Translated (using Google, with my own editing to improve clarity - are there any German speakers who could improve this?)External Quote:Inzucht stärkt den Charakter, schwächt den Geist - Kreuzung schwächt den Charakter, stärkt den Geist. Wo Inzucht und Kreuzung unter glücklichen Auspizien zusammentreffen, zeugen sie den höchsten Menschentypus der stärksten Charakter mit schärfstem Geist verbindet. Wo unter unglücklichen Auspizien Inzucht und Mischung sich begegnen, schaffen sie Degenerationstypen mit schwachem Charakter, stumpfem Geist.
Der Mensch der fernen Zukunft wird Mischling sein. Die heutigen Rassen und Kasten werden der zunehmenden Überwindung von Raum, Zeit und Vorurteil zum Opfer fallen. Die eurasisch-negroide Zukunftsrasse, äußerlich der altägyptischen ähnlich, wird die Vielfalt der Völker durch eine Vielfalt der Persönlichkeiten ersetzen.
Denn nach den Vererbungsgesetzen wächst mit der Verschiedenheit der Vorfahren die Verschiedenheit, mit der Einförmigkeit der Vorfahren die
Einförmigkeit der Nachkommen. In Inzuchtfamilien gleicht ein Kind dem anderen: denn alle repräsentieren den einen gemeinsamen Familientypus. In Mischlingsfamilien unterscheiden sich die Kinder stärker voneinander: jedes bildet eine neuartige Variation der divergierenden elterlichen und vorelterlichen Elemente. Inzucht schafft charakteristische Typen - Kreuzung schafft originelle Persönlichkeiten.
Vorläufer des planetaren Menschen der Zukunft ist im modernen Europa der Russe als slawischtatarisch-finnischer Mischling; weil er, unter allen europäischen Völkern, am wenigsten Rasse hat, ist er der typische Mehrseelenmenschen mit der weiten, reichen, allumfassenden Seele. Sein stärkster Antipode ist der insulare Brite, der hochgezüchtete Einseelenmensch, dessen Kraft im Charakter, im Willen, im Einseitigen, Typischen liegt. Ihm verdankt das moderne Europa den geschlossensten, vollendetsten Typus: den Gentleman.
In summary: Coudenhove-Kalergi was talking about the benefits and drawbacks of both inbreeding and racial mixing, and the inevitability of this "cross-breeding". Nowhere, as far as I can see, does he discuss it as an intention, nor the idea of a racial underclass ruled by Jews. (Indeed, he says that cross-breeding can "produce the highest type of human being who combines the strongest character with the sharpest mind".)External Quote:Inbreeding strengthens character, weakens spirit - crossing weakens character, strengthens spirit. Where inbreeding and crossbreeding meet under happy auspices, they produce the highest type of human being who combines the strongest character with the sharpest mind. Where inbreeding and mixture meet under unfortunate auspices, they create degenerative types with a weak character and dull spirit.
The man of the distant future will be half-breed. Today's races and castes will fall victim to the increasing conquest of space, time and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, externally similar to the ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of personalities.
For according to the laws of heredity, the diversity of the descendants increases with the diversity of the ancestors, and the uniformity of the descendants with the uniformity of the ancestors. In inbred families, one child is like the other: because they all represent a common family type. In mixed-breed families, the children are more distinct from one another: each forming a novel variation on the divergent parental and ancestral elements. Inbreeding creates characteristic types - crossing creates original personalities.
The forerunner of the planetary man of the future in modern Europe is the Russian as a Slavic-Tatar-Finnish hybrid; because, of all European peoples, he has the least race: he is the typical multi-soul person with the wide, rich, all-encompassing soul. His strongest antipode is the insular Briton, the highly bred single-souled man whose strength lies in character, in will, in what is one-sided, typical. Modern Europe owes him the most closed, most perfect type: the gentleman.
Could you not have asked your source for the original German?Could be fabricated but I haven't gotten around to researching yet.
which clearly isn't the same thing.External Quote:Europa ist religiös von Juden, — - militärisch von Ger-
manen erobert worden: in Asien siegten die Religionen
Indiens und Arabiens: — während dessen politische
Vormacht Japan ist.
And, as a point of fact, Coudenhove-Kalergi was not Jewish, although he did marry a Jewish woman. So it is rather unlikely that he would write "we" when referring to Jews!
- I'd translate "Geist" as "mind" or "wit" throughout: dull wit, sharp wit, referring to the intellectual qualities and not the character.are there any German speakers who could improve this?
The closest to anything inflamatory I could find mentioning both jews and asians was
which clearly isn't the same thing.External Quote:Europa ist religiös von Juden, — - militärisch von Ger-
manen erobert worden: in Asien siegten die Religionen
Indiens und Arabiens: — während dessen politische
Vormacht Japan ist.
Cue the idea that Germany+Japan can conquer the world, a plan that failed in 1945.External Quote:Europe was conquered spiritually by the Jews, militarily by the Germans: in Asia the religions of India and Arabia were victorious, while its dominant political power is Japan.
In summary: Coudenhove-Kalergi was talking about the benefits and drawbacks of both inbreeding and racial mixing, and the inevitability of this "cross-breeding". Nowhere, as far as I can see, does he discuss it as an intention, nor the idea of a racial underclass ruled by Jews. (Indeed, he says that cross-breeding can "produce the highest type of human being who combines the strongest character with the sharpest mind".)
He's only using the language of the day, which is insensitive from a modern perspective, and he's a lot milder than much that was written at those times.I'm quite uncomfortable by the fact that he's still a racist in the sense of ranking human beings by their racial characteristics (the highest type being both a little inbred and a little crossbred), but he certainly doesn't state anything even remotely reminiscent to a Jewish master race to rule the rest.
He's only using the language of the day, which is insensitive from a modern perspective, and he's a lot milder than much that was written at those times.
Last time I was in the UK, there was a lovely pub with some excellent books on its shelves, and I both amused and shocked myself by reading one of Haldane's books from about the same time period as I sipped my beers. It was a different world 100 years ago. (I think I took a photo of some choice pages, I can hunt them out if you like!)
So, what evidence do you have that he holds one race superior? as would be required of a racist?As I stated, Coudenhove-Kalergi's racism is mild in his historical context. Even progressive!
But nonetheless racism.
So, what evidence do you have that he holds one race superior? as would be required of a racist?
From his writings, per @Trailblazer : "Where inbreeding and crossbreeding meet under happy auspices, they produce the highest type of human being who combines the strongest character with the sharpest mind.", I suspect he is claiming those "happy auspices" for his own particular - and extensive - blend. From his Wikipedia page:So, what evidence do you have that he holds one race superior? as would be required of a racist?
External Quote:
Coudenhove-Kalergi was the second son of Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi (1859–1906), an Austro-Hungarian count and diplomat. His mother was Mitsuko Aoyama (1874–1941). His father, who spoke sixteen languages and embraced travel as the only means of prolonging life yet died in his forties, had prematurely abandoned a career in the Austrian diplomatic service that took him to Athens, Constantinople, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo, to devote himself to study and writing.
Coudenhove-Kalergi's parents met when his mother helped the Austro-Hungarian diplomat after he fell off a horse while riding in Japan. In commenting on their union, Whittaker Chambers described the future originator of Pan-Europe as "practically a Pan-European organization himself." He elaborated: "The Coudenhoves were a wealthy Flemish family that fled to Austria during the French Revolution. The Kalergiswere a wealthy Greek family from Crete. The line has been further crossed with Poles, Norwegians, Balts, French and Germans".[6] The Kalergis family roots claim their descent from Byzantine royalty via Venetianaristocracy, connecting with the Phokas imperial dynasty. In 1300, Coudenhove-Kalergi's ancestor Alexios Phokas-Kalergis signed the treaty that made Crete a dominion of Venice.
So, can you back that up with evidence?From his writings, per @Trailblazer : "Where inbreeding and crossbreeding meet under happy auspices, they produce the highest type of human being who combines the strongest character with the sharpest mind.", I suspect he is claiming those "happy auspices" for his own particular - and extensive - blend.
You have no evidence, understood.A type of racism is using hereditary characteristics to imply superiority which he does. Not so much 'one race'. Explained earlier and demonstrated by his phraseology.
You have no evidence, understood.
You didn't read @Trailblazer 's translation through, did you.Racists typically promote the purity of their own race. C.-K. appears to do the oppisite here, by praising cross-breeding, of non-specific races, and he says that the result is a diverse mix of personalities that's going to inevitably dominate the future. It's the opposite of racism.
So, what evidence do you have that he holds one race superior? as would be required of a racist?
But it isn't, because "race" and thence "racism" are what cultural theorists call floating signifiers, and - weakening your stance and strengthening @LilWabbit's - their recent variance has taken place in different ways and in different directions. "Race", in attempting to find some precision, but failing, has decreased in meaning to almost meaninglessness, but "racism" has expanded in meaning to cover almost anything tribalistic. And I'm sure you won't agree on that point, beacause it weakens your stance. But by disagreeing on those definitions, you've proved that they are indeed floating signifiers, thus weakening your stance. Best to drop it, it's a dead end argument.
I'm not versed with the exact quotes, but I believe terminology like "purity" and "hygiene" were in the Nazi "aryan" (oh, my, and that's a word we could also dig into) Nordic ideals, so explicitly an exclusive maintainance of a prior line (that wasn't ever even a line). You can easily point the finger at people like Hitler and Gunther for wording things this way, but it's the absolutely standard Scientific Racism playbook that goes back centuries, they came up with nothing new, even selecting the "Nordics" wasn't new, I think Madison Grant invented that - I wonder if Gunther was familiar with Grant's writing? (Apologies to the Germans recoiling at my lack of umlauts, I type only in ASCII.)The only thing almost everyone agrees about racism is that the Nazis were racist. Let's call it the lowest common denominator.
Their racism was based on an ideology of there being a superior human, in contrast to others that are inferior humans, detectable by certain inherited and apparent physical characteristics which imply intellectual and spiritual superiority.
He's [RC-K] saying that some weird mongrel-inbred hybrids are the best.
...while saying that others are "degenerative types with a weak character and dull spirit."He's saying that some weird mongrel-inbred hybrids are the best.
What sometimes happens is that some person B paraphrases and comments on the content of a book that A wrote, and then C sees that and goes, "A writes in his book that..." and goes with the paraphrase.It is clear he did not say it.
That misreads as "future race of asians and negroes" if you omit the "eur" in "eurasian".Die eurasisch-negroide Zukunftsrasse
External Quote:Was die Juden von den Durchschnitts-Städtern hauptsächlich scheidet, ist, daß sie Inzuchtmenschen sind. Charakterstärke verbunden mit Geistesschärfe prädestiniert den Juden in seinen hervorragendsten Exemplaren zum Führer urbaner Menschheit, zum falschen wie zum echten Geistesaristokraten zum Protagonisten des Kapitalismus wie der Revolution. [28]
External Quote:Diesen jüdischen Propheten der Gegenwart, die eine neue Weltepoche vorbereiten, ist in allem das Ethische Primär: in Politik, Religion, Philosophie und Kunst. Von Moses bis Weininger war Ethik Hauptproblem jüdischer Philosophie.
Article: Although conspiracy theories about "white genocide" are older, the specific claims related to Kalergi have their origins in Nazi Germany, according to historians Roland Clark and Nikolaus Hagen.
They were circulated, among others, by the newspaper of the Nazi Party, which used xenophobic, anti-Semitic, and racist language to describe Kalergi as "the commercial prophet of Pan-Europe" and "a dressed-up, nasty mongrel" who "dreams of a world of Eurasian-Negroid humans, subject to the God-given rule of the Jews."
External Quote:Der Adelsmensch der Zukunft wird weder feudal noch jüdisch, weder bürgerlich noch proletarisch: er wird synthetisch sein. Die Rassen und Klassen im heutigen Sinne werden verschwinden, die Persönlichkeiten bleiben.
That's a disingenous assumption when you saw that I corrected his translation. Trust that I can read Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in the original German.You didn't read @Trailblazer 's translation through, did you.
No, he doesn't. He doesn't mention race at all, nor does it correspond to the human typology he presents in the previous chapters. In chapter 3, RCK puts forth the gentleman-bohemien personality dimension, and he puts the English and French at opposite extremes while placing Germans in the middle. You notice that all of these people are the same race. His other personality dimensions lack anything race-like.He is defining people by attributing their character and intelligence to their racial mixture (the absolute essence of racism), augmented by his own idiosyncratic definitions of "happy" or "unfortunate" auspices.
Going ad hominem? My opinion hardly matters, we're discussing Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.So you think it's OK
It's not a semantic debate. You need to bring the evidence that a) your criteria for racism are well-chosen, and b) that Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi fulfils them as exemplified by his writing.Where's the 'evidence' for semantic debates anyways.
And, under bad auspices, the worst.He's saying that some weird mongrel-inbred hybrids are the best.
I didn't spot any call for eugenics in the book, did you?And indeed, this RC-K version is very different in means, despite being almost identical in eugenic ends.
I think I'd agree if you called Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi a supremacist: he seems to think there's a personality type that's inherently best suited to lead humanity. These leaders are his nobility of the future. But it's hard to pin down what he's a supremacist of, as he's very vague about it (and states clearly that only some jews have it)—he almost defines a meritocracy, as he proposes that the best and most ethical minds should lead.But it isn't, because "race" and thence "racism" are what cultural theorists call floating signifiers, and - weakening your stance and strengthening @LilWabbit's - their recent variance has taken place in different ways and in different directions. "Race", in attempting to find some precision, but failing, has decreased in meaning to almost meaninglessness, but "racism" has expanded in meaning to cover almost anything tribalistic. And I'm sure you won't agree on that point, beacause it weakens your stance. But by disagreeing on those definitions, you've proved that they are indeed floating signifiers, thus weakening your stance. Best to drop it, it's a dead end argument.
Now tell me what non-racial things he could possibly mean by "inbreeding" and "crossbreeding", and whether it could have slipped his mind that he himself was half-Japanese.That's a disingenous assumption when you saw that I corrected his translation. Trust that I can read Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in the original German.
No, he doesn't. He doesn't mention race at all, nor does it correspond to the human typology he presents in the previous chapters. In chapter 3, RCK puts forth the gentleman-bohemien personality dimension, and he puts the English and French at opposite extremes while placing Germans in the middle. You notice that all of these people are the same race. His other personality dimensions lack anything race-like.
His understanding of genetics is flawed, of course, but he published this a century ago so that's to be expected.External Quote:For according to the laws of heredity, the diversity of the descendants increases with the diversity of the ancestors, and the uniformity of the descendants with the uniformity of the ancestors. In inbred families, one child is like the other: because they all represent a common family type. In mixed-breed families, the children are more distinct from one another: each forming a novel variation on the divergent parental and ancestral elements. Inbreeding creates characteristic types - crossing creates original personalities.
Still being circulated by the new nazis!@xxtects
Article: Although conspiracy theories about "white genocide" are older, the specific claims related to Kalergi have their origins in Nazi Germany, according to historians Roland Clark and Nikolaus Hagen.
They were circulated, among others, by the newspaper of the Nazi Party, which used xenophobic, anti-Semitic, and racist language to describe Kalergi as "the commercial prophet of Pan-Europe" and "a dressed-up, nasty mongrel" who "dreams of a world of Eurasian-Negroid humans, subject to the God-given rule of the Jews."
Quite - I do not speak more than the most elementary German and I fully appreciate that my machine-aided translation is likely to lack a lot of nuance. Thank you for your input.That's a disingenous assumption when you saw that I corrected his translation. Trust that I can read Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in the original German.
Already told you. The English families inbreed, therefore they're character-bound gentlemen, very ethical; the French cross-breed, and are therefore witty but ethically careless bohemiens. (Chapter 3)Now tell me what non-racial things he could possibly mean by "inbreeding" and "crossbreeding", and whether it could have slipped his mind that he himself was half-Japanese.
From @Trailblazer's comment (admittedly translated by Google):
His understanding of genetics is flawed, of course, but he published this a century ago so that's to be expected.External Quote:For according to the laws of heredity, the diversity of the descendants increases with the diversity of the ancestors, and the uniformity of the descendants with the uniformity of the ancestors. In inbred families, one child is like the other: because they all represent a common family type. In mixed-breed families, the children are more distinct from one another: each forming a novel variation on the divergent parental and ancestral elements. Inbreeding creates characteristic types - crossing creates original personalities.
His words: "The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future".Already told you. The English families inbreed, therefore they're character-bound gentlemen, very ethical; the French cross-breed, and are therefore witty but ethically careless bohemiens. (Chapter 3)
The burden of proof is on you to show that he brings race into it.
yea i did a search for "dreams of a world of Eurasian-Negroid humans, subject to the God-given rule of the Jews." since i think that is the closest to the OP quote so far. no luck.A cursory search for the Freimaurer-Zeitung of 1923 produced no useful results.
Article: Our personal philosopher Thumalla posted a reference to the high-grade Freemason Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi
"We are striving for an oriental Europe with a Eurasian-Negroid
mixed race of the future. This future mixed breed will outwardly be similar to the
ancient Egyptian breed. The leaders will be the Jews, as the
new nobility of spiritual grace."
Count Coudenhove-Kalergi
I don't know where he got it from, but you have your hunches like that. In any case, it's pretty gaga.
By Wolfgang Dvorak-Stocker
Again and again I receive letters that point me to the sinister plan of the "high-grade Freemason Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi", which would now obviously be put into practice, whereby the letter writers refer to book publications by quite honorable gentlemen of the right-wing camp. Coudenhove-Kalergi, the founder of the Pan-European movement, is said to have revealed as early as 1923 that he wished for the future of Europe a Eurasian-Negroid race of the future under the leadership of the Jews, who represented a noble race by spiritual grace. Again and again it is claimed that Coudenhove-Kalergi "promoted" such a Eurasian-Negroid mixed race or at least described it as "desirable". And again and again it is pointed out that he gave the leadership to the Jews.
In the writings of Coudenhove-Kalergi, however, there is no such plea, no such demand.
His words: "The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future".
The jewish leadership is on p.28:
External Quote:Was die Juden von den Durchschnitts-Städtern hauptsächlich scheidet, ist, daß sie Inzuchtmenschen sind. Charakterstärke verbunden mit Geistesschärfe prädestiniert den Juden in seinen hervorragendsten Exemplaren zum Führer urbaner Menschheit, zum falschen wie zum echten Geistesaristokraten zum Protagonisten des Kapitalismus wie der Revolution. [28]What separates the Jews from the average urbanite in the main is that they're an inbred type of person. Strength of character combines with sharpness of wit to predestine the most excellent jewish individuals to be the leaders of urbane mankind, to be the false as well as true nobility of the mind, to be the protagonists of capitalism and the revolution alike.
So there you have it. He may not have said it, but it's not a terrible misreading to think he did.
Article: Racism is a particularly vicious and mean expression of the caste spirit. It involves belief in the innate and absolute superiority of an arbitrarily defined human group over other equally arbitrarily defined groups.
Article: In its anthropological sense, the word "race" should be reserved for groups of mankind possessing well-developed and primarily heritable physical differences from other groups. Many populations can be so classified but, because of the complexity of human history, there are also many populations which cannot easily be fitted into a racial classification.