Then why wasn't there lots of core still standing when time was all over?the steel columns were tapered
but the floors fell past the columns
Then why wasn't there lots of core still standing when time was all over?the steel columns were tapered
but the floors fell past the columns
But there was!Then why wasn't there lots of core still standing when time was all over?
You can clearly see that much of the core remained standing after the floors were already gone, and the facade had fallen down.Pictures:
Then why wasn't there lots of core still standing when time was all over?
They solve the wind problem in different ways.But both of them have less of a wind problem than the Twin Towers since they get narrower toward the top.
Yeah this number of around 5 to 6 floors causing total collapse has been mentioned earlier in this thread also. Based on that, I went to Photoshop to create another illustration of this idea. Let's imagine the top 5-6 floors of either tower are lifted up about one floor by a giant crane:The total collapse was caused by perhaps 5 or 6 floors crashing down causing a runaway floor collapse (whatever exceeded the design capacity of a typical twin tower slab). The exterior was unstable without the bracing the floor slabs provided. Column free office space designs are vulnerable to pancaking runaway floor collapse / total destruction.
You'd have to move it sideways a few feet such that the columns no longer align. (see @econ41's picture in post #64.) You need the core and facade in your crane block to fall together with the floors, and if they align with the lower parts of those columns, that won't happen. But that's getting into collapse initiation, which comes before progression.Yeah this number of around 5 to 6 floors causing total collapse has been mentioned earlier in this thread also. Based on that, I went to Photoshop to create another illustration of this idea. Let's imagine the top 5-6 floors of either tower are lifted up about one floor by a giant crane:
View attachment 52497
So if we then cut the cord and let the top fall, we should get a collapse that accelerates all the way to the ground, yeah? And leaves just a rubble pile looking like this:
View attachment 52499
That's what would happen if the cord was cut, in your opinion?
Why do you have to blow up ALL the connections? How about just over half or 60%You'd have to move it sideways a few feet such that the columns no longer align. (see @econ41's picture in post #64.) You need the core and facade in your crane block to fall together with the floors, and if they align with the lower parts of those columns, that won't happen. But that's getting into collapse initiation, which comes before progression.
If you had a demolition team rig each and every floor-column connection on these top 6 floors with a small charge that destroys the bolt, such that you could detach these floors at the push of a button, leaving all the columns intact, you'd be able to cause total collapse. The 6 floors crashing down would suffice. (What actually happened was for enough core columns to lose strength from the heat.)
Are you aware that you are circling this discussion back to issues and confusions that dominated debate circa 2005-6-7-8-9?Yeah this number of around 5 to 6 floors causing total collapse has been mentioned earlier in this thread also. Based on that, I went to Photoshop to create another illustration of this idea. Let's imagine the top 5-6 floors of either tower are lifted up about one floor by a giant crane:
It depends on who you believe and whether or not your "falling top block" lands with all columns aligned on the lower tower. Two distinct scenarios - one of them with divergent analyses:So if we then cut the cord and let the top fall, we should get a collapse that accelerates all the way to the ground, yeah? And leaves just a ribble pile looking like this:
If the column ends missed >> Global Collapse;That's what would happen if the cord was cut, in your opinion?
Simplicity. Since the question was about progression.Why do you have to blow up ALL the connections? How about just over half or 60%
a "few storeys" of rubble ought to be enough to start ROOSDIf the column ends hit in alignment >> collapse would start and arrest after a few stories
Article: Here is the design live load of a typical Tower floor.
The typical floor had a 4 inch concrete slab. This alone would contribute 40–70psf per additional floor. So 2–3 additional floors coming to rest on top is dangerous.
Except where does the rubble come from in the simplified model we are discussing? IF the impact was sufficient to shear off the bottom couple of Top Block floors >> maybe.a "few storeys" of rubble ought to be enough to start ROOSD
from your "few storeys" of collapse, sometimes termed "crush-down".Except where does the rubble come from in the simplified model we are discussing?
A good point. Worthy of speculation and I hadn't considered it. My focus was on the historic arguments pro and anti Bazant. The Henka proposal is the hypothetical startup of the Bazant CD/CU model. (The concept of "dropping the top block" from Bazant & Zhou 2001-2 where it was framed legitimately as a "limit case" example. "CD/CU" originated with Bazant & Verdure 2007 where Bazant actually fell for the trap he set in B&Z 2001-2 - a story for another time. )from your "few storeys" of collapse, sometimes termed "crush-down".
In the Bazant model, the top moves downwards because some storeys between the top and the bottom get completely crushed, which makes them rubble.
Yes - that is the Szuladzinski, Szamboti and Johns conclusion. Based on their estimate of the weight of Top Block and their finding that Bazants estimate was wrong. Over optimistic. That aspect of their paper has never AFAIK been rebutted by professionals - presumably because it is a "truther" paper. I have no problem accepting truther findings when they are correct.You described this (and I quoted you) as "collapse would start and arrest after a few stories".
I addressed both "aligned" and "not aligned". I'm sure that progression would not halt in the not aligned or ROOSD scenario.However, that's not the point. Thinking about progression, we're looking for a simplified initiation model here; and we have evidence that the columns did not align.
The ROOSED mechanism is really basic settled engineering - severely over load a floor and it braked apart/shatters/ fails. It certainly seems implausible that slab could maintain its integrity while overloaded its connection to the axial structures. (didn't happen)
How do you figure they missed? Just looking at it, it's kind of hard to imagine the collapse being more "straight down" than it was:If the column ends missed >> Global Collapse;
If the column ends hit in alignment >> collapse would start and arrest after a few stories. (I think Bazant was wrong , Szuladzinski et al were right. ON THAT PART of their claim. )
How do you figure they missed? Just looking at it, it's kind of hard to imagine the collapse being more "straight down" than it was:
I'm not sure this is a good view point to see the tilt.Just looking at it, it's kind of hard to imagine the collapse being more "straight down" than it was:
How does Bazant explain the spire? and the long slabs of facade lying uncrushed on the ground afterwards?ROOSD isn't the accepted, mainstream explanation though. Bazant's "Crush-down, crush-up" is. You would think someone would try to correct the record on this.
Actually the issue of columns aligned or not aligned is a central factor in the applied physics needed to answer the OP question. BUT a definitive answer almost certainly would need a quantified and comprehensive engineering assessment which I don't think we have the skills or the resources to apply in this medium of on-line forum discussion. The best we can achieve is a somewhat subjective guesstimate concluding: "A higher hit by the plane could probably have resulted in the same collapse mechanism but we cannot be sure how much higher." AND "It may be possible that a higher impact could trigger a different collapse mechanism but we cannot define what form such a mechanism would take."This doesn't appear to be about the topic of
"How high could the plane have hit, and still caused a total collapse?"
You are a perennial optimist @Jeffrey. Have you tried to get any member to explicitly agree with "ROOSD"?The ROOSD mechanism is really basic settled engineering
That is a better assessment. And, as far as I am aware, I'm one of few who are bold enough to disagree with Bazant AND partially agree with Szamboti et al. Bazant and Verdure's "CD/CU" hypothesis is not possible for WTC Twin Towers. There are four fatal reasons. Three of them independently fatal. And I doubt you will find another debunker who will agree to that bold statement.ROOSD isn't the accepted, mainstream explanation though. Bazant's "Crush-down, crush-up" is.
Szamboti's attempts are also down a false trail. Bazant & Zhou 2001-2 was correct but led to misunderstandings. Szamboti and many others misunderstood. Then Bazant & Verdure in 2007 made the same mistake leading to "CD/CU". The same underlying error >> failure to understand the actual mechanism of collapse. Relying instead on 1D approximations and/or false assumptions about the issue of column alignment. This is why this discussion is still relevant to the OP. Whether or not the column ends remained aligned and impacted OR missed and bypassed is of fundamental importance to the OP question.You would think someone would try to correct the record on this. I know Szamboti has been trying to publish a critique of Bazant for like 10 years without success haha.
He doesn't. Despite the high regard he is given he has not done much to advance understanding of WTC collapses. His first paper with Zhou 2001-2 caused a lot of misunderstanding tho correct itself. Then his hypothesis with Verdure 2007 which postulates "Crush Down/Crush Up" I contend is wrong - fatally flawed as an explanation of WTC collapses. But few are prepared to agree with me because most debunkers seem to assume that both NIST and Bazant are infallible. I don 't agree.How does Bazant explain the spire? and the long slabs of facade lying uncrushed on the ground afterwards?
these simulations are made the same way climate simulations are made: with reasonable assumptions about the range of the unknown values. In case of the WTC, we have accurate data on the beams and columns; we lack accurate data on the damage they sustained, and the collapse sequence, but a range of possible scenarios simulated all support the same conclusion.Curious how we can supposedly simulate the climate of a planet 8,000 miles in diameter for the next 80 years but cannot do it for the collapse of a skyscraper that took less than a minute.
How could the simulation be made without accurate data on all of the columns and beams?
Purdue University did a sim.Well, it's been 20 years and afaik no university or research group has done a simulation replicating the total collapse of the towers. Which is a bit strange, considering it is the most shocking and historically significant engineering failure ever. Kai Kostack is doing one, but I think it's just a personal project?
Although you wouldn't even have to simulate the total collapse to settle the Bazant Vs. Szamboti question. Just simulate the very beginning, and see if you can match it to the smooth descent seen in the Sauret footage. If it decelerates and stops, Szamboti is right. If not, Bazant. With a computer simulation, you could also investigate the question of how high the plane needed to hit to cause total collapse.
Please include the text, in quotes, of the message you are responding to.@psikeyhackr what makes you think we can't?
In any case, ROOSD is fairly insensitive to errors - particularly in column modeling.
No.Kai Kostack is doing one, but I think it's just a personal project?
Of the plane impact yeah, but not of the collapse. Unless I'm mistaken.Purdue University did a sim.
Okay, good to know... But you probably understand what I mean. That it's seemingly a project made by one guy, using a program that is not specifically designed for engineering simulations (Blender). I would like to see something similar to the NIST sim of WTC7, meaning a team of professional engineers with a sizeable budget doing a simulation with software like LSDYNA/ANSYS.No.
It's a demonstrator for his "Bullet Constraints Builder for Blender"., and that project is connected to the The Finnish Laurea University of Applied Sciences. See
The project is unfinished, though, and remains unvalidated.
Nor has anyone offered a demonstration model of the basic and general principles. The OP asks, "How high could the plane have hit?" It's a good simple question and the answer would help us to understand the process.Well, it's been 20 years and afaik no university or research group has done a simulation replicating the total collapse of the towers. Which is a bit strange, considering it is the most shocking and historically significant engineering failure ever.
IrrelevantNor has anyone offered a demonstration model of the basic and general principles. The OP asks, "How high could the plane have hit?" It's a good simple question and the answer would help us to understand the process.
But I don't think anyone here (or anyone employed at any university) is able to describe with math a simple four-column model that would totally collapse if hit at one height and not at some other height.
If anyone here can, or knows of someone who can, please let us know.
Actually, it is even simpler than that. The apparent "Bazant v Szamboti" difference is a matter of simple logic. False assumptions about starting premises. And, yes, a lot of people misunderstood the central issues:Although you wouldn't even have to simulate the total collapse to settle the Bazant Vs. Szamboti question. Just simulate the very beginning, and see if you can match it to the smooth descent seen in the Sauret footage. If it decelerates and stops, Szamboti is right. If not, Bazant. With a computer simulation, you could also investigate the question of how high the plane needed to hit to cause total collapse.
So, hold on... If NIST didn't investigate the collapses beyond initiation, and Bazant's study is just an "abstract never happened limit case demonstration", does that mean there is no mainstream explanation for the total collapse of the towers, 20 years after the event?So resolving the difference "Bazant v Szamboti" doesn't need simulation - the error is in the specification of the problem and Tony's main error of taking an abstract never happened limit case demonstration as if it literally happened. << THAT was his #1 mistake. Most debunkers slowly came to recognise that one. However his second mistake has survived, generally unrecognised. The assumption also derived from B&Z that the Top Block dropped to impact. Many hours and megabytes of writing have been spent analysing the "Missing Jolt". It wasn't "Missing" it simply never was. There was never a "drop to impact" scenario. Fuller explanation available if anyone is interested in the context of this thread's topic..
NIST, in meeting its statutory obligation, concluded that (my words) "once the collapse was initiated global progression was inevitable". NIST met the statutory requirement to the implicit satisfaction of the authority which imposed the obligation. The US Government. NIST was NOT tasked with satisfying all the concerns, real or imaginary, of ordinary citizenry including the fringe of conspiracy theorists.So, hold on... If NIST didn't investigate the collapses beyond initiation,
Bazant's study has no place in the formal processes of Government investigation and explanation.and Bazant's study is just an "abstract never happened limit case demonstration",
Define what you mean by "mainstream", for whom it provides explanations and identify what basis, if any, there is for needing more "explanation".does that mean there is no mainstream explanation for the total collapse of the towers, 20 years after the event?
could you please stop trying to manufacture scandal? NIST FAQ #18 has been quoted here more often than I can count. It's so obvious that it does not require simulation, because the overload factor is already so great at this point.So, hold on... If NIST didn't investigate the collapses beyond initiation, and Bazant's study is just an "abstract never happened limit case demonstration", does that mean there is no mainstream explanation for the total collapse of the towers, 20 years after the event?
Well, I just mean an explanation of the collapse that is universally agreed upon by experts, and presented to the public. So if I look up why the Tacoma bridge collapsed on Wikipedia for example, it gives me what I would consider to be the "mainstream" explanation. But if I look up why the WTC towers collapsed, it gives me the Bazant story, which you yourself say "never happened", and in general is rife with problems.Define what you mean by "mainstream", for whom it provides explanations and identify what basis, if any, there is for needing more "explanation".
Many interested parties have discussed and explained the WTC collapses in varying depths of detail and with widely differing levels of scientific accuracy. What more do you think is needed? And why?