contrails' that existed next to normal contrails) were being laid down in clear grid patterns in order to help calibrate HAARP (it is hard to visualise atmospheric effects if you can't see them).
I've also seen results of hail samples taken from recent freak storms in Nelson, shortly after clearly documented anomalous trails, showing unnatural aluminium concentrations. As you pointed out, aluminium is radar visible, which would help with the calibration of the southern haarp installations (and would explain the beautiful and characteristic satellite anomalies shown over australia)
more recently, i saw some excellent chemtrails being laid down over hokitika on new year's day. there were already two long trails running parallel to shore, and i watched the plane that was putting down the crosspieces, at low enough height that i could differentiate body from wings by eye.
there was a low coming into NZ from the west, and i assume the planes were trying to build up a barrier to stop it coming ashore. needless to say the next day was cloudy with occasional rain. today was all sunny again, and the trails are back.....
so. i was skeptical, but it seems to me that it is more likely that people who like to run the world, and who do not want to have to deal with compensation claims when man made weather strikes, are actively carrying out weather modification, as proposed in the late 40's.
You need to stop it, whatever the reason it is not good for our beautiful environment as God created it, Stop trying to change man is always up to no good for profit
I watch the sky every day because I work outside, I dont remember ever seeing this many trails in the sky. I also see planes throughout the day flying at the same general altitude without trails. the planes with trails rarely follow the same routes as commercial flights tracked on flight tracking websites, and sometimes make odd turns 90 degrees. some of the trails are different color from different planes.
We are been sprayed on with out our concent
I think this summer was particularily bad in Ireland.It was so "cloudy"all summer.A few years ago I remember a visitor to Ireland from Belgium commenting on how much more blue sky we got here.They said the sky was grey a lot of the time in Belgium.Now I know what they mean.That grey sky is so oppressive and depressing.Fruit and veg haven't grown or ripened properly this summer.I am nearly as worried about food security as I am about the health effects of having this stuff pumped into the atmosphere.It makes me so mad to think that greedy people are playing God(though a God would not do that) and poisoning us.How many "natural" disasters have been caused by messing around with our weather.
Deprived of sunshine july august due to persistent spraying Constant low cloud and very regular rain througout Summer months..
I belive it has increased the last year and have even noticed more flights at night aswell
I got aware thanks to a thread on Facebook. Now I can't understand how blind I've been.