Claim: Covid vaccine gives you "Serpent" DNA/marks you 666

Shade sitter

New Member
Source: YouTube? United Nations, Trump, Moderna. Family member.

My family member says the NWO is coming and they will mark everyone by using the vaccine to change their DNA, he claims "the true Hebrew version" of the bible says that Cain was the son of Eve and the Serpent, because in his translation it says the Serpent "knew Eve" (had sex with her) and that it spawned a whole race of Serpent DNA people (not necessarily reptilians) who got wiped out by the flood (of course the catholic church covered it up by removing books from the bible during the reformation and hiding archaeology evidence). Now the Serpent is back to finish the job or something like that and fulfill the antichrist prophecy.

He claims back in 1993 they made the patent for the "universal coronavirus vaccine" and Moderna is developing it (I don't know how he came to that conclusion). He says all the prophecies are coming true (shoehorning) and one of them is Trump's arab peace deal (pageantry with failure) and the Trump/King Cyrus 70 year coin. Of course there are secret codes of geomatria in the bible that "confirm" what he thinks.

Can anyone help me debunk this nonsense to put him at ease? He ordered at least $1000 of survival equipment on amazon and is planning to run away and live in the California mountains during historic fire season!
Source: YouTube? United Nations, Trump, Moderna. Family member.

My family member says the NWO is coming and they will mark everyone by using the vaccine to change their DNA, he claims "the true Hebrew version" of the bible says that Cain was the son of Eve and the Serpent, because in his translation it says the Serpent "knew Eve" (had sex with her) and that it spawned a whole race of Serpent DNA people (not necessarily reptilians) who got wiped out by the flood (of course the catholic church covered it up by removing books from the bible during the reformation and hiding archaeology evidence). Now the Serpent is back to finish the job or something like that and fulfill the antichrist prophecy.

He claims back in 1993 they made the patent for the "universal coronavirus vaccine" and Moderna is developing it (I don't know how he came to that conclusion). He says all the prophecies are coming true (shoehorning) and one of them is Trump's arab peace deal (pageantry with failure) and the Trump/King Cyrus 70 year coin. Of course there are secret codes of geomatria in the bible that "confirm" what he thinks.

Can anyone help me debunk this nonsense to put him at ease? He ordered at least $1000 of survival equipment on amazon and is planning to run away and live in the California mountains during historic fire season!
Yes, I would love to help you debunk this nonsense. First off is to start with his claim that "the original Hebrew Bible" teaches that Eve and the Serpent fathered Cain. This is absolutely silly and is not founded in the Hebrew. I am trained to read Biblical Hebrew and I have a good bit of knowledge of ancient Judaism. The Hebrew text does not put forth this idea that The serpent fathered Cain and no version of the Hebrew Bible found in the caves of Qumran supports this as well not even the Greek septuagint, which is the Ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. Below is a link to a video debunking this myth by a well known professional Hebrew scholar named Dr Michael Heiser. Check it out and subscribe to his channel for more good content.

Shade Sitter, you may have your work cut out for you. I, too, am a new member here, but I've been reading this site for years. While I think the members are very polite and helpful, this forum likes you to bring specific claims. Once you do they are great at finding counter points. So I'm not even sure if this response is in keeping with the ethos of the site, however.

I spent my high school and early collage years very deeply involved in an evangelical church. Not full Fundie crazy, but close. I loved prophecy and fitting it to current events (mid '80s events). There is a thrill to figuring out how the Bible relates and foretells our current situation. I knew all the things that were about to happen according to the Bible back in those days. 30 something years later, we're all still here and I'm on Metabunk.

One thing you can try to do is read the Bible itself. Not all of it, but maybe that parts your family member is citing. In my own evolution, I found that many of the things people thought were in the Bible weren't. Mary Magdeline was a prostitute is a classic example. That is nowhere in the Bible. Just like many of your family member's convictions.

Trenton advised checking out Michael Heiser's site. He's great at debunking Stichen's claims of what the old Sumerian texts really said. He knows ancient Biblical languages really well.

But if people have secret knowledge and insights, it's pretty hard to argue with that. Good luck brother! At the very least tell your family member that the hills of California are all on fire. There's no escape here.
I knew all the things that were about to happen according to the Bible back in those days. 30 something years later, we're all still here and I'm on Metabunk.

that's what i was going to say. People have been seeing signs that fit the prophecies for hundreds of years. it's like Nostradamus..if you look hard enough you can find something that fits. Or astrology.

and trying to convince astrology or religious believers that it isn't real is almost impossible. esp if your time is limited.

I'm not sure what the family member's actual fear is.. if he is going to the mountains in a fire situation to escape the anti-christ or the end of the world, that is a bit misguided as the anti-christ can still find you.

if he's going to the mountains to escape the people the covid vaccine is going to turn into snake people.. well, i think he can wait until the conditions are safer. as it will take quite a few years for the potion to mutate the peoples DNA. it's not like that stuff happens overnight. and first they are gonna give it to old people and health care workers anyway. so i would tell him just dont go to the doctors or to a nursing home and you'll be fine.

that will at least give you some time to figure out if you can get him some mental health intervention. or maybe when he sees the old people aren't turning into snakes, he'll drop the theory.
Yes, I would love to help you debunk this nonsense. First off is to start with his claim that "the original Hebrew Bible" teaches that Eve and the Serpent fathered Cain. This is absolutely silly and is not founded in the Hebrew. I am trained to read Biblical Hebrew and I have a good bit of knowledge of ancient Judaism. The Hebrew text does not put forth this idea that The serpent fathered Cain and no version of the Hebrew Bible found in the caves of Qumran supports this as well not even the Greek septuagint, which is the Ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. Below is a link to a video debunking this myth by a well known professional Hebrew scholar named Dr Michael Heiser. Check it out and subscribe to his channel for more good content.


Thank You for this, it may help, but I am not sure it will have much of an impact because of the geomatria. The problem is that geomatria codes, patterns, designs or whatever you want to call it are intentionally put in the bible by the scribes. Many ancient cultures adopted this practice and my guess is that the Jews learned it from the Egyptians or Babylonians, later jewish greeks synchronized their geomatria with the old testament scriptures in order to give legitimacy to thier new writings. People who stumble across this often think it means the bible was "written by God" and "tells every secret in the universe" if you can "decipher" it.

How do I convince my brother that he has not stumbled on patterns that predict the future, but rather a system made by the writers for other purposes (like secret cult teachings)?
The problem is that geomatria codes, patterns, designs or whatever you want to call it are intentionally put in the bible by the scribes.

No it isn't. You are experiencing synchronicity.
External Quote:

Why do I see patterns in everything?

The human brain is designed to identify patterns. While this tendency can be useful, it may lead someone to over-interpret a random occurrence or perceive a pattern where none exists. Individuals vary in their tendency to recognize patterns; those who ascribe greater significance to patterns may be more likely to notice them.

No it isn't. You are experiencing synchronicity.
External Quote:

Why do I see patterns in everything?

The human brain is designed to identify patterns. While this tendency can be useful, it may lead someone to over-interpret a random occurrence or perceive a pattern where none exists. Individuals vary in their tendency to recognize patterns; those who ascribe greater significance to patterns may be more likely to notice them.

I am not advocating that these patterns are "from God" or "supernatural", I am saying they are man made and being interpreted wrong by fringe Christian fundies. Do not be so quick to dismiss everything because of confimation bias. They cannot "tell the future" with a Hebrew calander or whatever, it does not work that way and probably was never suposed to.

Yes, I understand the concept of the pattern brain effect, and yes these things are often over interpreted. But its clear that this stuff is intentional and not random. This isn't that "bible code" stuff from the history channel, this is a basic cipher (like: A=1, B=2, AB=3) that greeks and Hebrews used for additional teachings in their cults. It was not written for people of today, the audience was suposed to be the deciples of that time period. Its not like there is anyone alive right now who can explain these things. They are easily interpreted wrongly.

According to recent secular archeologists and religious scholors, The Jews actually reconstructed their religion after the fall of the first temple. There are very compelling doccumentaries out now that explain this. The jews absorbed different religious Ideas from the Babylonian Religions while in exile. Religions like Zoronostrcism(?) And general babylonian myth. They scrapped their pantheon and switched to monotheism in order to eliminate worship of other gods that would anger their creator God. They were in denial that the fall of their civilization actually happened from not paying tribute to Babylon, they blamed it on worship other gods.

It is not a coincidence that they wrote their historical revisionism with practices like geomatria that they learned in Babylon. You can even this on Rational Wiki!

Its beyond coincidence that the value of 888 appears so often in both the Hebrew and greek when talking about messianic figures or symbols for salvation: Noahs Ark, Abrahams Ram, Jesus, etc.

Its easy for a fringe person to pick this up, not understand it, and come up with a wild conclusion like that they can tell the future. The truth is more grey than black or white.
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I am not advocating that these patterns are "from God" or "supernatural", I am saying they are man made and being interpreted wrong by fringe Christian fundies. Do not be so quick to dismiss everything because of confimation bias. They cannot "tell the future" with a Hebrew calander or whatever, it does not work that way and probably was never suposed to.
This seems to be a rebranding of the Bible Code idea from the 1970s.
External Quote:

"When my critics find a message about the assassination of a prime minister encrypted in Moby Dick, I'll believe them.
—(They did. He didn't.) Michael Drosnin. Newsweek, Jun 9, 1997
It has been extensively shown that you can take any large chunk of text and "find" such messages in it. They are not deliberately inserted, they are the inevitable result of the mathematics of probabil
For instance

Rational Wiki - Bible Code

Statistical Science publishes Bible Codes Refutation
this guy's story is interesting. He suffered the same affliction you and your brother do. Perhaps his story will resonate with you more than hearing it from a debunking site. It sounds like an incredibly long process to shake these beliefs.
External Quote:

Debunking Myself: What A Long Strange Trip It's Been

his site side bar/about blurb:
I created this site on February 11, 2001 to share the Bible Wheel which I discovered in 1995. For over a decade I was completely convinced it was proof of the divine inspiration of Scripture. In late 2009 my wife and I began questioning our beliefs and have since left the faith. Oddly enough, the evidence for the Bible Wheel withstood our skepticism though the Bible itself did not. What it means remains a mystery. The mystery has been resolved. See my post Debunking Myself: What A Long Strange Trip It's Been

add: as far as your brother, i would refrain from reinforcing his cognitive bias by saying the gematria is real, but put there for other reasons. I don't know what fundie christains believe, but ALL writings in the bible are divinely inspired. So it doesnt really matter if the scribes thought they were injecting those things (they didnt) for other reasons, God's Will guides the hands of the scribes. So for believers i know, no matter how you slice it- it still is God's Word. I don't think your debate tactic would work on your brother.
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