Contrail Pentagram and other "Signs" in the Sky

That one is most notable as a fine example of three contrails crossing at the same point. It would look better without the other trails.
Amazing, isn't it?
That the pilot(s) have made an almost perfect pentagram, awacs off at precicely the right time (no continuation of trail at the end of each angle), can you see the trails continuing at the end of each angle?, no they stop to create the pentagram!

I think the major issue, is the fact that what you see as a pentagram has been ingraned to be a symbol of evil, mainly through pop culture.. allow me to provide you some background on what you see.

The Pentagram, in and of itself, is no more evil than the Cross, the Upside Down Cross, the Ankh or Christmas. What you see as a sign of evil and demonic influence, actually started out as a pagan symbol dating as far back as the Sumerians. It was later adopted by Christianity to represent the 5 senses AND the 5 wounds of Christ (wreath of thorns, stake in each hand and through each foot), which was later known as the Stigmata (the signs of Christ's Crucifixion).

Here's a little more history you may find interesting.. Did you ever consider WHY Hitler chose the Swastika as the Symbol of the Third Reich? Its origins date back to Buddhism as a sign of everlasting life, or eternity.. not evil. Hitler chose the symbols he chose because of their meanings.. WE later interpreted them to mean something else. Now the Swastika represents depravity and murder.

Here's a few other things you may find interesting.. Two of the most celebrated holidays on the Christian Calendar are Easter and Christmas... both of which were originally Pagan holidays that were adopted by the Church to bring pagans into the fold. Lets look at Easter.. Did you ever wonder why chicks and rabbits were associated with the resurrection of Christ? They're signs of fertility and life... the Spring Solstice. Let's look at Christmas.. ever wonder why we have Yule Logs, or the 12 days of Christmas? Ever ask yourself what shepards were doing moving their herds in the middle of winter rather than getting them to better grazing BEFORE the cold of winter set in? Christmas is the winter solstice.. another pagan holiday adopted by the Church to help the transition of pagans to Christianity.

So, technically, if you want to say that things that are pagan in origin are evil (such as the pentagram) then youd have to declare that both Easter and Christmas are JUST as evil because of THEIR origins.

Now.. as far as the way the contrails cross one another... Odds are that if you can get to altitude, or change the angle you can SEE said contrails, your supposed 'intentional' pentagram, turns out not to be a pentagram what so ever.. just lines in the sky.. very similar to the way we see Constellations. Stars that we THINK are part of the groups we know as constellations are light years away from one another... not even in the same star group. Its all just a matter of perspective, literally.. the point that the images are seen from changes the way they look. If you take your pentagram and go a few hundred miles in another direction.. you wont see a pentagram, youll see a bunch of nondescript lines in the sky.

Finally.. ask yourself one LAST question. Why oh why would a group that wants to take over the world covertly, do such stupid and mundane things like painting pentagrams in the sky for the whole bloody world to see, when they DONT want us to know they exist? Not a very super secret organisation when they telegraph their existence. Why bother with contrails or smoke, when you can pick up a cell phone, or punch keys on a computer with 2 gig encryption algorithms? Occam's Razor dictates that the most simple solution (in most cases) is the correct solution. Which is more likely? The Illumiati/NWO are painting the skies with pentagrams for all the world to see.. or someone happened to be standing at the right place to take a pretty picture of something that LOOKS like a pentagram from their perspective?
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Zane you haven't told me how it is you know the altitude of the contrails in the picture - honestly I'd like to know how you figured it out.

or someone happened to be standing at the right place to take a pretty picture of something that LOOKS like a pentagram from their perspective?

Speaking of perspective (yet again) this seems to be a concept that many people simply don't grasp well, hence these misconceptions (the "pentagram" in a single still image, the claims of Apollo photos being "hoaxed", etc).

I like this single image to show how easily our eye/brain connection can be fooled:


Here is the web page that explains it.
Speaking of perspective (yet again) this seems to be a concept that many people simply don't grasp well, hence these misconceptions (the "pentagram" in a single still image, the claims of Apollo photos being "hoaxed", etc).

I like this single image to show how easily our eye/brain connection can be fooled:


Here is the web page that explains it.
Nice one TJ, I like this, and it kind of reminds me of the show on one of the science channels called "Mind Games". Great photo to illustrate optical illusions and how the brain perceives things. Our brains try to identify things as quickly as possible.
Nice one TJ, I like this, and it kind of reminds me of the show on one of the science channels called "Mind Games". Great photo to illustrate optical illusions and how the brain perceives things. Our brains try to identify things as quickly as possible.
I like this one to of him with Penn and Teller; even seeing it like this our minds still want to believe its an ordinary crate
I like this one to of him with Penn and Teller; even seeing it like this our minds still want to believe its an ordinary crate

And just to freak you out....... how it "really" looks:


the bent "rope" is braced by a steel bar wired to it with fishing line that cannot be seen.
I'm confused. Every time I click on a thread about the appearance of occult symbols on this site, it's mostly just members saying "those symbols mean nothing, it's just a coincidence". However the prevalence of these symbols is such that it takes a real leap of faith to say they are meaningless and coincidental, does it not? Are you saying that it's only coincidental that the same symbols appear in ancient pyramids, Masonic literature, currencies, modern music videos, etc over and over again? For example, are you saying it is only coincidental that the sacred owl symbol repeatedly shows up in Masonic texts, masonic design, American architectural design, etc? Surely you would admit that this symbol holds special meaning for certain fraternal organizations, and they often like to include it in their projects as a sort of signature.
There's no leap of faith in dismissing the patterns, because under the flight control system we have right now, you would expect to these frequently, often repeating over specific locations.

Pulling a link from farther up the thread:
Under the current air traffic control system, planes fly along specific "highways in the sky" which intersect at certain points over navigational beacons.
I'm confused. Every time I click on a thread about the appearance of occult symbols on this site, it's mostly just members saying "those symbols mean nothing, it's just a coincidence". However the prevalence of these symbols is such that it takes a real leap of faith to say they are meaningless and coincidental, does it not? Are you saying that it's only coincidental that the same symbols appear in ancient pyramids, Masonic literature, currencies, modern music videos, etc over and over again? For example, are you saying it is only coincidental that the sacred owl symbol repeatedly shows up in Masonic texts, masonic design, American architectural design, etc? Surely you would admit that this symbol holds special meaning for certain fraternal organizations, and they often like to include it in their projects as a sort of signature.

The major problem with saying OMGLOOKATTHEPENTAGRAMINTHESKY is that, as I explained earlier, its not actually a pentagram if you go up to alititude and LOOK at it. Its all, literally, a matter of visual perspective. You go 300 miles in any direction and the pentagram, is no longer a pentagram. Further to that, pentagrams are no more evil than Christmas.. so no, its not a leap of faith. Its a leap of faith and logic to assume that a group of "secret societies" who have remained hidden since the beginning of civilization are now, suddenly, using cryptic symbolism to proclaim their existence. Why bother? Youve got the internet, radio and television to OVERTLY come out and say.. hey guess what people.. WE OWN YOU NOW. Why are they going to spray pentagrams in the sky to announce themselves?

None of us are saying that symbols dont exist... all ANY of us are saying, is that in every instance that's been brought up so far the "symbols" have been something mundane or easy to explain OUTSIDE of AMGITSTHEEVILILLUMINATI/NWOTAKINGOVERTHEWORLD.
Surely you would admit that this symbol holds special meaning for certain fraternal organizations, and they often like to include it in their projects as a sort of signature.

This is purely the result of Human interpretation. I mean, look at this:

Naturally occurs in a fruit. SO what? (link to more images that occur in nature): (Please note the starfish, there).

Then, we have this classic drawn by Leonardo daVinci ("Vitruvian Man" as a symbolic study of proportion...OUR heads do not complete the pentagram shape, though:

These designs just happen to be pleasing to our brains, is some ways, and have since taken on "mystical" overtones that are pure fantasy.

Anectodal: I stopped at a grocery store the other night, and saw this particular tree limb and its leaves illuminated from behind by the light from the store's windows. It looked (and this is a case of pareidolia) much like the face of a "beatnik" from the 1960s, wearing sunglasses, with a goatee.

Seems Captain Kirk is involved in Chemtrails ;)


Veering OT but....the original emblem shape (the outline, not the interior symbol) had a backstory....(basically, it was Zephram Cochrane's concept of the Warp Field, as simply drawn on a napkin).

The first elongated star interior symbol is, well....just a "standard" five-point star "going to Warp".

The remaining symbols, L to R are: "Sciences", "Engineering" and "Medical" (to denote the job classification of a particular crew-member).

And yeah, ST nerd, here...does it show?
here's my favourate.

A random collection of contrails, or sign that global anarchists have infiltrated the chemtrail industry?

(I suspect the former)
There is a clear Pentagram type shape made by the contrails at this link, seems a coincidence that the flight paths make a beautiful looking symbol like that.

Oh and you do not need to be a rocket scientist to tell that those contrails are well less than 28,000 feet, which I understood is the minimum level contrails can be made. I dont if thats right, all you bunkee's, bunkers what ever you call yourselves, you are the paid experts, so please enlighten me.


It doesn't show very well in the picture, but when I first spotted this while driving it was a perfect upside down triangle. If you look closely, you can see the point of the triangle at the bottom left of the picture. It was perfectly symmetrical, I don't see how this could be ordinary jet exhaust with such an obvious pattern.
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