
  1. Mick West

    Explained: Strange Clouds over Costa Rica [Cumulonimbus Pileus & Iridescence]

    A video being shared on social media shows an odd looking colorful cloud that looks a bit like a translucent disc hovering over a storm cloud. It actually is a translucent disc hovering over a storm cloud. It's a type of cloud know as Pileus, or a cap cloud, which is formed above a cumulonumbus...
  2. Mick West

    A Coronal Iridescent Contrail

    I took this photo at 3:36 PM, Aug 25, 2015. The plane had just flown past the sun when I noticed this small region of interesting colors in the trail it left. Here you can see the position of the colors relative to the sun. This was a couple of seconds earlier, and the plane is still visible...