space station

  1. flarkey

    Historical Satellite Pass Data

    Many UFO sightings at night can be explained by Satellites, particularly the bright ones such as the ISS. Some websites such as use a very text based interface which can be difficult to use making it hard to find satellite passes that match the observation. The website...
  2. V

    Needs debunking: flat earthers claim this reflection to show a harness in ISS video

    This is a clip from the video of Megan McArthur and Thomas Pesquet answering questions of kids: Source: At one point (2:00) Thomas attachs the tablet to the back wall and later when he jumps down (16:20), the tablet shows a reflection of something...
  3. Mick West

    Debunked: "Fake" live chat from the International Space Station (ISS) with Boise State

    Source: The above video is just one of literally thousands of videos from space. A variety of the more extreme conspiracy theorist think that all footage from space (which in the last few years has almost all been from the International Space Station)...
  4. Mick West

    Space Station Photos Disprove the "Flat Earth" Theory

    The above sequence of images is the international space station. I took them on Saturday, May 28th 2016, at 9:28PM in the Northern California town of Shingle Springs (near Sacamento). They are not very good, but you can still make out the general shape of the ISS, with the central body, and the...