Doomsday-ism (and Eschatology)


Senior Member.
I'm putting this up for discussion, but knowing it is a very large subject.

I'd like to concentrate this to modern, present-day beliefs, and the reasons for such beliefs, the bunk involved....and with a historical back-grounding.

I am by no means well versed on the subject, but I'm open to learn.
I would love some good references.

Personally, I believe "doomsday prophecies" are a fear of the future (heightened in times of change), where some people become en-wrapped in cynicism and conspiracy theories.
I believe this is a psyche of fear, and that the general attitude of "the end is near", has been historically steady, only using the prevailing religious and (recently) technological references as a means to redefine (re-explore) the same fear.

Here are some initial thoughts, in a reply to this Icke forum post, "Are we headed for a cataclysm or is it all BS?"....
Originally Posted by cathar View Post
@white zombie....98% are in are correct..the fact that almost nobody is responding to this thread proves it......
Is it realistic to claim that 98% are in denial of a reality, or situation?
Isn't it more likely that 2% are are fringe thinkers ?

Depends if you live in the 2%, or the 98% category.

"2 percentiles" (random # for this argument) are found all over the world, incorporating many beliefs...and usually are people's ideas, either theoretical, religious, or superstitious......which have little or no facts or evidence to substantiate their claims.
If they did have strong evidence, the percent ratio would be very different.

"End of Times" prophecy has been around since recorded history, possibly earlier.
(eschatology) a part of theology, philosophy, and futurology concerned with what are believed to be the final events in history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity, commonly referred to as the end of the world or the World to Come...
...History is often seen as being divided into "ages" (Gk. aeons), an age being a period where certain realities are present. An age may come to an end and be replaced by a new age where different realities are present. This transition from one age to another is often the subject of eschatological discussion. So, instead of "the end of the world" we may speak of "the end of the age" and be referring to the end of "life as we know it" and the beginning of a new reality.

So in the past, the "end of the world" or "doomsday" ideas were mainly based in religion, because that (religion) was the leading thought on "who we are, and why we are here".
More recently in the industrial age, science has become a popular explanation of "who we are, and why we are here". Though ideas of a "doomsday" still exist in the psyche of many....(and more strongly in the "2 percentiles")....but these days they use arguments of science to configure these beliefs, and is increasingly replacing religious based ideas.

Consider that "2 percentiles" are often dangerous, accounting for many religious and political radicals that will "act out" because their beliefs are so strong.

The atomic bomb was at one point, the pinnacle of science-based doomsday belief. It still is to a degree, but lesser after the Cold War and global treaty agreements.

As the above wiki article describes, doomsday ideas/beliefs seem to rise upon the change from one era to another. An example would be the new beliefs in Evolution, verses the old beliefs in Creationism....or more recently, Global Warming trends and most recently "Economic Collapse".

Any of these paths that lead to a doomsday belief, seem to be fear-based....fear of the unknown in times of change and uncertainty.
Fear of the future, often leads many to predict the future.

No one can predict the future.
Whether you choose to be a cynic or a positivist, will reflect your happiness in this life. To be cautious is healthy, but to let the scary unknown run your not.
Live in the present.

Here is a link showing some of the more recent Doomsday elements in the media, confirming this is still a strong subject, even in these scientific times....

I personally don't think it's fear of the future. It's more the allure of thinking you live in special times. Most of the people who believe in end-times prophecies also believe that they are special, and that they will be saved.

It's not even that fringe. Many christians believe that Christ will return in their lifetime - which of course would mean the end of the world under most interpretations of christianity.
41 per cent [of Americans] say Jesus Christ will return within the next 40 years